White House Security Clearances Being Blocked by Swamp Creatures


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
If you want to know why so many members of the president's staff haven't received their security clearances, this article from the Washington Times clearly explains it. Guess why?

A bunch of unaccountable bureaucrats in the Old Executive Office Building responsible for dealing with security reviews are simply doing everything they can to stall and even fight against the actions.

“The security clearance process is being weaponized by anti-Trump bureaucrats who are using it as a tool to not only thwart the president’s agenda but to prevent him from installing appointees who will execute it,” Mr. Bigley told The Washington Times.

We all know this is going on in every department and agency of The Executive Branch.

From REPORT: DC Swamp Creatures Are Blocking Security Clearances For Members Of Trump Administration
The game is fixed...if you are a businessman and have done deals overseas getting full clearance is almost impossible but if you have been a tax dollar tit sucker lawyer your whole life never taking a chance in business you get green lighted through the process...it's just another way that the swamp keeps outsiders out so they can continue to fuck us in the butt....
If you want to know why so many members of the president's staff haven't received their security clearances, this article from the Washington Times clearly explains it. Guess why?

A bunch of unaccountable bureaucrats in the Old Executive Office Building responsible for dealing with security reviews are simply doing everything they can to stall and even fight against the actions.

“The security clearance process is being weaponized by anti-Trump bureaucrats who are using it as a tool to not only thwart the president’s agenda but to prevent him from installing appointees who will execute it,” Mr. Bigley told The Washington Times.

We all know this is going on in every department and agency of The Executive Branch.

From REPORT: DC Swamp Creatures Are Blocking Security Clearances For Members Of Trump Administration

Are you sure that's why?

White House Whistleblower Tells All On Trump Administration Security Clearance | HuffPost

Tricia Newbold, the adjudications manager in the Personnel Security Office, came forward with what the committee is calling “grave breaches of national security” at the White House that she has witnessed over the past two years, including 25 individuals who were allowed security clearance despite recommendations that their applications be denied.
Why would anyone possibly concerned with Jared's private state meetings with ME despots? I mean how can you people be so jaded? And Ivanka meeting with Putin's punch? Surely there's nothing of concern there? The Boychin with the Russian spy? Clearly anyone would take a meeting with a Russian spy. It's a deep state conspiracy aimed at CASTRATING, yes CASTRATING is not too strong a word, our ENOMOUSLY POWERFUL PRESIDENT
We are seeing what will turn out to be a golden age of Russian espionage with a White House that will now step up it's mission to destroy the gatekeepers of our secrets.
If you want to know why so many members of the president's staff haven't received their security clearances, this article from the Washington Times clearly explains it. Guess why?

A bunch of unaccountable bureaucrats in the Old Executive Office Building responsible for dealing with security reviews are simply doing everything they can to stall and even fight against the actions.

“The security clearance process is being weaponized by anti-Trump bureaucrats who are using it as a tool to not only thwart the president’s agenda but to prevent him from installing appointees who will execute it,” Mr. Bigley told The Washington Times.

We all know this is going on in every department and agency of The Executive Branch.

From REPORT: DC Swamp Creatures Are Blocking Security Clearances For Members Of Trump Administration

more fake news
They tried to deny 25 Clearances For Trump’s cabinet and advisors. They were essentially trying to stop him from even organizing his administration and at the same time were flooding The Administration with Subpoenas, requests for documents and Investigations.

If you want to know why so many members of the president's staff haven't received their security clearances, this article from the Washington Times clearly explains it. Guess why?

A bunch of unaccountable bureaucrats in the Old Executive Office Building responsible for dealing with security reviews are simply doing everything they can to stall and even fight against the actions.
“The security clearance process is being weaponized by anti-Trump bureaucrats who are using it as a tool to not only thwart the president’s agenda but to prevent him from installing appointees who will execute it,” Mr. Bigley told The Washington Times.

We all know this is going on in every department and agency of The Executive Branch.

From REPORT: DC Swamp Creatures Are Blocking Security Clearances For Members Of Trump Administration
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Putin called. He said, you aren’t doing it right.

He said you No Follow Script!

Trump is Yugely Powerful President!

Why would anyone possibly concerned with Jared's private state meetings with ME despots? I mean how can you people be so jaded? And Ivanka meeting with Putin's punch? Surely there's nothing of concern there? The Boychin with the Russian spy? Clearly anyone would take a meeting with a Russian spy. It's a deep state conspiracy aimed at CASTRATING, yes CASTRATING is not too strong a word, our ENOMOUSLY POWERFUL PRESIDENT
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Just imagine how these trump cultists would react, if this were about any other administration but their cult leader's.

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