White House Eyes John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped On Trump's Phone

When held captive in Vietnam, he was known as a song bird. I guess it's true that a lepard can not change its spots.
isn't this the same guy you lunatics just a few years ago, wanted as your president? my my my, how loyal you roaches are to your eggs.
Never was a fan of McCain
He was always a NeoCon and never met a war he did not want to be involved in
I like McSame, he was brilliant enough to pick Palin !

McCain has been a credible critic of them, no wonder they're buzzing around working at discrediting him. They've already attacked his service.

Actually, I'm all for the right wing, Trump lap-dogs' circular firing squad continue in its suicidal quest.
Trump is derailing his own presidency without any outside help.
How can anyone doubt McCain is not part of the establishment shadow government? It is unreasonable to claim otherwise.
What an idiot.
Although I would never trust MCCain in matters of war because he never met a war he didn't like... he is a man of integrity like when he corrected that crazed woman at that townhall meeting when she called Obama a Muslim.
That took guts... something Donald Trump nor any deplorable has ever displayed.

Technically he is a Muslim even if he denies it.
He was born a Muslim, named a Muslim Name, and he will die a Muslim.

You don't get a name like Obama Bin Lying without Trying.

Whatever he is , he never suffered a scandal of cheating on his wife , has a beautiful family,

not 5 kids by 3 different women, one being born out of wedlock, and his wife has never poised half naked for photos. Although the present pres. professes to be a Christian, why would anyone ever claim to be a Christian again. He gives Christianity a bad name.

Now lets talk about you!
Crazy fake news, I guess Trump doesn't like leaks about him, we all know he is involved with Russians , nothing new about that.

Its called good investigation , not leaks.
prove it.

I don't need to , they have already proved its true, Russia and Trump and his cohorts all colluded. Where have you been?
Who is "they", and where is your proof that "they" proved Russia and Trump colluded? We ALL know if "they" had any evidence, there would be impeachment proceedings going on right now. You're sorta, well, full of shit.

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