Who are you shilling for?

Really, Walleyes? Is that why he is considered the foremost climatologist in the US if not in the world?

That is one of the most damning indictments of climate change science I have ever heard.

If that lying, leftist, wackjob, and all around sorry excuse for a human being is at the top of the dungheap that is climate science, then you may as well sweep it all off into the dustbin of history as it has no chance of ever becoming anything.

Would you like to see a short list of hansen's failed predictions? Hell, it might even give a sour assed leftie like yourself a laugh.

Here are a couple:

In 1989 he said that in 20 years or so:

“The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change.”

“Hansen predicted that global temperatures should be nearly 2 degrees higher in 20 years, ‘which is about the warmest the earth has been in the last 100,000 years.’” AP Overheating of Earth Poses Survival Threat, “ The Press-Courier,(Milwaukee) June 11, 1986

“If scientist James Hansen is correct, humankind may be turning planet Earth into a giant steamer and the population into unwilling clams.
The director of the Goddard Institute for Space studies in New York City, who spoke Wednesday at the University of Florida, forecasts the average global temperature rise as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2030. This, he said, would more than double the annual number of days in many U. S. cities with weather in the 90s.” John Wood, “Earth is heating Up, Space Scientist Warns, “ Gainesville Sun, Sept 4, 1986, p. 1

You want more? The fact that you believe anyting this nut job says and regard him as one of the best in the field casts a pitiful light on your own ability to percieve reality.
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"6th Extinction event" huh? As usual you clowns resort to hyperbole and silliness to try and frighten the natives.......18,225 NEW SPECIES discovered in 2008 alone.....yep the world sure is dying off fast. Your numbers for this are as accurate as the numbers you concocted for the supposed disappearance of the Himalayan glaciers....OOOOOPPPS!

18,225 new species discovered in 2008

Or how about the 50 new species discovered in ONE WEEK!

NOAA 'Okeanos Explorer' Discovers New Species With Robotic Vehicle In Indonesia's Oceans (PHOTOS)


Westwall, bad comparison. That would be like saying a dozen black birds were shot down in a week but that is ok because we found some paper airplanes.

Imagine Tigers going extinct but us finding a dozen "new" species of Amazon insects.

No, it isn't. How many species have provably gone extinct in that last 100 years? Less then 500 is the answer. And the vast majority of those were small critters that aren't even noticed. The simple fact is the world loses species all the time. It also gains new species all the time. the claim that man is perpetrating a 6th extinction event is not supported by fact. It is simply a lie perpetrated to try and legitimize the theft of more money from you and me.

Your usual lies, Walleyes. At least 500 extinctions just in birds, according to Duke University.

Birds Going Extinct Faster Due To Human Activities

ScienceDaily (July 5, 2006) — Human activities have caused some 500 bird species worldwide to go extinct over the past five millennia, and 21st-century extinction rates likely will accelerate to approximately 10 additional species per year unless societies take action to reverse the trend, according to a new report.
Without the influence of humans, the expected extinction rate for birds would be roughly one species per century, according to Stuart Pimm, professor of conservation ecology at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, who is one of the report's principal authors.

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