White man’s culture in this country has to change

I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.

Yes there are, white people willing to sell out their own race for power.

Answer these simple questions:

Why were Democrats so hell bent on stopping the wall, even to the point of closing down the government for the longest time in history?

Why did Democrats stop Kate's Law; a law that would have imprisoned returning felons after deportation for five years?

Why are they so stubborn on keeping their sanctuary cities, and even expanded that to sanctuary states?

The Trump/ Clinton breakdown of voter groups:

Whites: Clinton 37 Trump 57.
Blacks: Clinton 89 Trump 8
Hispanics: Clinton 66 Trump 28
Asians: Clinton 65 Trump 27

How Groups Voted in 2016 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

Starting to see the picture now?
I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.

Yes there are, white people willing to sell out their own race for power.

Answer these simple questions:

Why were Democrats so hell bent on stopping the wall, even to the point of closing down the government for the longest time in history?

Why did Democrats stop Kate's Law; a law that would have imprisoned returning felons after deportation for five years?

Why are they so stubborn on keeping their sanctuary cities, and even expanded that to sanctuary states?

The Trump/ Clinton breakdown of voter groups:

Whites: Clinton 37 Trump 57.
Blacks: Clinton 89 Trump 8
Hispanics: Clinton 66 Trump 28
Asians: Clinton 65 Trump 27

How Groups Voted in 2016 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

Starting to see the picture now?

The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
---------------------------------- and then when they are gone your generation will get what the deserve McRocket ,
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

The Border Patrol endorsed Trump for President; the first time they ever supported a political candidate. Most agents still support his wall efforts.

Trump said he didn't want a wall across the entire border. That was part of his discussion with Piglosi and Shoemaker in their publicized meeting. Care to see it, just let me know. I'll post it and even give you the time stamp where he made that statement.

There is nothing more effective than a barrier on the southern border. Additional techniques will help, but most will be ineffective without a wall. The reason Democrats make up all this nonsense about a wall not working is because it's something they can't easily remove if in total power again. They want to use methods that they can remove quickly if they ever gain leadership of the White House and Congress. That's why they don't want it.

Judging by your rapid reply, it's safe to assume you didn't even click on any of the links I posted yet alone read them.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?

They come here for work.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

The left doesn't want to do that either. As long as multinational corporations like Kraft foods and Google virtue signal hard enough about their "inclusive hiring practices" and occasionally appoint a gay as CEO then they are more than happy to let them get away with fucking murder.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

The Border Patrol endorsed Trump for President; the first time they ever supported a political candidate. Most agents still support his wall efforts.

Trump said he didn't want a wall across the entire border. That was part of his discussion with Piglosi and Shoemaker in their publicized meeting. Care to see it, just let me know. I'll post it and even give you the time stamp where he made that statement.

There is nothing more effective than a barrier on the southern border. Additional techniques will help, but most will be ineffective without a wall. The reason Democrats make up all this nonsense about a wall not working is because it's something they can't easily remove if in total power again. They want to use methods that they can remove quickly if they ever gain leadership of the White House and Congress. That's why they don't want it.

Judging by your rapid reply, it's safe to assume you didn't even click on any of the links I posted yet alone read them.

I am not totally against the idea of increasing fencing, but there are a few things that people forget; 1. you need to keep spending money on it for upkeep, 2. you need to hire more people to guard the wall and protect the border. So it ends up costing a lot more than just a wall. Also, the cartels and other unsavory types are going to either tunnel under or go around, so you need to be ready to deal with that shit as well.

The other way is by making it very difficult for illegals to work here. And there are ways to achieve that, but they aren't being pursued. Why not?
I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.

Yes there are, white people willing to sell out their own race for power.

Answer these simple questions:

Why were Democrats so hell bent on stopping the wall, even to the point of closing down the government for the longest time in history?

Why did Democrats stop Kate's Law; a law that would have imprisoned returning felons after deportation for five years?

Why are they so stubborn on keeping their sanctuary cities, and even expanded that to sanctuary states?

The Trump/ Clinton breakdown of voter groups:

Whites: Clinton 37 Trump 57.
Blacks: Clinton 89 Trump 8
Hispanics: Clinton 66 Trump 28
Asians: Clinton 65 Trump 27

How Groups Voted in 2016 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

Starting to see the picture now?

Yep that data is what to look at to predict correctly

But that data needs to be refined to check males and females

And when one shows this

The white male will have the real power to stop anything

America's founders were white males against even more big numbers of people in the nation

But those fewer white males won over the big majority easily

The same will happen again!!
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

If we really want to limit this problem without a wall, Congress needs to pass a law that makes being here illegally a first degree felony which carries a minimum of five years in prison for first offense. Illegals would be bombarding our borders trying to get the hell out of here.
Last edited:
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

The Border Patrol endorsed Trump for President; the first time they ever supported a political candidate. Most agents still support his wall efforts.

Trump said he didn't want a wall across the entire border. That was part of his discussion with Piglosi and Shoemaker in their publicized meeting. Care to see it, just let me know. I'll post it and even give you the time stamp where he made that statement.

There is nothing more effective than a barrier on the southern border. Additional techniques will help, but most will be ineffective without a wall. The reason Democrats make up all this nonsense about a wall not working is because it's something they can't easily remove if in total power again. They want to use methods that they can remove quickly if they ever gain leadership of the White House and Congress. That's why they don't want it.

Judging by your rapid reply, it's safe to assume you didn't even click on any of the links I posted yet alone read them.

I am not totally against the idea of increasing fencing, but there are a few things that people forget; 1. you need to keep spending money on it for upkeep, 2. you need to hire more people to guard the wall and protect the border. So it ends up costing a lot more than just a wall. Also, the cartels and other unsavory types are going to either tunnel under or go around, so you need to be ready to deal with that shit as well.

The other way is by making it very difficult for illegals to work here. And there are ways to achieve that, but they aren't being pursued. Why not?

Because the idea we should lock up Americans for people coming here that we won't stop is ridiculous.

Illegals in this country cost us over 100 billion a year. How much maintenance would 100 billion a year provide? We don't need a fraction of that. Trump only asked for 7 billion the Democrats wouldn't permit. A wall would reduce the amount of patrol that we currently have. Or are you trying to make the claim that open borders require less patrol than walled borders? If so, that's as ridiculous as it can get. That's like saying your house would be less secure with locks and alarms than it would be without locks and alarms.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

If we really want to limit this problem without a wall, Congress needs to pass a law that makes being here illegally in this country a first degree felony which carries a minimum of five years in prison for first offense. Illegals would be bombarding our borders trying to get the hell out of here.

Or just make them unable to work in this country, or at least very hard to do so. Then they have no reason to stay. They come here almost solely for work. There are guys my brother works with (I don't think they are illegals, but rather on green cards) that come here for a few months a year making 30 - 40 bucks an hour, then go home to Mexico and live like kings for the rest of the year because it's so cheap to live there. Now think of the illegals who come in making like 15-20 bucks an hour. It doesn't seem like much to us, but that's a good living in Mexico.
Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

Incentives such as the 14th Amendment, free education, free healthcare and welfare for their children?
Do you really see the Mexicrats getting behind such things?

They come here for work.

So the free education, free healthcare and welfare doesn't incentivize them at all huh?
What percentage of them work off the books for Gustavo's Tire Shop?
Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

I'll never understand this....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Would you forgo the wall and move straight to armed guards and expensive technology?

I'm not talking about armed guards or expensive technology. If you really wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, you would remove the incentives for them to come here. But that would require sacrifice, and it's not a word any politician likes to use.

If we really want to limit this problem without a wall, Congress needs to pass a law that makes being here illegally in this country a first degree felony which carries a minimum of five years in prison for first offense. Illegals would be bombarding our borders trying to get the hell out of here.

Or just make them unable to work in this country, or at least very hard to do so. Then they have no reason to stay. They come here almost solely for work. There are guys my brother works with (I don't think they are illegals, but rather on green cards) that come here for a few months a year making 30 - 40 bucks an hour, then go home to Mexico and live like kings for the rest of the year because it's so cheap to live there. Now think of the illegals who come in making like 15-20 bucks an hour. It doesn't seem like much to us, but that's a good living in Mexico.

So your'e an employer, and some guy with an accent asks you for a job. How are you--a common citizen able to determine if he's legal or not?

You could just refuse to hire him simply by his accent, but if he's a citizen or holds a work permit, you would be liable for discrimination.

The onus should not be on the employer, it should be on the people who come here illegally.

If there were no illegals to hire, there would be no employers to hire them. And allowing our borders to be so porous and convict employers is not the answer.
Anyone who thinks that sanctuary policies mean that illegals will work with the police has never been near a community hiding illegals. This excuse is for white folk. The Hispanics know that if they say anything them and their entire family will be chopped up into little pieces and burned. Just like the teen stabbed 100 times and set on fire.

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