White House’s Spin on Fighting ISIS is Destroyed


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama likes to minimize problems just to make himself look like an effective leader. Truth is that he is all talk. He is misleading the people on many issues, such as the secure borders and terrorist threat. ISIS has gained momentum and members since Obama started "fighting" them. His words do nothing but make ignorant people feel safer, but no one is safer as Obama continues to "lead" from behind. We are just following the lead of the radicals. Obama isn't seriously about fighting ISIS and he isn't serious about keeping Iran in check.

"This would all be outstanding – if it were true. Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, who personally ran up against one of Obama’s infamous "red lines," recently spoke to Charlie Rose, as was reported by Politico.

This is what Assad had to say:

"Sometimes you could have local benefit, but in general, if you want to talk in terms of ISIS, actually ISIS has expanded since the beginning of the strikes,"

Assad said, using another acronym for ISIL, during an
interview with Charlie Rose aired on "60 Minutes" on Sunday night. "Not like some — American — wants to sugar coat the situation as the — to say that it’s getting better. As — ISIS is being defeated and so on. Actually, no, you have more recruits. Some estimates that they have 1,000 recruits every month in Syria. And Iraq — they are expanding in Libya and many other Al Qaeda affiliate organizations have announced their allegiance to ISIS. So that’s the situation."

I would say he lacked the balls to fight but he apparently has them they just show up when he protects and encourages our enemies.

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