White House Exploring Various Methods To Pay Off The Debt. Massive Tax Increases


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
They claim that a value added tax is not being considered but a NY Times article states otherwise.

Reduction Is Theme Of President’s Next Act - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Obama wants us to thank him for lowering our taxes but the so-called tax decrease won't even pay my phone bill for a month.

This is something the Tea-party has been protesting.....massive spending increases usually mean higher taxes are soon to follow.....and this is no exception.

First...they intend to let the Bush tax cuts lapse. That's tax increase number one.

Second...a new VAT or Value Added Tax is being discussed. That's tax increase number two.

How do they slowly sneak it in without anyone noticing it? That is still being discussed.

It accomplishes two of Obama's main goals. It raises more revenue and it also curbs consumption.

What better way to curb consumption then to raise prices so high you can't afford it anymore.

Why does Obama want to curb consumption? Could it be he wants to worsen the economy...cause another crisis...so he can take over more of the private sector?

It's highly possible.
We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.
We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.

I've been told by a few here that the VAT will never happen.

They also said that a Carbon Tax was never gonna happen ether.

Eventually it becomes acceptable to them and they change from denial to advocates for it.
Here is a simple way to pay off the debt:

Stop spending so damn much

Nice sherlock, but that's not going to magically get rid of the debt we currently have. At some point, taxes are going to have to be raised. War doesn't pay for itself.
We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.
Problem being that a VAT is a direct tax, which would need to be apportioned to the states for collection.

You want to see the federal lawsuits fly, just let those parasites just try to institute a VAT.
Of course it's going to mean HIGHER TAXES. They want a Euro-style socieity. Gov't provides all basic needs, in exchange you forfeit over 60% of your pay to the gov't.

These ignorant leftists don't realize this. He's playing the "You're paying lower taxes now" game for what reason? For elections. November is gonna be ugly. He's aiming for 2012. Lay the foundation now, pay for it later.

Problem is.....most left wing zombies are dumb enough and gullable enough to fall for it. Hell, they voted for him the first time, NOTHING will stop them from doing it again. Not even the sure bankrupting of their children's futures.
We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.

Yes, BUT, in the eyes of a liberal progressive, the United States become just another vanilla Euro-style country, nothing special here, is EXACTLY what they would call success. These lefties are embarrassed about living in the world's lone superpower. They want nothing more than for their country to fall to mediocrity and percieved equality to the rest of the world, so they can feel warm and fuzzy and pretened they are no longer percieved as the arrogant American's by their beloved French foreign exchange buddies.
But neither Clinton, Bush or Obama were Liberal Progressives. So as to why Liberals are getting the blame for problems, the question remains.

The closest thing to Liberals in 2010 that we've had in the past sixty years was Eisenhower and Nixon.
But neither Clinton, Bush or Obama were Liberal Progressives. So as to why Liberals are getting the blame for problems, the question remains.

The closest thing to Liberals in 2010 that we've had in the past sixty years was Eisenhower and Nixon.
First of all, true "liberal" and "progressive" are oil and water.

Secondly, the only really prominent true liberals anyone can name over the last 60 years are Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and Dr. Ron Paul.

Last, but not least, every president since FDR --Reagan included-- was either a "progressive" Fabian socialist, a capitulator to and appeaser of them, or someone who thought that they could polish a progressive turd.

If and when America ends up with a true classical liberal in any position of significant power, you'll know it as every member of the parasite class will poop their collective pants.
First of all, true "liberal" and "progressive" are oil and water.

Secondly, the only really prominent true liberals anyone can name over the last 60 years are Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and Dr. Ron Paul.

Last, but not least, every president since FDR --Reagan included-- was either a "progressive" Fabian socialist, a capitulator to and appeaser of them, or someone who thought that they could polish a progressive turd.

If and when America ends up with a true classical liberal in any position of significant power, you'll know it as every member of the parasite class poops their collective pants.

Ron Paul chooses Christianity over any real political ideology, so don't feed me that bullshit. :thup:

I'm not even bother address the rest of your post since we've gone back and forth on this more times than I care to try and count.
We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.

Let's not forget the insatiable appetite this administration has for slush funds (see stimulus, see repaid TARP funds). What is promised has a way of getting diverted to electioneering efforts. We will have to see what happens with Obamacare. It also has raided lockbox written all over it. A VAT would be just another piggy bank for the Dems to hijack for their own purposes.
First of all, true "liberal" and "progressive" are oil and water.

Secondly, the only really prominent true liberals anyone can name over the last 60 years are Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and Dr. Ron Paul.

Last, but not least, every president since FDR --Reagan included-- was either a "progressive" Fabian socialist, a capitulator to and appeaser of them, or someone who thought that they could polish a progressive turd.

If and when America ends up with a true classical liberal in any position of significant power, you'll know it as every member of the parasite class poops their collective pants.

Ron Paul chooses Christianity over any real political ideology, so don't feed me that bullshit. :thup:

I'm not even bother address the rest of your post since we've gone back and forth on this more times than I care to try and count.

Yeah, and you've still learned nothing.
First of all, true "liberal" and "progressive" are oil and water.

Secondly, the only really prominent true liberals anyone can name over the last 60 years are Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and Dr. Ron Paul.

Last, but not least, every president since FDR --Reagan included-- was either a "progressive" Fabian socialist, a capitulator to and appeaser of them, or someone who thought that they could polish a progressive turd.

If and when America ends up with a true classical liberal in any position of significant power, you'll know it as every member of the parasite class poops their collective pants.

Ron Paul chooses Christianity over any real political ideology, so don't feed me that bullshit. :thup:

I'm not even bother address the rest of your post since we've gone back and forth on this more times than I care to try and count.

Yeah, and you've still learned nothing.

You're dealing with an amateur...that needs to 'Dry Off'...Even Achmedenijad described DogBoy when he was addressing Obama.
We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.

Let's not forget the insatiable appetite this administration has for slush funds (see stimulus, see repaid TARP funds). What is promised has a way of getting diverted to electioneering efforts. We will have to see what happens with Obamacare. It also has raided lockbox written all over it. A VAT would be just another piggy bank for the Dems to hijack for their own purposes.

And not to mention that a VAT would be a direct TAX upon the American people that the Founders FORBID. But then The 16th Amendment cured that for the Progressives...

The Progressives will have to AMEND the Constitution agian to make it happen...

And that in of itself to have a Constitutional Convention in the present political climate will be difficult.

So in summation? a VAT is Unconstitutional.
Here is a simple way to pay off the debt:

Stop spending so damn much

Nice sherlock, but that's not going to magically get rid of the debt we currently have. At some point, taxes are going to have to be raised. War doesn't pay for itself.

A few years ago tax cuts would have gotten rid of the debt.

But now the debt is so massive that tax increases have become a must.

It's beautiful.

The Dems get Congress for 4 years.....make a mess...and the GOP is left to clean it up. And ironically Obama gets to spend the next 2 years telling them how to work the mop even though he's the major cause of the mess in the first place. If they complain about whatever Obama says it will sound like they're doing what Obama has been doing....blaming Bush for everything.
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We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.
Problem being that a VAT is a direct tax, which would need to be apportioned to the states for collection.

You want to see the federal lawsuits fly, just let those parasites just try to institute a VAT.

Everyone is gonna be so broke by the time they go to put it in they'll be desperate to try anything. They won't care about the lawsuits.
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We are sooooo gonna get a VAT. You watch... they'll introduce it with a sales pitch of 'it's only 5% and we need to pay off the debt... once we get that under control, we can use the VAT to end income tax'.... what we will end up with is income tax and VAT... just like every other nation.

One sees mounting evidence of Obama's grand plan to make the USA just another vanilla nation on the planet. No special place for us.
Problem being that a VAT is a direct tax, which would need to be apportioned to the states for collection.

You want to see the federal lawsuits fly, just let those parasites just try to institute a VAT.

I don't disagree. It'll cause an uproar but they will do it. There are actually very few nations that do not have a VAT. It is another step down the road to make us into a 'vanilla' nation - just like every other. Shame... I'm only 28 but I never thought I'd see the day when we gave up on the great experiment that is the USA. Now, I think I will see it in my lifetime. I'm sad about that.

If you look at Britain as an example.... when they bought in the VAT, they sold it to the people by saying it would, eventually, replace income tax. It was a fair way of spreading the burden. That was in 1973... it was 10%.... now 2010.... and has it replaced income tax? Nope. Now they pay both. Is it 10%? Nope. Now its 17.5%.

Good grief.

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