White House Petition to Label Antifa A Terrorist Org


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I signed it


Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 90k+ signatures
Published time: 19 Aug, 2017 18:24Edited time: 20 Aug, 2017 22:19

Police clash with demonstrators as they try to clear 'Antifa' members and anti-Trump protesters during a protest on June 4, 2017 in Portland, Oregon © Scott Olson / AFP

A petition urging the Donald Trump administration to formally classify the Antifa movement as a terrorist organization has been launched on the White House website.
The petition was started Thursday, and as of Sunday, had garnered over 90,000 signatures.

Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 90k+ signatures
See this book for what to do: On Tyranny

"Why hating women would lead so many men to hating nonwhite people is difficult to parse in logical terms. But racism and sexism aren’t rational ideologies and really aren’t bound by the basic rules of logic. At the root of both lies a thwarted sense of entitlement and a sense that women and people of color are somehow stealing what is the white man’s due. That was felt most keenly in Charlottesville last Friday night, when the torch-wielding mob chanted, “You will not replace us!”

Weeping Nazi started off as a “men’s rights activist,” which is no huge surprise

Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Why don't you start your own petition to do just that?

I'm not a lawyer. But you have to admit that orgs that promote attacks on minority groups may fit, as well. Antifa only goes after people at protests, not as they go about their daily business. Does that make a difference?
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Why don't you start your own petition to do just that?

I'm not a lawyer. But you have to admit that orgs that promote attacks on minority groups may fit, as well. Antifa only goes after people at protests, not as they go about their daily business. Does that make a difference?

I would think a stated purpose of quashing freedom of expression is actually worse.

And remember, most anti-fa morons are pretty fast and loose on what they consider to be "fascist". Some of them consider anyone to the right of Mitt Romney to deserve that title.
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Why don't you start your own petition to do just that?

I'm not a lawyer. But you have to admit that orgs that promote attacks on minority groups may fit, as well. Antifa only goes after people at protests, not as they go about their daily business. Does that make a difference?

I would think a stated purpose of quashing freedom of expression is actually worse.

And remember, most anti-fa morons are pretty fast and loose on what they consider to be "fascist". Some of them consider anyone to the right of Mitt Romney to deserve that title.
They're not my faves, for sure. There was an anarchist on this board last winter who used to get my blood pressure up pretty quick. I'm pretty sure he was Antifa--he got very secretive when pressed about actual activities, at one point admitted most of them were illegal. I'm not a communist or an anarchist, and I don't condone violence on the streets in protest of anything. Self defense only, and that does NOT mean self defense against another's words/ideas. Can you march and shout back, show your numbers? Sure. Can you throw pee bombs and bottles full of concrete because you don't like what the cops are telling you to do ? NO.
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Why don't you start your own petition to do just that?

I'm not a lawyer. But you have to admit that orgs that promote attacks on minority groups may fit, as well. Antifa only goes after people at protests, not as they go about their daily business. Does that make a difference?
Tell that to the innocent guy who had a Nazi looking haircut. That got beat up for doing nothing.
I signed it


Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 90k+ signatures
Published time: 19 Aug, 2017 18:24Edited time: 20 Aug, 2017 22:19

Police clash with demonstrators as they try to clear 'Antifa' members and anti-Trump protesters during a protest on June 4, 2017 in Portland, Oregon © Scott Olson / AFP

A petition urging the Donald Trump administration to formally classify the Antifa movement as a terrorist organization has been launched on the White House website.
The petition was started Thursday, and as of Sunday, had garnered over 90,000 signatures.

Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 90k+ signatures
Death Star petition got more. Nice try.
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Why don't you start your own petition to do just that?

I'm not a lawyer. But you have to admit that orgs that promote attacks on minority groups may fit, as well. Antifa only goes after people at protests, not as they go about their daily business. Does that make a difference?

I would think a stated purpose of quashing freedom of expression is actually worse.

And remember, most anti-fa morons are pretty fast and loose on what they consider to be "fascist". Some of them consider anyone to the right of Mitt Romney to deserve that title.
They're not my faves, for sure. There was an anarchist on this board last winter who used to get my blood pressure up pretty quick. I'm pretty sure he was Antifa--he got very secretive when pressed about actual activities, at one point admitted most of them were illegal. I'm not a communist or an anarchist, and I don't condone violence on the streets in protest of anything. Self defense only, and that does NOT mean self defense against another's words/ideas. Can you march and shout back, show your numbers? Sure. Can you throw pee bombs and bottles full of concrete because you don't like what the cops are telling you to do ? NO.

The thing is there is a risk of these counter-protests getting out of hand because of bad information. The thing in Boston this weekend, where it was 300 or so vs. 30,000, a lot of the counter protesters showed up thinking they were counter-protesting Nazis, when this was not the case. It was simply a bunch of right leaning free speech advocates. THIS is the biggest issue, where even CNN labelled this initially a white nationalist protest when it was clearly not.
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Why don't you start your own petition to do just that?

I'm not a lawyer. But you have to admit that orgs that promote attacks on minority groups may fit, as well. Antifa only goes after people at protests, not as they go about their daily business. Does that make a difference?

Not for me

I signed it


Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 90k+ signatures
Published time: 19 Aug, 2017 18:24Edited time: 20 Aug, 2017 22:19

Police clash with demonstrators as they try to clear 'Antifa' members and anti-Trump protesters during a protest on June 4, 2017 in Portland, Oregon © Scott Olson / AFP

A petition urging the Donald Trump administration to formally classify the Antifa movement as a terrorist organization has been launched on the White House website.
The petition was started Thursday, and as of Sunday, had garnered over 90,000 signatures.

Petition calling on White House to recognize Antifa as terrorists has 90k+ signatures
Death Star petition got more. Nice try.

It just started, give it time. Have you signed it?

Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Actually, if you really want to damage the brand and influence of the KKK, the best thing you can do is completely ignore them. Yep, every time they plan a march or demonstration, just don't show up, no news coverage, no media of any type.
Interesting. As long as KKK and neo-Nazi groups are labeled terrorist, too.

Actually, if you really want to damage the brand and influence of the KKK, the best thing you can do is completely ignore them. Yep, every time they plan a march or demonstration, just don't show up, no news coverage, no media of any type.
Not so.
Since Trump became President ANYTHING that happens is his fault.
The LEFT are DESPERATE!!!! to stop President Trump from putting any more strict constitutionalists on the SC. That's behind the anti-Trump LIB movement.
The majority of college LIB snowflakes actually believe if Trump was no longer president then Hillary would become the president.
Seriously. That's how fucking stupid these LIB zombie snowflakes are.

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