Who are the Israelis?

East Jerusalem; Israeli kids after 1967 didn’t live under the same Apartheid restrictions those prior did; being denied access to their most religious sites !
Israel “ occupied” E Jerusalem? Tinmore “ forgot” to mention that it was a result of the 67 War the Arabs initiated lol
Which Arabs?
You’re right… I keep forgetting that it was Israel who blocked the Straits the Israelis who were shooting at “ peaceful” Syrian Civilians in the Golan Heights, and it was Israel who marched into “ neutral” Jordan who did not fight along side of the Egyptians ;for the sole purpose of taking over E Jerusalem
Good duck.
I’ll answer you. Egypt who closed the Straits of Tiran, Syria who was using Israeli Civilians as target practice in Golan Heights, and Jordan who joined them
BTW, E Jerusalem was officially recognized as being annexed to Jordan in 1950
I’ll answer you. Egypt who closed the Straits of Tiran, Syria who was using Israeli Civilians as target practice in Golan Heights, and Jordan who joined them
BTW, E Jerusalem was officially recognized as being annexed to Jordan in 1950
The West Bank was recognized as Palestinians occupied territory. It is still recognized as Palestinian occupied territory.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: Propaganda Rhetoric
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The UN Charter states that it is a violation to → threaten the use of force against the territorial integrity of any state.

Which Arabs?
It was the principal, the Egyptians, Syria, and the Jordanians. "
By the spring of 1967, the Israelis were retaliating forcefully against Syria, whose leaders demanded that Egypt intervene on their behalf." (US DoS Historian)

US DoS Historian said:
While the adjacent Arab League principals were the ones to bleed on the field, it was the Russian allies who were the ones to light the fuse.
US DoS Historian said:

But you know all this. → Don't play dumb (Which Arabs? How ridiculous!).

Most Respectfully,

The West Bank was recognized as Palestinians occupied territory. It is still recognized as Palestinian occupied territory.
WRONG !!!!! From what I have read nobody screamed “ Occupation” Please tell us then how Jordan had the ability to deprive the Israelis of their Holy Sites
RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: Propaganda Rhetoric
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You have that backward. "Occupied Palestinian Territory (OpT)" NOT "Palestinian occupied territory (pOT)." But we know what you meant to say.

The West Bank was recognized as Palestinians occupied territory. It is still recognized as Palestinian occupied territory.

Who initiated the recognition of a state. You always told us that the UN cannot create a "State." Is that not true?

EXCERPT: UN Legal Affairs - Under-Secretary-General UN

It was really only a State when Mahmoud Abbas said it was the State of Palestine. I urge you to read, at least the first couple of pages (carefully). Put your thinking cap on . Drop all your preconceived notions.


Most Respectfully,


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RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: Propaganda Rhetoric
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The UN Charter states that it is a violation to → threaten the use of force against the territorial integrity of any state.

It was the principal, the Egyptians, Syria, and the Jordanians. "
By the spring of 1967, the Israelis were retaliating forcefully against Syria, whose leaders demanded that Egypt intervene on their behalf." (US DoS Historian)

While the adjacent Arab League principals were the ones to bleed on the field, it was the Russian allies who were the ones to light the fuse.

But you know all this. → Don't play dumb (Which Arabs? How ridiculous!).

Most Respectfully,

It was the principal, the Egyptians, Syria, and the Jordanians.
So the, how did Palestine lose land when Israel had a war with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria? And Lebanon in the 1948 war?

It is misleading to use the term the Arabs.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: Propaganda Rhetoric
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The Arab Palestinian - as a people - had no sovereign territory over which they exercised exclusive self-governance.

So the, how did Palestine lose land when Israel had a war with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria? And Lebanon in the 1948 war?

◈ Prior to 1918, the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic exercised self-governance and sovereignty over the territory under discussion.
◈ In October 1918, under the Armistice of Mudros, the Ottoman Empire effectively surrendered the remainder of the territory under discussion which was not already under Allied Occupation.
◈ Between 1918 and 1920 the territory was under the effective control of The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA).
◈ After the decisions of San Remo Convention of April 1920, by July 1920 the territory was placed under a British Civil Administration.
◈ In August 1922, the Palestine Order in Council was issued and two days later the Mandate for Palestine was placed into effect. The Allied Powers agreed that the British should be the Mandatory Power.
◈ Between 1922 and 1948, despite being invited several times to participate in self-governing institutions, the British High Commissioner exercised civil administration in Palestine without the benefit of Arab Palestinian participation. The staff was completely British. The Jewish Agency, as required by the Mandate, was "recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the British Administration."
◈ In May 1948, Israel declared Independence in that portion of the territory as outlined in A/RES/181 (II). Israel was immediately set upon by the Arab League members. By 1949, four Armistice Agreements between Israel and the four principal members of the Arab League brought a ceasefire to the territory. What territory was not under the sovereign governance of the new Israel or otherwise - the additional territory under its effective control, - the remainder of the territory of the once Government of Palestine (British Administration) was taken under control by one of the four Arab League parties concerned.
◈ At no time was an Arab Palestinian Government formed - and - at no time was an Arab Palestine territory formed. There was an Egyptian established front government called the "All Palestine Government" (APG) which even the remainder of the Arab League ignored.
Israel took no territory that was under Arab Palestinian self-determination. NONE! And the Arab League participants in the conflict took no territory that was under Arab Palestinian self-determination.

It is misleading to use the term the Arabs.

I am assuming that you would agree that the phrase "Arabs of Palestine" and "Arab Palestinians" are equivalent. The phrase "Arabs of Palestine" was used consistently by the Arab Higher Committee which represented the "Arabs of Palestine" (Arab Palestinians). (
A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

I'm just following, in my opinion, the convention used. It was the Arab Higher Committee that made the distinction between Arab Palestinians and any other kind of Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,

Last edited:
RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: Propaganda Rhetoric
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The Arab Palestinian - as a people - had no sovereign territory over which they exercised exclusive self-governance.


◈ Prior to 1918, the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic exercised self-governance and sovereignty over the territory under discussion.
◈ In October 1918, under the Armistice of Mudros, the Ottoman Empire effectively surrendered the remainder of the territory under discussion which was not already under Allied Occupation.
◈ Between 1918 and 1920 the territory was under the effective control of The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA).
◈ After the decisions of San Remo Convention of April 1920, by July 1920 the territory was placed under a British Civil Administration.
◈ In August 1922, the Palestine Order in Council was issued and two days later the Mandate for Palestine was placed into effect. The Allied Powers agreed that the British should be the Mandatory Power.
◈ Between 1922 and 1948, despite being invited several times to participate in self-governing institutions, the British High Commissioner exercised civil administration in Palestine without the benefit of Arab Palestinian participation. The staff was completely British. The Jewish Agency, as required by the Mandate, was "recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the British Administration."
◈ In May 1948, Israel declared Independence in that portion of the territory as outlined in A/RES/181 (II). Israel was immediately set upon by the Arab League members. By 1949, four Armistice Agreements between Israel and the four principal members of the Arab League brought a ceasefire to the territory. What territory was not under the sovereign governance of the new Israel or otherwise - the additional territory under its effective control, - the remainder of the territory of the once Government of Palestine (British Administration) was taken under control by one of the four Arab League parties concerned.
◈ At no time was an Arab Palestinian Government formed - and - at no time was an Arab Palestine territory formed. There was an Egyptian established front government called the "All Palestine Government" (APG) which even the remainder of the Arab League ignored.
Israel took no territory that was under Arab Palestinian self-determination. NONE! And the Arab League participants in the conflict took no territory that was under Arab Palestinian self-determination.


I am assuming that you would agree that the phrase "Arabs of Palestine" and "Arab Palestinians" are equivalent. The phrase "Arabs of Palestine" was used consistently by the Arab Higher Committee which represented the "Arabs of Palestine" (Arab Palestinians). (
A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948)

I'm just following, in my opinion, the convention used. It was the Arab Higher Committee that made the distinction between Arab Palestinians and any other kind of Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,

Your BS Israeli propaganda is failing you.

The allied powers claimed no sovereignty. So who then?

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