White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

Little Green Footballs - White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

This is the kind of crap I warned about earlier. Tea Party elements are supporters of, and are attracting, and giving support to creeps like this. You can't have a populist movement with no leaders and messages that are all over the place. Messages of hate and anger and frustration bring out the worst in some people.

By the fruits of your tree shall I judge thee. Unlike the old Southern Democrat racists who left the DNC for the GOP, there is no DNC strategy waiting with open arms for this guy.

A Tea Party Candidate


Billy Roper is a write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas and an unapologetic white nationalist. “I don’t want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or any status,” he says.

Roper also is a tea party member who says he has been gathering support for his cause by attending tea party rallies. “We go to these tea parties all over the country,” Roper said. “We’re looking for the younger, potentially more radical people.” …

Little Green Footballs - White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

not a left wing site!!!! :evil:

if this si true. LGF is an old right wing whacko site from the Bush/Kerry days.
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so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment
so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment

I most likely did. Louis is the head of a Church. So he's on my shit list from day one. Louis will say he isn't a racist. He doesn't hate the white man, he hates the white man within. It's like hating the sin but not the sinner. :lol:

what is sad about white trash like you is you have no mind. you can't remember I posted a hundred times, I did not vote for Obama, not even once. :eek:
Black Supremacists tried to intimidated voters in Philadelphia for Obama.

Stop trying to divide people along the lines of race. These men are evil regardless of their race.
Black Supremacists tried to intimidated voters in Philadelphia for Obama.

Stop trying to divide people along the lines of race. These men are evil regardless of their race.


In Philly weren't they trying to say vote Obama, not Clinton? :lol:

This guy is saying he wants no blacks anywhere near him and he recruits at tea party rallies.

and it was posted on lgf, a notorious right wing site.
White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

Little Green Footballs - White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

This is the kind of crap I warned about earlier. Tea Party elements are supporters of, and are attracting, and giving support to creeps like this. You can't have a populist movement with no leaders and messages that are all over the place. Messages of hate and anger and frustration bring out the worst in some people.

By the fruits of your tree shall I judge thee. Unlike the old Southern Democrat racists who left the DNC for the GOP, there is no DNC strategy waiting with open arms for this guy.

A Tea Party Candidate


Billy Roper is a write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas and an unapologetic white nationalist. “I don’t want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or any status,” he says.

Roper also is a tea party member who says he has been gathering support for his cause by attending tea party rallies. “We go to these tea parties all over the country,” Roper said. “We’re looking for the younger, potentially more radical people.” …

Little Green Footballs - White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

not a left wing site!!!! :evil:

if this si true. LGF is an old right wing whacko site from the Bush/Kerry days.

Do you complain when avowed TERRORISTS, unrepentant for their crimes, that have stated they wished they had done more attacks, do you mind that they not only supported Obama but gave him a fund raiser at their home? That they are personal friends of Obama? That Obama and one of them WORKED side by side?

Just curious?
And socialists, marxists, anarchists, communists, peace activists, pacifists, felons, black bloch, the green party, and filthy homsexual groups are in attendance at almost EVERY major anti-war demonstration etc that is identified with the democratic party, liberalism or the left in general.

Do you really want your crowning example of the so called "RACIST" tea party tuth to be that some outspoken racist write in governor nominee for the state of Arkansas that even I, as a native of that state have NEVER EVEN HEARD OF before, to be your proof? Is this really the BEST thing you can dig up on the internet? Wow, I'm conviced.
White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

Little Green Footballs - White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

This is the kind of crap I warned about earlier. Tea Party elements are supporters of, and are attracting, and giving support to creeps like this. You can't have a populist movement with no leaders and messages that are all over the place. Messages of hate and anger and frustration bring out the worst in some people.

By the fruits of your tree shall I judge thee. Unlike the old Southern Democrat racists who left the DNC for the GOP, there is no DNC strategy waiting with open arms for this guy.

A Tea Party Candidate


Billy Roper is a write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas and an unapologetic white nationalist. “I don’t want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or any status,” he says.

Roper also is a tea party member who says he has been gathering support for his cause by attending tea party rallies. “We go to these tea parties all over the country,” Roper said. “We’re looking for the younger, potentially more radical people.” …

Little Green Footballs - White Supremacist Campaigns for AR Governor at Tea Parties

not a left wing site!!!! :evil:

if this si true. LGF is an old right wing whacko site from the Bush/Kerry days.

That's a nice rant coming from a racist like you ...
so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment

I most likely did. Louis is the head of a Church. So he's on my shit list from day one. Louis will say he isn't a racist. He doesn't hate the white man, he hates the white man within. It's like hating the sin but not the sinner. :lol:

what is sad about white trash like you is you have no mind. you can't remember I posted a hundred times, I did not vote for Obama, not even once. :eek:

you're a liar, you never said that and you most certaintly never made a THREAD about it
so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment

While I personally believe Farrakhan to be one of the most divisive people in America, and quite possibly racist, has he ever said "“I don’t want non-blacks in my country in any form or fashion or any status”? As Roper does at Tea Bagger rallies? If not, then your attempted parellel is rather rediculous.
so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment

While I personally believe Farrakhan to be one of the most divisive people in America, and quite possibly racist, has he ever said "“I don’t want non-blacks in my country in any form or fashion or any status”? As Roper does at Tea Bagger rallies? If not, then your attempted parellel is rather rediculous.

lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up
so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment

While I personally believe Farrakhan to be one of the most divisive people in America, and quite possibly racist, has he ever said "“I don’t want non-blacks in my country in any form or fashion or any status”? As Roper does at Tea Bagger rallies? If not, then your attempted parellel is rather rediculous.

lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up

And Farrakhan has WHAT to do with the Tea Baggers and their leader, Williams?
While I personally believe Farrakhan to be one of the most divisive people in America, and quite possibly racist, has he ever said "“I don’t want non-blacks in my country in any form or fashion or any status”? As Roper does at Tea Bagger rallies? If not, then your attempted parellel is rather rediculous.

lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up

And Farrakhan has WHAT to do with the Tea Baggers and their leader, Williams?

read the thread again....

and nice cowardly run from your stupid post
lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up

And Farrakhan has WHAT to do with the Tea Baggers and their leader, Williams?

read the thread again....

and nice cowardly run from your stupid post

Maybe YOU need to read the thread again. Then answer my question when you have spun up an answer.
While I personally believe Farrakhan to be one of the most divisive people in America, and quite possibly racist, has he ever said "“I don’t want non-blacks in my country in any form or fashion or any status”? As Roper does at Tea Bagger rallies? If not, then your attempted parellel is rather rediculous.

lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up

And Farrakhan has WHAT to do with the Tea Baggers and their leader, Williams?

Wait, let me get this right? It is OK to tell us Tea Party people are racist BUT it is not ok in the same thread to point out that Democrats are racist? Have I got that right?

I notice you did not respond to the terrorist point? Is it ok for our president to be buddy buddy with an unrepentant Terrorist but bad for a nobody from AZ to be supported by a racist?
lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up

And Farrakhan has WHAT to do with the Tea Baggers and their leader, Williams?

Wait, let me get this right? It is OK to tell us Tea Party people are racist BUT it is not ok in the same thread to point out that Democrats are racist? Have I got that right?

I notice you did not respond to the terrorist point? Is it ok for our president to be buddy buddy with an unrepentant Terrorist but bad for a nobody from AZ to be supported by a racist?

I haven't told any of you Tea Baggers you are racist. It is just fun to debate with you when your fellow members get caught. As far as terrorists, I assume you are referring to Ayers? Please explain your "buddy buddy" beliefs.
Feel me, try living with illegal aliens from Mexico. Despite their hate, and the increase in crime. It's not so bad, after they murder the first victim, even though it was a gobocho, the other homicides get easer, regardless of race and all that, take that (Anglo) dude stabbed to death in front of my house by a Hispanic asshole in a gang. Chalk it up to multiculturalism, that’s a code word for fellatio on
“Hispanics” as far as I can tell. To blindly ignore Anglo culture, suck it. Multiculturalism, my ass. It is an excuse.
so when the racist farrakhan threw his support for obama....you said the same thing right....that obama draws racist like farrakhan

good lord, you're an embarrassment

While I personally believe Farrakhan to be one of the most divisive people in America, and quite possibly racist, has he ever said "“I don’t want non-blacks in my country in any form or fashion or any status”? As Roper does at Tea Bagger rallies? If not, then your attempted parellel is rather rediculous.

lmao....so there are "different" levels of racism

why you even felt compelled to defend my farrakhan comparison shows that you're nothing but a party hack

racism is racism

wake up

Exactly. Statists loathe black and white issues which most are. Their perpetuating shades of grey are evident in everything they do. It allows them to to hide their true intent...and fool the truly uninformed.

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