White being outbred by those filthy colored people

Actually, that IS a really good idea.

I've thought about it.

An "A" in each class is worth so many points. Depending on the class, the higher the point value. So an "A" in PE is worth 10 points, but an "A" in Geometry is worth 20 points. For every 100 points, the dependents earn $xxxx tax deduction for their caregivers.

At the end of the year, calculate the final points earned, and there's your tax deduction.


I'm tapped outta rep. Damn. I'll have to get back to you with that.


I think it's thread worthy! You should start one.

Nah. It's a pipe dream. You know what politicians would say about that kind of idea?

That it's racist.
Well, Whites seem to have a problems with being infertile, or unable to reproduce,
eventually that could lead to a reduction in the number of white people on the Earth.
What can you extrapolate from that Ms. White California girl, some kind of inferiority
genetic defective situation huh?.Ain't you white chicks the carriers of a lot of those defective white genes.?

Interesting concept. Personally, I've always put 'superiority' down to the content of an individual's character, rather than the ability to breed. Each to their own, I suppose. If, one day, the world is run by drooling idiots, then they are definitely 'superior' to intelligent people.... of any race, color or creed. Good luck with that. Maybe you'll all learn to work instead of leeching off other people.

I never had to "leech" off of any one,I work, especially some one who is White! ,weren't you white people leeching off of Blacks during slavery for like 150 years!? give me a friging break, you whites are some of the biggest leeches and blood sucker rapist that ever set foot on the Earth!!:razz:

Would you be so kind as to translate that to some form of English, please?
How are you superior if you breed faster than you can support yourself?

why I say there should be no tax deductions for children.

Glad you support this.

I think that it would a neat idea to explore tax deductions for high performing kids in schools. Not sure how it would work out though.

It would certainly motivate some parents to actually take an interest in their kids well being.

Now that is not a bad idea since those kids would be less of a burden on society.
shameful that you have to finiancially reward parents for being good parents though.

Yah I know I am hung up on that personal responsibility thing.
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why I say there should be no tax deductions for children.

Glad you support this.

I think that it would a neat idea to explore tax deductions for high performing kids in schools. Not sure how it would work out though.

It would certainly motivate some parents to actually take an interest in their kids well being.

Now that is not a bad idea since those kids would be less of a burden on society.
shameful that you have to finiancially reward parents for being good parents though.

It would encourage parents to make their kids learn more, thus producing higher contributing members to society.
Well, Whites seem to have a problems with being infertile, or unable to reproduce,
eventually that could lead to a reduction in the number of white people on the Earth.
What can you extrapolate from that Ms. White California girl, some kind of inferiority
genetic defective situation huh?.Ain't you white chicks the carriers of a lot of those defective white genes.?

Interesting concept. Personally, I've always put 'superiority' down to the content of an individual's character, rather than the ability to breed. Each to their own, I suppose. If, one day, the world is run by drooling idiots, then they are definitely 'superior' to intelligent people.... of any race, color or creed. Good luck with that. Maybe you'll all learn to work instead of leeching off other people.

I never had to "leech" off of any one,I work, especially some one who is White! ,weren't you white people leeching off of Blacks during slavery for like 150 years!? give me a friging break, you whites are some of the biggest leeches and blood sucker rapist that ever set foot on the Earth!!:razz:

I wasn't alive 150 years ago, so, no. I wasn't leaching off you. Nor were my ancestors. Sorry to disappoint but, as far back as the 1500s, my family has had no connection to the slave trade. They were, however, starving and kept dirt poor by others. But their great-great grandchildren don't owe me jack shit. I don't owe you jack shit.

I am sick and tired of whiners who justify their hatred of another race by some crap that happened 150 years ago. It wasn't you - get the fuck over it. Get up off your fucking ass and work. That's what everyone gets today - equal opportunities. Not a guarantee of success - just the same chance as the rest. What you make of it is not my concern. Just stop expecting me to feel guilty about something I did not do.

And.... stop fucking whining. Damn you are a moron.
If white supremacists claim the "white race" is so superior, then why are they being outbred by people who have darker skin? The whole world over.:lol:

Because the white race is really the inferior degenerate race. They have been trying to sell
this lie that blacks are inferior, when in actuallity the White race is the inferior defective unable to reproduce, with hundreds of genetic defects in their gene pool, race.
Whites have been pushing this lie of their superiority for hundreds of years now.!!:razz:

Ummm, the Jews have been pushing this lie to turn us against one another so they can control the dark by destroying the White.
Interesting concept. Personally, I've always put 'superiority' down to the content of an individual's character, rather than the ability to breed. Each to their own, I suppose. If, one day, the world is run by drooling idiots, then they are definitely 'superior' to intelligent people.... of any race, color or creed. Good luck with that. Maybe you'll all learn to work instead of leeching off other people.

I never had to "leech" off of any one,I work, especially some one who is White! ,weren't you white people leeching off of Blacks during slavery for like 150 years!? give me a friging break, you whites are some of the biggest leeches and blood sucker rapist that ever set foot on the Earth!!:razz:

I wasn't alive 150 years ago, so, no. I wasn't leaching off you. Nor were my ancestors. Sorry to disappoint but, as far back as the 1500s, my family has had no connection to the slave trade. They were, however, starving and kept dirt poor by others. But their great-great grandchildren don't owe me jack shit. I don't owe you jack shit.

I am sick and tired of whiners who justify their hatred of another race by some crap that happened 150 years ago. It wasn't you - get the fuck over it. Get up off your fucking ass and work. That's what everyone gets today - equal opportunities. Not a guarantee of success - just the same chance as the rest. What you make of it is not my concern. Just stop expecting me to feel guilty about something I did not do.

And.... stop fucking whining. Damn you are a moron.

Typical white liberal, can not see the linkage response. All whites living today, weather they were directly involved with slavery or not, have benefited, or are reaping the benefits of a the white slavers of the past. So get the hell out of that liberal bullshit mindset that you don't owe black people anything! all you blood sucking white devils do owe us plenty.
So until this slavery reparations thing is settled, all you snow white bitches, and white boy bitches need to stay up out of black peoples hoods, and our face.!!
Got it?!:razz:
If white supremacists claim the "white race" is so superior, then why are they being outbred by people who have darker skin? The whole world over.:lol:

Dude.. I've seen you say some pretty stupid shit in your short time here, but.. Really?!

I don't really feel this way. I'm just sick of day to day seeing the smug racist white supremacist bullshit spewed on here.
If white supremacists claim the "white race" is so superior, then why are they being outbred by people who have darker skin? The whole world over.:lol:

Dude.. I've seen you say some pretty stupid shit in your short time here, but.. Really?!

I don't really feel this way. I'm just sick of day to day seeing the smug racist white supremacist bullshit spewed on here.

Have you taken a gander at 52Street's replies?

Thats some pretty white supremacist bullshit there :cuckoo:
Dude.. I've seen you say some pretty stupid shit in your short time here, but.. Really?!

I don't really feel this way. I'm just sick of day to day seeing the smug racist white supremacist bullshit spewed on here.

Have you taken a gander at 52Street's replies?

Thats some pretty white supremacist bullshit there :cuckoo:

I actually hadn't seen his bullshit till I started this thread. It takes all kinds.:(
If white supremacists claim the "white race" is so superior, then why are they being outbred by people who have darker skin? The whole world over.:lol:

Because the white race is really the inferior degenerate race. They have been trying to sell
this lie that blacks are inferior, when in actuallity the White race is the inferior defective unable to reproduce, with hundreds of genetic defects in their gene pool, race.
Whites have been pushing this lie of their superiority for hundreds of years now.!!:razz:

Ummm, the Jews have been pushing this lie to turn us against one another so they can control the dark by destroying the White.

Wrong thread anti-semite!
come to think of it I don't recall seing a black man in a viagra commercial....

We black men don't need that friging Viagra. We know how to keep and erection and to
have sex for hours, only impotent, premature ejaculatory white boys need that crap.!!:razz:

Yep. And it's a well known fact that the blood drains from your brain to maintain that erection. Sounds like you're posting with an erection now.
If white supremacists claim the "white race" is so superior, then why are they being outbred by people who have darker skin? The whole world over.:lol:

Lets just say by some weird twist of fate there was no one left in this country but white, right-wingers...

I'd give em about 2 or 3 weeks until they would splinter into factions and set about doing away with each other.
One male negro will have 5 or 6 litters with 10 to 15 negro heffers
One male honkey will generally turned to another male honkey because all the honkey heffers are off getting careers and just "don't have time."
Lets just say by some weird twist of fate there was no one left in this country but white, right-wingers...

I'd give em about 2 or 3 weeks until they would splinter into factions and set about doing away with each other.

Let's just say by some weird twist of fate a leftist could open his mouth and not have some stupid stereotype fall out of it.

Naaaah -- never happen.

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