Which is Worse: Papers or Junk?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Let's contrast two government policies to see which is more intrusive.

- Arizona's Immigration Law has been criticized because citizens might be asked to show their papers if they are stopped for a traffic violation.

- TSA is now touching people's genetalia in the quest to ensure SAFETY.

Which one is a bigger abuse of government power?

Wrong answer. Discriminatory treatment of latinos is not one of the two choices.
Their both an abuse of government power.
And thanks to Arizona's new law my state has seen an increase of illegals. So, instead of solving the problem they have moved farther into the US.
If the Feds actually protected the borders instead of spending their time deciding what light bulbs we should use, forbidding caffeine in cocktails, and forcing us to burn food (corn) for fuel, your state would not be experiencing this problem.

And if you are bothered by an increase in illegals in your state, why isn't AZ equally justified in wishing to control the problem in their own?
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Let's contrast two government policies to see which is more intrusive.

- Arizona's Immigration Law has been criticized because citizens might be asked to show their papers if they are stopped for a traffic violation.


If the Feds actually protected the borders instead of spending their time deciding what light bulbs we should use, forbidding caffeine in cocktails, and forcing us to burn food (corn) for fuel, your state would not be experiencing this problem.

And if you are bothered by an increase in illegals in your state, why isn't AZ equally justified in wishing to control the problem in their own?

Maybe, but they should come up with something that actually works.
And my state should make the prove citizenship to get a drivers license. I went to the DOL recently, and it was a hot mess.
If the Feds actually protected the borders instead of spending their time deciding what light bulbs we should use, forbidding caffeine in cocktails, and forcing us to burn food (corn) for fuel, your state would not be experiencing this problem.

And if you are bothered by an increase in illegals in your state, why isn't AZ equally justified in wishing to control the problem in their own?

Are you suggesting that instead of covering the breasts of statues in the Capital, Attorney General Ascroft might have better served the nation by protecting our southern border? What an idea, have you no sense of morality?
And AG Gonzales would have better served our nation by enforcing immigration laws and ignoring the sage advice of Monica Goodling and saving the DOJ from non Social Conservatives.
Outragious, I say.
In California we no longer arrest people who break the law of driving without a licence.

Never did. We arrest only misdemeanor and felony crimes, driving without a license is an infraction.
Driving on a suspended or revoked license (14601 CVC) is a misdemeanor and cause for detention, though usually it's cite and release. Upon conviction of 14601 CVC a manditory jail sentence is imposed.
In California we no longer arrest people who break the law of driving without a licence.

Never did. We arrest only misdemeanor and felony crimes, driving without a license is an infraction.
Driving on a suspended or revoked license (14601 CVC) is a misdemeanor and cause for detention, though usually it's cite and release. Upon conviction of 14601 CVC a manditory jail sentence is imposed.

Sorry, I was just in court and going by what was happening in court, the court stated they used to arrest people for driving without a license and now they dont.

VC section 12500 was the law I was speaking of, I am sorry that I was not specific. A violation of this law is a Misdemeanor that can be reduced to an Infraction on showing proof.
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If the Feds actually protected the borders instead of spending their time deciding what light bulbs we should use, forbidding caffeine in cocktails, and forcing us to burn food (corn) for fuel, your state would not be experiencing this problem.

And if you are bothered by an increase in illegals in your state, why isn't AZ equally justified in wishing to control the problem in their own?

Maybe, but they should come up with something that actually works.
And my state should make the prove citizenship to get a drivers license. I went to the DOL recently, and it was a hot mess.

Good luck with that. With Motor Voter being pushed everywhere, Driver's Licenses have lost being a reliable ID demonstrating legal status.
If the Feds actually protected the borders instead of spending their time deciding what light bulbs we should use, forbidding caffeine in cocktails, and forcing us to burn food (corn) for fuel, your state would not be experiencing this problem.

And if you are bothered by an increase in illegals in your state, why isn't AZ equally justified in wishing to control the problem in their own?

Are you suggesting that instead of covering the breasts of statues in the Capital, Attorney General Ascroft might have better served the nation by protecting our southern border? What an idea, have you no sense of morality?
And AG Gonzales would have better served our nation by enforcing immigration laws and ignoring the sage advice of Monica Goodling and saving the DOJ from non Social Conservatives.
Outragious, I say.

Dood. Take some reading lessons.

I did not advocate anywhere that covering statues was a good idea.

But as long as we are on the topic, let's also include the 10 Commandments in a court house being covered up, and Obama having the mongram "IHS" (symbol for the name of Jesus) on the speaking podium covered up when he spoke at Georgetown.

If you want to go down this rat hole, by all mean, have at it.

Now, back to the topic.

Which one do you choose of the two options in the OP? As to morality, glass house, stones, and such.
Let's contrast two government policies to see which is more intrusive.

- Arizona's Immigration Law has been criticized because citizens might be asked to show their papers if they are stopped for a traffic violation.

- TSA is now touching people's genetalia in the quest to ensure SAFETY.

Which one is a bigger abuse of government power?

Calling the Mexican invasion of the United States "immigration" and expecting Americans to accept it.
The right were for airline secutiry before they were against it.

You just cannot reason with frightened people.

Let another terror airline incident happen and they will say we have not been doing enough groping and such.
Sorry bub.

I was NEVER for the nonsensical centralization and procedures of TSA from the beginning.

Try again.
Their both an abuse of government power.
And thanks to Arizona's new law my state has seen an increase of illegals. So, instead of solving the problem they have moved farther into the US.

AND...........thanks to enemy collaborators like Obama, Dick Durbin, and Luis Gutierrez, Illinois has the highest number of gang members per capita.​
Let's contrast two government policies to see which is more intrusive.

- Arizona's Immigration Law has been criticized because citizens might be asked to show their papers if they are stopped for a traffic violation.

- TSA is now touching people's genetalia in the quest to ensure SAFETY.

Which one is a bigger abuse of government power?

They both are.
Free movement of labor and capital is an inherently conservative (read: Classical Liberal) idea. If invasive body searches actually accomplished something they might have some merit. Of course they don't. Of course it is more show. Of course it does nothing to make anyone safer but gives the appearance of safety.
Let's contrast two government policies to see which is more intrusive.

- Arizona's Immigration Law has been criticized because citizens might be asked to show their papers if they are stopped for a traffic violation.

- TSA is now touching people's genetalia in the quest to ensure SAFETY.

Which one is a bigger abuse of government power?

The TSA.

That can be turned over to the airports, unless you consider them part of the DoD. If they are (and sorry, I don;t know) then the answer is neither.

You don't have to fly, it's not a right, thats why you have to buy a ticket.

And "Showing your papers" when pulled over is automatic. "License, registration and proof of insurance please."
If the Feds actually protected the borders instead of spending their time deciding what light bulbs we should use, forbidding caffeine in cocktails, and forcing us to burn food (corn) for fuel, your state would not be experiencing this problem.

And if you are bothered by an increase in illegals in your state, why isn't AZ equally justified in wishing to control the problem in their own?

Are you suggesting that instead of covering the breasts of statues in the Capital, Attorney General Ascroft might have better served the nation by protecting our southern border? What an idea, have you no sense of morality?
And AG Gonzales would have better served our nation by enforcing immigration laws and ignoring the sage advice of Monica Goodling and saving the DOJ from non Social Conservatives.
Outragious, I say.

So you're suggesting that sexual harassment of subordinate employees is perfectly OK, right? Geez, I thought you were all about protecting the little people and then you come up with something like this, ya big phoney.

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