White men and mass murder: The problem of "aggrieved entitlement"!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The problem with a lot of "white, right, gun guys",
is they feel they are entitled to privilege and
entitled to punish anyone who threatens to take it away.

The "aggreived" part, is when they are stripped of that sense of privilege; the "entitlement" part is when they try to get it back.

Is the psychic and emotional pain of realizing that white unearned privilege is threatened (even marginally) by the browning of America, upward mobility for women, gay rights, and the further dismantlement of American Apartheid (at least symbolically among elites and in the mass media) that deep a cut to White Masculinity, one which results in mass murder? How can White Men be so politically and economically strong as a group, but simultaneously so weak at the same time?
This is a "gender-based" emotion and that gender is "white male masculinity".

...is "a gendered emotion, a fusion of that humiliating loss of manhood and the moral obligation and entitlement to get it back. And its gender is masculine."
Maybe the solution is to start profiling conservative white men from the Bible Belt?

White Masculinity, like Whiteness, imagines itself as normal, innocent, and benign. The very premise that the intersection of those identities could result in socially maladaptive and violent behavior which is evil, and yes I use that term intentionally, is rejected by those deeply invested in a particularly conservative and reactionary type of White Masculinity, as something impossible. To even introduce such an idea is anathema to their universe. The language is verboten. The Other is suspect until proven otherwise; "real Americans" as "good people" are to be judged by precisely the opposite premise.
The symptoms of the problem, can be found in how pissed off some get when even dare to raise this issue, but its the same reaction average German's had when first told of their governments involvement of the Holocaust and the same reaction many American's have when told our government is guilty of war crimes, but it doesn't change the fact that we have a sickness in this society that needs to be addressed.

This also explains the republican party meltdown (in recent times) over the results of the elections.

This is one story you can't blame the muslims for!
Why don't democrats order the immediate arrest and execution of all white men?
White males are the most persecuted people in america due to affirmative action. No wonder they snap sometimes and go on killing rages.

So why are white males successful? They have ability.
Pandora's box is open, now we shall see a linear historical example of what male persecution this should be good
The problem with a lot of "white, right, gun guys",
is they feel they are entitled to privilege and
entitled to punish anyone who threatens to take it away.

The "aggreived" part, is when they are stripped of that sense of privilege; the "entitlement" part is when they try to get it back.

Is the psychic and emotional pain of realizing that white unearned privilege is threatened (even marginally) by the browning of America, upward mobility for women, gay rights, and the further dismantlement of American Apartheid (at least symbolically among elites and in the mass media) that deep a cut to White Masculinity, one which results in mass murder? How can White Men be so politically and economically strong as a group, but simultaneously so weak at the same time?
This is a "gender-based" emotion and that gender is "white male masculinity".

...is "a gendered emotion, a fusion of that humiliating loss of manhood and the moral obligation and entitlement to get it back. And its gender is masculine."
Maybe the solution is to start profiling conservative white men from the Bible Belt?

White Masculinity, like Whiteness, imagines itself as normal, innocent, and benign. The very premise that the intersection of those identities could result in socially maladaptive and violent behavior which is evil, and yes I use that term intentionally, is rejected by those deeply invested in a particularly conservative and reactionary type of White Masculinity, as something impossible. To even introduce such an idea is anathema to their universe. The language is verboten. The Other is suspect until proven otherwise; "real Americans" as "good people" are to be judged by precisely the opposite premise.
The symptoms of the problem, can be found in how pissed off some get when even dare to raise this issue, but its the same reaction average German's had when first told of their governments involvement of the Holocaust and the same reaction many American's have when told our government is guilty of war crimes, but it doesn't change the fact that we have a sickness in this society that needs to be addressed.

This also explains the republican party meltdown (in recent times) over the results of the elections.

This is one story you can't blame the muslims for!

Yeah, Blacks and Hispanics only kill over good reasons. Like Gang Turf and Drugs.

You fucking white hating, Racist assholes make me sick.
Black men and mass murder is Rwanda so there's really no contest. Adam Lanza killed 26 people. In the black neighborhoods of Chicago that's a peaceful week end.
Katzndogz you never cease to amaze with your racism. Your not as outspoken as the others. You say just enough to reveal your true feelings
Much of southern segregation was based on the entitlement of White Supremacy and enforced by Jim Crow laws and KKK terrorism.

We hear the crybabying on this thread by certain whites who are threatened unduly because they must live in a different world into which they were born.

It is what it is.
The problem with a lot of "white, right, gun guys",
is they feel they are entitled to privilege and
entitled to punish anyone who threatens to take it away.

The "aggreived" part, is when they are stripped of that sense of privilege; the "entitlement" part is when they try to get it back.

Is the psychic and emotional pain of realizing that white unearned privilege is threatened (even marginally) by the browning of America, upward mobility for women, gay rights, and the further dismantlement of American Apartheid (at least symbolically among elites and in the mass media) that deep a cut to White Masculinity, one which results in mass murder? How can White Men be so politically and economically strong as a group, but simultaneously so weak at the same time?
This is a "gender-based" emotion and that gender is "white male masculinity".

...is "a gendered emotion, a fusion of that humiliating loss of manhood and the moral obligation and entitlement to get it back. And its gender is masculine."
Maybe the solution is to start profiling conservative white men from the Bible Belt?

White Masculinity, like Whiteness, imagines itself as normal, innocent, and benign. The very premise that the intersection of those identities could result in socially maladaptive and violent behavior which is evil, and yes I use that term intentionally, is rejected by those deeply invested in a particularly conservative and reactionary type of White Masculinity, as something impossible. To even introduce such an idea is anathema to their universe. The language is verboten. The Other is suspect until proven otherwise; "real Americans" as "good people" are to be judged by precisely the opposite premise.
The symptoms of the problem, can be found in how pissed off some get when even dare to raise this issue, but its the same reaction average German's had when first told of their governments involvement of the Holocaust and the same reaction many American's have when told our government is guilty of war crimes, but it doesn't change the fact that we have a sickness in this society that needs to be addressed.

This also explains the republican party meltdown (in recent times) over the results of the elections.

This is one story you can't blame the muslims for!

and while we're engaged in this arm-chair discussion about what drives white guys to their infrequent occasions of mass murder, the darkies in Chicago continue to off each other by the dozens week after week...
and while we're engaged in this arm-chair discussion about what drives white guys to their infrequent occasions of mass murder, the darkies in Chicago continue to off each other by the dozens week after week...
The violence is so bad there, that it's spread to their sports teams. Did you check out all the violence in the Bulls-Knicks game last night? 3 players and a coach were all ejected during the coarse of the game. It was more like a turf war, than a basketball game.
White entitlement dysfunctionalism and black entitlement dyfunctionalism. We got problems.
I dunno about this theory. Yes the overwhelming majority of shooter scum are white males (I can think of a total of one who wasn't white and one who wasn't male), but I suspect the root is far less in whiteness than in maleness.

IOW I submit that it's all about testosterone poisoning. And Almighty Gun is the ultimate dip in the testosterone pool. For those who feel the need for that sort of jolt anyway.
Katzndogz you never cease to amaze with your racism. Your not as outspoken as the others. You say just enough to reveal your true feelings

Yeah right but this thread subject is in no way racist izzzz it hypocrite?
Much of southern segregation was based on the entitlement of White Supremacy and enforced by Jim Crow laws and KKK terrorism.

We hear the crybabying on this thread by certain whites who are threatened unduly because they must live in a different world into which they were born.

It is what it is.

Southern democrats were fucked up that's for sure.
Much of southern segregation was based on the entitlement of White Supremacy and enforced by Jim Crow laws and KKK terrorism.

We hear the crybabying on this thread by certain whites who are threatened unduly because they must live in a different world into which they were born.

It is what it is.

Southern democrats were fucked up that's for sure.

Aye, they were, beyond belief. And they're all Republican now.
Question is - what is the RP going to do about it?
Almost all of those dems were screwed up for sure, then beginning in 1968 into the 1980s they migrated into the GOP. And many of the black racists moved into the Dem Party.

The nice thing is that their children and grandchildren believe the older ones' racism is full of shit.

The old ones will be gone within twenty years, and the South will be a far nicer place.
Your source was not listed, at least in an obvious way.

Down trodden males who feel powerless will commit mass murder? That the theory? Which prior races were used as models?

You have to throw out a couple of mass killing to even come close to your hypothesis.
Much of southern segregation was based on the entitlement of White Supremacy and enforced by Jim Crow laws and KKK terrorism.

We hear the crybabying on this thread by certain whites who are threatened unduly because they must live in a different world into which they were born.

It is what it is.

Southern democrats were fucked up that's for sure.

Aye, they were, beyond belief. And they're all Republican now.
Question is - what is the RP going to do about it?

Nope, they're still demoncraps.
Historic fact that racist whites en masse moved into the Democratic Party by the 1980s, common knowledge, not questioned by educated, well-grounded Americans. Those who deny it are fools or racists.

The trouble the modern Democrats have is that most of the racist blacks in the South migrated into the Democratic Party. Those who deny it are fools or racists.

The wonderful thing is those lousy Americans are going to die off, and the younger generations despise the racist part of their heritages.

Southern democrats were fucked up that's for sure.

Aye, they were, beyond belief. And they're all Republican now.
Question is - what is the RP going to do about it?

Nope, they're still demoncraps.

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