While Anti-Gunners Hate It, Hong Kong Residents Long For Second Amendment


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You cannot understand the second amendment
- without knowing why the founders added the second amendment
- and can see this play out in areas such as Hong Kong
- and other easily discernible historical events and places.

This will turn into another massacre and mass arrests with thousands never to be seen again. And like before, China will be rewarded for it.


While Anti-Gunners Hate It, Hong Kong Residents Long For Second Amendment.
Anti gunners? LOL That's an odd way of labeling the thoughtful gun person and gun owner who realizes some guns make no sense, and they especially make no sense in the hands of insecure, hateful people. More on them below for the thoughtful reader, but first the 2nd.

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."

"Mass shootings are by now a standard part of American life. Preparing for them has become a ritual of childhood. It’s as American as Monday Night Football, and very nearly as frequent."

Rituals of Childhood

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

'Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters'

Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here's what we've learned about the shooters

"Fourth, the shooters all had the means to carry out their plans. Once someone decides life is no longer worth living and that murdering others would be a proper revenge, only means and opportunity stand in the way of another mass shooting. Is an appropriate shooting site accessible? Can the would-be shooter obtain firearms? In 80% of school shootings, perpetrators got their weapons from family members, according to our data. Workplace shooters tended to use handguns they legally owned. Other public shooters were more likely to acquire them illegally."

The shooters

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

Dayton Shooter’s Classmate: ‘We Predicted He Would Do This’

"I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun"


American Thinker - SourceWatch
You cannot understand the second amendment
- without knowing why the founders added the second amendment
- and can see this play out in areas such as Hong Kong
- and other easily discernible historical events and places.

This will turn into another massacre and mass arrests with thousands never to be seen again. And like before, China will be rewarded for it.

View attachment 273049

While Anti-Gunners Hate It, Hong Kong Residents Long For Second Amendment.
I don't like guns, but I agree. Damn revenuers.
Anti gunners? LOL That's an odd way of labeling the thoughtful gun person and gun owner who realizes some guns make no sense, and they especially make no sense in the hands of insecure, hateful people. More on them below for the thoughtful reader, but first the 2nd.

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."

"Mass shootings are by now a standard part of American life. Preparing for them has become a ritual of childhood. It’s as American as Monday Night Football, and very nearly as frequent."

Rituals of Childhood

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

'Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters'

Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here's what we've learned about the shooters

"Fourth, the shooters all had the means to carry out their plans. Once someone decides life is no longer worth living and that murdering others would be a proper revenge, only means and opportunity stand in the way of another mass shooting. Is an appropriate shooting site accessible? Can the would-be shooter obtain firearms? In 80% of school shootings, perpetrators got their weapons from family members, according to our data. Workplace shooters tended to use handguns they legally owned. Other public shooters were more likely to acquire them illegally."

The shooters

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

Dayton Shooter’s Classmate: ‘We Predicted He Would Do This’

"I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun"


American Thinker - SourceWatch
What kind of gun can I use where I can’t murder anyone?

Oh yeah. All guns must be confiscated.

Trump 2020 Gold.

Thank you.
You cannot understand the second amendment
- without knowing why the founders added the second amendment
- and can see this play out in areas such as Hong Kong
- and other easily discernible historical events and places.

This will turn into another massacre and mass arrests with thousands never to be seen again. And like before, China will be rewarded for it.

View attachment 273049

While Anti-Gunners Hate It, Hong Kong Residents Long For Second Amendment.

Antigunners is way to kind. They look at Caracas when their hero Maduro can run protestors over and leave a big wet spot on the chair longing to bring that brand of Fascism to the USA.

Gungrabbing scum might be more accurate

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