White Europeans and descendants are the Chosen People of God.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Seems that the Christians have yet another fanatic who is a racist.................

A three-day whites-only religious conference — which will conclude with a flaming cross — in Lamar County, Alabama, has some residents upset at the racist implications while the minister complains that his freedom of speech is being violated.

"Yes, we believe that the Europeans and their descendants are the chosen people of God," according to the website for Christian Identity Ministries, which is holding the event with Church of God’s Chosen. "We believe this, not because we think that the white race is superior, but because there is overwhelming proof in support of this belief. We do not back down from this belief, because we are certain."

Some local residents learned of the July 4-6 gathering after the group posted fliers promoting their fourth annual pastors conference, announcing "All White Christians Invited," according to a report by WBRC in Birmingham.

"It was put up throughout the town in the middle of the night. (It was) when everyone was asleep without the permission of the business owner," said Tyler Cantrell, manager of Norris Music in nearby Winfield, Ala., the report said.

According to the flier, the three-day conference, being held in a rural area, will end with a "Sacred Christian Cross Lighting Ceremony."

"Business people are upset. The city is upset,” Winfield Mayor Wayne Silas told the TV station. "The city of Winfield does not condone this."

Christian Identity Ministries founder Mel Lewis, who spoke to a reporter from WAFF TV of Huntsville, charged that the Winfield mayor was violating his flock’s right to free speech.

"The mayor ordered our fliers to be taken down," he said. "When did they start religious censorship?"

"We are not breaking any laws. We're not violating any ordinances. We're bringing the Word of God to people who want it, obviously, or they wouldn't be here," said Lewis at the rural venue, decorated with Confederate flags and KKK banners.

Whites-only Christian gathering riles some Alabama neighbors - U.S. News

Do you think that Jesus cares what color your skin is?
Just a question, if Europeans and their descendents are the chosen people of God, why was Jesus born in the middle east? Was he not chosen of God?
Speaking of racism, this was on facebook...


made me mad. Told the poster he was an idiot and I sincerely hoped he was no relation to that cute little child as that child deserves better.

Jews are the chosen people--and non-Jews are jealous of them!!(I know--I am non-Jewish!! Why did God choose them over my people? WHY??:()
Seems that the Christians have yet another fanatic who is a racist.................

A three-day whites-only religious conference — which will conclude with a flaming cross — in Lamar County, Alabama, has some residents upset at the racist implications while the minister complains that his freedom of speech is being violated.

"Yes, we believe that the Europeans and their descendants are the chosen people of God," according to the website for Christian Identity Ministries, which is holding the event with Church of God’s Chosen. "We believe this, not because we think that the white race is superior, but because there is overwhelming proof in support of this belief. We do not back down from this belief, because we are certain."

Some local residents learned of the July 4-6 gathering after the group posted fliers promoting their fourth annual pastors conference, announcing "All White Christians Invited," according to a report by WBRC in Birmingham.

"It was put up throughout the town in the middle of the night. (It was) when everyone was asleep without the permission of the business owner," said Tyler Cantrell, manager of Norris Music in nearby Winfield, Ala., the report said.

According to the flier, the three-day conference, being held in a rural area, will end with a "Sacred Christian Cross Lighting Ceremony."

"Business people are upset. The city is upset,” Winfield Mayor Wayne Silas told the TV station. "The city of Winfield does not condone this."

Christian Identity Ministries founder Mel Lewis, who spoke to a reporter from WAFF TV of Huntsville, charged that the Winfield mayor was violating his flock’s right to free speech.

"The mayor ordered our fliers to be taken down," he said. "When did they start religious censorship?"

"We are not breaking any laws. We're not violating any ordinances. We're bringing the Word of God to people who want it, obviously, or they wouldn't be here," said Lewis at the rural venue, decorated with Confederate flags and KKK banners.

Whites-only Christian gathering riles some Alabama neighbors - U.S. News

Do you think that Jesus cares what color your skin is?

Hey Biker, did you get your invitation to the BET Award show the other night? Me either. In fact, the only white people at that Nationally televised, shit, show were Kim Kardashian and a couple other dimwitted white women. If you are going to allow racist groupings like this or the miss black America contest or the NAACP, you have to allow nimrods like this and any fucking person that bitches about it without bitching about the other is an asshole hypocrite.
More and more I am seeing a backlash among white people. After trillions of dollars having been spent and the election of an incompetent asswipe just for the color of his skin(not as that nut case tanning woman), all we hear is the same bullshit whining from black community. There is still the incredible hatred of any black that ventures away from the herd and acts with any independence at all.
Speaking of racism, how many black people refer to George W. Bush as the white devil? Watch this video if you care to find out more about who President Bush really is.

George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency

LUSAKA — Former President George W. Bush has kept a relatively low profile in the United States since leaving office. But in Africa this week he is publicly promoting his institute's initiative to prevent and treat cervical cancer. While Bush is following a familiar post-presidential path in supporting humanitarian causes, he would prefer to focus on quiet service, to lead through example and hard work.

He worked alongside other volunteers in Kabwe - Zambia's second-largest city - to renovate a health clinic which specializes in the early detection and treatment of cervical cancer.

“You're always the former president but I wanted to come here as a laborer...I do want to say that on this particular trip that myself and friends have left behind a clinic and hope to inspire others to come and refurbish clinics as well,” Bush said.

Bush is helping lead the fight against cervical cancer in his post-presidential years and has so far helped raise more than $85 million. But he is a reluctant public spokesman for the cause and says he would prefer to contribute outside the media spotlight.

“I hope you don't see much of it because I don't want to be in the news. In other words, I believe that quiet service is the best kind of service,” he said.

I wonder what the current President will do for mankind, once his ass is thrown out.
Speaking of racism, how many black people refer to George W. Bush as the white devil? Watch this video if you care to find out more about who President Bush really is.

George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency

LUSAKA — Former President George W. Bush has kept a relatively low profile in the United States since leaving office. But in Africa this week he is publicly promoting his institute's initiative to prevent and treat cervical cancer. While Bush is following a familiar post-presidential path in supporting humanitarian causes, he would prefer to focus on quiet service, to lead through example and hard work.

He worked alongside other volunteers in Kabwe - Zambia's second-largest city - to renovate a health clinic which specializes in the early detection and treatment of cervical cancer.

“You're always the former president but I wanted to come here as a laborer...I do want to say that on this particular trip that myself and friends have left behind a clinic and hope to inspire others to come and refurbish clinics as well,” Bush said.

Bush is helping lead the fight against cervical cancer in his post-presidential years and has so far helped raise more than $85 million. But he is a reluctant public spokesman for the cause and says he would prefer to contribute outside the media spotlight.

“I hope you don't see much of it because I don't want to be in the news. In other words, I believe that quiet service is the best kind of service,” he said.

I wonder what the current President will do for mankind, once his ass is thrown out.

Keep digging Shit Arrow.
Seems that the Christians have yet another fanatic who is a racist.................
I wonder if he knows Clayton Bixby, the black-white supremist.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i9iTYe6tEk]Dave Chappelle - Black White Supremacist KKK - YouTube[/ame]

Or the gay KKK guy?

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I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but God doesn't choose.

Everyone is equal in his eyes.

If God didn't "choose" people, then why did He bless Abraham and all his descendents (i.e. the Jews)?

I've got news for you, even the Bible says that the Jews are God's Chosen. Why? It's simple, because of what their ancestor Abraham did in recognizing the One True God, because there was a lot of idol worship and paganism going on at that time.

And no............Heaven isn't an equal opportunity place. The tzadik (righteous person) who has sinned and repented is held in higher esteem than the tzadik who never sinned.
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More

Black skin was not a curse--- dark skin developed because of the hot climate of Africa and not due to the curse of Ham--the canaanites and they were white.

GODs chosen people were a group of 144,000 Christians. Spiritual Israel and not fleshly nation of Isreal.
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More

Black skin was not a curse--- dark skin developed because of the hot climate of Africa and not due to the curse of Ham--the canaanites and they were white.

GODs chosen people were a group of 144,000 Christians. Spiritual Israel and not fleshly nation of Isreal.

Got anything to back up your bullshit statement? I'm pretty sure that God's Chosen People are quite clearly defined in the Bible.

They're the descendants of Abraham (i.e. the Hebrews).
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More

Black skin was not a curse--- dark skin developed because of the hot climate of Africa and not due to the curse of Ham--the canaanites and they were white.

GODs chosen people were a group of 144,000 Christians. Spiritual Israel and not fleshly nation of Isreal.

Got anything to back up your bullshit statement? I'm pretty sure that God's Chosen People are quite clearly defined in the Bible.

They're the descendants of Abraham (i.e. the Hebrews).


I disagree with you and the poster who says the chosen people are a group of 144000 Christians. At least for those of us who belive the words of John 3:16, I think the chosen people are those described below by the Apostle Peter.

1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God , that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Peter is speaking of those who have Salvation under the New Covenant, the Chosen people of God. This group includes Gentiles and Jews who believe in Jesus, or to be more precise and accurate, the ones who believeth described in John 3:16.

And on the issue of chosen people, I have found myself meditating a lot on John 3:16, and I am beginning to believe more and more every day that the ones described there may be a much different group of people than many might believe it is.

I think mankind is always trying to place God in a box, who are we to do that?

Who are we to think, even for one second, that we know the heart of even one man and can define God's relationship with even one human being He created?

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The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More
The Curse of HAM = WHITE RACE = Nimrod = Tower of Babel = Sodom and Gomorrah and More

Black skin was not a curse--- dark skin developed because of the hot climate of Africa and not due to the curse of Ham--the canaanites and they were white.

GODs chosen people were a group of 144,000 Christians. Spiritual Israel and not fleshly nation of Isreal.

Got anything to back up your bullshit statement? I'm pretty sure that God's Chosen People are quite clearly defined in the Bible.

They're the descendants of Abraham (i.e. the Hebrews).


I disagree with you and the poster who says the chosen people are a group of 144000 Christians. At least for those of us who belive the words of John 3:16, I think the chosen people are those described below by the Apostle Peter.

1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God , that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Peter is speaking of those who have Salvation under the New Covenant, the Chosen people of God. This group includes Gentiles and Jews who believe in Jesus, or to be more precise and accurate, the ones who believeth described in John 3:16.

And on the issue of chosen people, I have found myself meditating a lot on John 3:16, and I am beginning to believe more and more every day that the ones described there may be a much different group of people than many might believe it is.

I think mankind is always trying to place God in a box, who are we to do that?

Who are we to think, even for one second, that we know the heart of even one man and can define God's relationship with even one human being He created?


Nope, sorry..............gonna stick with the Jews being God's Chosen on this one, mainly because of what the Bible has to say about the whole matter concerning Abraham.


One of the missions of Yeshua (Jesus) was that He was supposed to come, not for the Jews (because they already had a covenant with God) but for everyone else (i.e. the Gentiles), so that they could have a covenant with God as well.

But...............I also believe that was the mission of Buddha as well, because what he taught is pretty much the same things that Yeshua taught.

As far as which religion is the "right" one? I like what His Holiness the Dali Llama said when asked which one was right. He replied that there should be as many religions as there are people, because we all see God in a slightly different way.

My personal opinion is that religion is like a spiritual kindergarten, because it's there just to get you started, where you go on your spiritual journey after you connect with God should be just between you and Him.

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