White Rural Voters


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.


Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

Its really MSDNC.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

The mush head leftists care about the people who put food on our table, as long as they are migrant workers. The ones who might own the land are seen as oppressors, plus most people in the news rooms havnt worked a hard days work in their life. They cant really relate to the average American.
The Globaloids want to destroy rural farmers so they can force us to eat bugs and Soylent Green.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

Corporations grow the food.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

I think it's reasonable to expect the politburo mouthpieces at the worst of the worst dem controlled media will continue to press their revulsion of white people.

The most white haten'est people on the planet are Dems / Marxists.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

All of the points that these guys mention have been expressed by Trumpers on this site repeatedly.

Are they saying that all white rural voters are racist, conspiracy driven, anti-democratic, and prone to political violence ?

Not all but those sentiments are certainly most prevalent along those folks.

Hell I live in an area like that and yes.

Also I might have missed it but I did not see them call those folks ignorant.
I've said for many years, the left hates rural folks. They see them as independent, creating a larger carbon footprint, and living lives much more difficult to control.
They want everyone living in an urban environment, managed by government, and forced to live lives they can more easily control.
It's nothing new, however as of late we've seen a new push by the left to paint white Christians and or white rural folks, as the enemy of America.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

They're weak and they're scared.

Soft-handed urban whites are worthless. They know that blacks and Hispanics are much more like us than them. Their only hope is to continue the tired trope of attempting to turn us against one another.

It is 100% failing.
I've said for many years, the left hates rural folks. They see them as independent, creating a larger carbon footprint, and living lives much more difficult to control.
They want everyone living in an urban environment, managed by government, and forced to live lives they can more easily control.
It's nothing new, however as of late we've seen a new push by the left to paint white Christians and or white rural folks, as the enemy of America.
Obama said we cling to our guns and bibles. This commie attitude is as old as urban plantations, the democrat strongholds.

Thing is, none of us care what the fucked-up city folks think. Here's a sample:


The Leftists can whine all they want about rural folks, the battle-lines are drawn:
From their MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech "Zuckerbuck" oligarchs
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their "Lawfare" political prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their open border "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI (Waffen SS) spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY

Yep, the rural folks are on opposite sides of the fucked up city folks.
I've said for many years, the left hates rural folks. They see them as independent, creating a larger carbon footprint, and living lives much more difficult to control.
They want everyone living in an urban environment, managed by government, and forced to live lives they can more easily control.
It's nothing new, however as of late we've seen a new push by the left to paint white Christians and or white rural folks, as the enemy of America.
You should ask what your kids think. They are the ones fleeing Shitburg, Alabama.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

We have had elements of a democracy for a long time. It is not a direct democracy but is a democracy.
The Democrats are telling everyone the type of people who they hate and fear>>>
White Voters, Rural Voters and Christian Voters

Not sure why.

White christians are the ones who built and ran this country that became a world super power for hundreds of years. It's no coincidence that as soon as we start forcing diversity into everything and started to hate white christians that our society started to crumble.

Course, where exactly would the world be without christians and whites? They pretty much have done most of the heavy lifting across the world that advanced us as a species and got us where we are now.

Seems like we should be thankful to white christians for building this nation we all enjoy right now.

Now who is it that grows the food we eat?....oh who cares...lets lock them all up aka nbc. aka they are the biggest threat to democracy in America. Aka...democracy equals mob rule.

BTW as the more astute know we have never been a democracy.

Someone should tell that professor that the president is in charge of the bureaucracy, they are there to do as they're told, not provide checks on the president. I know some commies think the bureaucracy is an independent branch of government, but that's not the case.


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