Which of the following is true based on Obama's statements:


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Obama: White CEO's hate inner city kids?

Becks investigators dug up some more dirty racial remarks by Lord Obama. Apparantly, he is using "White CEO's living in the suburbs who don't want to pay taxes to inner city kids" as a general example of responsibility in a 1995 lecture. SO........based on Professor Obama's statements, which of the following are true:

1- Black CEO's in the suburbs never have a problem with handing over their tax money.
2- Black CEO's only live in the ghetto, thus needing to use the white CEO suburb example.
3- There are no black CEO's, so only white one's can be used for an example.
4- Obama is using racial profiling to paint a race as greedy.

Now, going off Obama's own statement, 1 or more of the top 4 MUST be true. There is no other explanation. So, left wingers, please fill in this dumb, Tea Party member who needs enlightenment: Which of the top 4 is true?
I also wonder who put that picture in his head? He was probably lectured in school and church about it. Was probably painted that very same picture, that "You are sitting in a run-down school/church, with sub-par supplies and lunches, not because you are not worthy, but because way out there in the suburbs are rich white folks who don't want to pay a little more in taxes so you can have as much as their suburban schools do. THEY are the real problem".

Yep. I bet the sermon/lecture that got his mind on that path was very similiar to the above.
Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Obama: White CEO's hate inner city kids?

Becks investigators dug up some more dirty racial remarks by Lord Obama. Apparantly, he is using "White CEO's living in the suburbs who don't want to pay taxes to inner city kids" as a general example of responsibility in a 1995 lecture. SO........based on Professor Obama's statements, which of the following are true:

1- Black CEO's in the suburbs never have a problem with handing over their tax money.
2- Black CEO's only live in the ghetto, thus needing to use the white CEO suburb example.
3- There are no black CEO's, so only white one's can be used for an example.
4- Obama is using racial profiling to paint a race as greedy.

Now, going off Obama's own statement, 1 or more of the top 4 MUST be true. There is no other explanation. So, left wingers, please fill in this dumb, Tea Party member who needs enlightenment: Which of the top 4 is true?

You won't get any logical responses...
Wow. The media was so wrapped up in ccriticizing the vetting process that produced an accomplished governor as a VP candidate, they seemed to have had no time to do any research on a Presidential candidate.

My how times have changed.

I remember Gary Hart losing his Presidential bid becuase the press had dug up something about him being on a yacht of a friend with sexy promiscuous women that were a small part of a much larger group on the boat.

The only dirt they can find on McCain was the Keating 5; a situation that he never dodged and was found to have done no wrong doing.....but that was reported over and over during the campaign. But soimething like this with Obama? Nah. Not at all newsworthy.
Never mind....it's just Glenn Beck again.:cuckoo:

If Glenn Beck had video proof that showed Bush on the phone giving the order to fly the planes into the buildings, would you say the same thing?

Yes. I might even add that Beck is probably drunk, or crying AGAIN, which is blurring his vision.

So you will only believe your own eyes and ears if it is someone that you trust that shows it to you.

Sort of makes you a follower.
If Glenn Beck had video proof that showed Bush on the phone giving the order to fly the planes into the buildings, would you say the same thing?

Yes. I might even add that Beck is probably drunk, or crying AGAIN, which is blurring his vision.

So you will only believe your own eyes and ears if it is someone that you trust that shows it to you.

Sort of makes you a follower.

Are you drunk? How does NOT believing a recovering alcoholic talking head, make ME a follower? Look in the mirror, fool!
Yes. I might even add that Beck is probably drunk, or crying AGAIN, which is blurring his vision.

So you will only believe your own eyes and ears if it is someone that you trust that shows it to you.

Sort of makes you a follower.

Are you drunk? How does NOT believing a recovering alcoholic talking head, make ME a follower? Look in the mirror, fool!

Video and sound is all one needs. I dont care if it is some 13 year old drug addict that uncovered it. I believe what I see and hear; and if I have reason to doubt it, I look further into it.

You sir, have opted to live your life assuming that if those you dont trust are the only ones showing you something, then it must not be true.

So that makes you a follower. Those you trust can decide to show you what they want, and what they opt NOT to show you, doesnt exist in your eyes.

To me, that makes YOU the fool.
So you will only believe your own eyes and ears if it is someone that you trust that shows it to you.

Sort of makes you a follower.

Are you drunk? How does NOT believing a recovering alcoholic talking head, make ME a follower? Look in the mirror, fool!

Video and sound is all one needs. I dont care if it is some 13 year old drug addict that uncovered it. I believe what I see and hear; and if I have reason to doubt it, I look further into it.

You sir, have opted to live your life assuming that if those you dont trust are the only ones showing you something, then it must not be true.

So that makes you a follower. Those you trust can decide to show you what they want, and what they opt NOT to show you, doesnt exist in your eyes.

To me, that makes YOU the fool.

You and I have always gotten along well enough to disagree in a civil manner Jarhead, so in keeping with that, I yield the floor to you. You believe what you want to believe.
Are you drunk? How does NOT believing a recovering alcoholic talking head, make ME a follower? Look in the mirror, fool!

Video and sound is all one needs. I dont care if it is some 13 year old drug addict that uncovered it. I believe what I see and hear; and if I have reason to doubt it, I look further into it.

You sir, have opted to live your life assuming that if those you dont trust are the only ones showing you something, then it must not be true.

So that makes you a follower. Those you trust can decide to show you what they want, and what they opt NOT to show you, doesnt exist in your eyes.

To me, that makes YOU the fool.

You and I have always gotten along well enough to disagree in a civil manner Jarhead, so in keeping with that, I yield the floor to you. You believe what you want to believe.

The debate was civil. You referred to me as a fool and I showed you how I see it the other way around.
And then you gave up as you realized there was little you could do to support the err of your thinking.
I have certainly done the same myslef more than I can count..
Video and sound is all one needs. I dont care if it is some 13 year old drug addict that uncovered it. I believe what I see and hear; and if I have reason to doubt it, I look further into it.

You sir, have opted to live your life assuming that if those you dont trust are the only ones showing you something, then it must not be true.

So that makes you a follower. Those you trust can decide to show you what they want, and what they opt NOT to show you, doesnt exist in your eyes.

To me, that makes YOU the fool.

You and I have always gotten along well enough to disagree in a civil manner Jarhead, so in keeping with that, I yield the floor to you. You believe what you want to believe.

The debate was civil. You referred to me as a fool and I showed you how I see it the other way around.
And then you gave up as you realized there was little you could do to support the err of your thinking.
I have certainly done the same myslef more than I can count..

Not necessarily. IF I was one of those people who listened only to Maddow or Olberman, I could see your point. On the contrary, I cannot stand them either as I can easily see they are no better than Rush or Beck or Hannity, they just preach to the liberal crowd.

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