White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

Dick Tuck

Board Troll
Aug 29, 2009
The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

The hacker, who goes by the name of Klanklannon, leaked private messages from Martin's Facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

OE: This post was neg repped by GHook93.
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The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

The hacker, who goes by the name of Klanklannon, leaked private messages from Martin's Facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

And what do left wing racists do?
The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

The hacker, who goes by the name of Klanklannon, leaked private messages from Martin's Facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

And what do left wing racists do?

Is that your defense of this pig? Red herrings? Grow the fuck up.
The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

And what do left wing racists do?

Is that your defense of this pig? Red herrings? Grow the fuck up.

You just have your thong up your ass because some left-wing wackaloon hasn't been able to hack Zimmerman's account yet.
And what do left wing racists do?

Is that your defense of this pig? Red herrings? Grow the fuck up.

You just have your thong up your ass because some left-wing wackaloon hasn't been able to hack Zimmerman's account yet.
They wouldn't dare do that, as they would probably confirm his status as a Democrat.

It's always entertaining as hell to see idiots try to spin this into being something partisan. Never fails that they end up getting hoist up by their own petards.
The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

The hacker, who goes by the name of Klanklannon, leaked private messages from Martin's Facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

And what do left wing racists do?

They present the worst possible photo for the "white" guy and choose a photo for the black teen that is old and makes him look about 13 years old.
Instead of this........


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The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

The hacker, who goes by the name of Klanklannon, leaked private messages from Martin's Facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

First, these are Nazis. These people hate both political parties and hate a mormon about as much as the hate a Jew! So your weak attempt to lump them in with Republicans is laughable.

Second, I remember people like you cheering on when a left winger hacked into Palin's computer. That was wrong also, but you (and people like you) supported it wholeheartedly!
All proving what 88% of the population al ready knew !

He was typically black ( the daily norm )

no surprises ! Notta one
And what do left wing racists do?

Is that your defense of this pig? Red herrings? Grow the fuck up.

You just have your thong up your ass because some left-wing wackaloon hasn't been able to hack Zimmerman's account yet.

Had you read the article, Klanklannon provided the password, that he changed to a racial slur. The account shows that he was sending out quite a few college, scholarship, and SAT related emails.
the article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

white supremacist hacks into trayvon martin's email, leaks everything online

the hacker, who goes by the name of klanklannon, leaked private messages from martin's facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

and what do left wing racists do?

the article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

white supremacist hacks into trayvon martin's email, leaks everything online

and what do left wing racists do?

they present the worst possible photo for the "white" guy and choose a photo for the black teen that is old and makes him look about 13 years old.
Instead of this........

i see a young black boy in this picture...what do you see ?
The article is worth a read. There's a clear demonstration of how right wing racists use lies of omission to sell their hate.

White Supremacist Hacks Into Trayvon Martin's Email, Leaks Everything Online

The hacker, who goes by the name of Klanklannon, leaked private messages from Martin's Facebook account on 4chan. In addition to the messages, he posted the information for the accounts as well for proof, after changing the passwords to racist slurs.

First, these are Nazis. These people hate both political parties and hate a mormon about as much as the hate a Jew! So your weak attempt to lump them in with Republicans is laughable.

Second, I remember people like you cheering on when a left winger hacked into Palin's computer. That was wrong also, but you (and people like you) supported it wholeheartedly!

The basic tenet of the Klan is they're for States Rights and that America is their twisted idea of a Christian nation. They're hyper nativist, making the Know Nothing Party of the 19th century, look almost liberal toward immigration. They're very pro a strict constructionist's view on the Second Amendment.

You can remember people cheering all you want about poor Sarah getting hacked, I wasn't among them. Why the red herring? Why not try a little intellectual honesty and deal with the subject at hand?
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Is that your defense of this pig? Red herrings? Grow the fuck up.

You just have your thong up your ass because some left-wing wackaloon hasn't been able to hack Zimmerman's account yet.

Had you read the article, Klanklannon provided the password, that he changed to a racial slur. The account shows that he was sending out quite a few college, scholarship, and SAT related emails.

What this douche did is incorrigble. This type of person does not belong to any main stream segment of society. For you to brand him as a right winger is disingeneous at best or incredibly ignorant.
Good for the young man...at this age I would imagine you would find alot of such email among his peers. It does not lessen or heighten the tragedy of his death.
Reprehensible and Indefensible.

Now if only more people on the left would say the same about these race hustling yahoos....
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You just have your thong up your ass because some left-wing wackaloon hasn't been able to hack Zimmerman's account yet.

Had you read the article, Klanklannon provided the password, that he changed to a racial slur. The account shows that he was sending out quite a few college, scholarship, and SAT related emails.

What this douche did is incorrigble. This type of person does not belong to any main stream segment of society. For you to brand him as a right winger is disingeneous at best or incredibly ignorant.
Good for the young man...at this age I would imagine you would find alot of such email among his peers. It does not lessen or heighten the tragedy of his death.

I agree with this, no one knows the political leanings of the hacker.
and what do left wing racists do?

they present the worst possible photo for the "white" guy and choose a photo for the black teen that is old and makes him look about 13 years old.
Instead of this........

i see a young black boy in this picture...what do you see ?

Someone that doesn't look like he is 12.
For Zimmerman they used an old jail photo...for Pete's sake.

This Zimmerman guy is probably guilty of something....he may only be guilty of bad judgement...or guilty of murder or somewhere in between. That doesn't mean that the media and the race baiters should assume total guilt from day one and try to make a system-wide accusation of racism.
they present the worst possible photo for the "white" guy and choose a photo for the black teen that is old and makes him look about 13 years old.
Instead of this........

i see a young black boy in this picture...what do you see ?

Someone that doesn't look like he is 12.
For Zimmerman they used an old jail photo...for Pete's sake.

This Zimmerman guy is probably guilty of something....he may only be guilty of bad judgement...or guilty of murder or somewhere in between. That doesn't mean that the media and the race baiters should assume total guilt from day one and try to make a system-wide accusation of racism.

True, but I think most media outlets grabbed the first photos they could find.

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