White racists, antifa and black lives matter are the same....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the problem. Too many people lack the understanding that all three groups...white racists, antifa, and black lives matter are the same...the difference, the white racists are few in number and have no support from anyone.....back in the 90s they marched near me...all 10 of them.....and hundreds showed up to silently protest them....it is the same today...the white racists have few members and almost no support....antifa, and black lives matter have hollywood, academia, the democrat party, all supporting them....

How are these groups the same....

white racists: racist
antifa: racist
black lives matter: racist

white racists: socialist
antifa: marxist
black lives matter: socialist

white racists: hate the Constitution and Bill of Rights
antifa: Hate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
black lives matter: hate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

white racists; believe in violence against their opponents
antifa: believe in violence against their opponents
black lives matter: believe in violence against their opponents

The real threat isn't the hand ful of white racists who have no political or popular support...the real threat is antifa and black lives matter who are supported and protected by even republicans and normal people.....because they don't understand who those groups are....

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