Which GOP Politician Needs to be Sent Home, Permanently? And Why?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Which GOP Politician Needs to be Sent Home, Permanently? And Why?

Rep. Peter King fears Ted Cruz, Rand Paul stronger

By JONATHAN TOPAZ | 6/11/14 7:58 AM EDT

Rep. Peter King on Wednesday said the Republican Party cannot allow Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to take over following House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s defeat.

“We can’t allow Eric’s defeat last night allow the Ted Cruzes and the Rand Pauls to take over the party, or their disciples to take over the party,” the moderate New York Republican said on MSNBC.


As for who takes over for Cantor, either before or after November, King said: “I hope it’s not the Ted Cruz types.”

Short URL: Elections 2014: Peter King fears Ted Cruz, Rand Paul stronger - POLITICO.com

Rep. Peter King seems like he is putting his own personal feelings ahead of what's best for the party and the country if he perceives Cruz and Paul or any responsible Tea Party affiliated politician as undesirable members of the Conservative movement.

Maybe when his constituents send him home for good he might be able to openly watch the Chris Matthews show on MSNBC where Matthews can explain to King that the Tea Party is not the monster he was trying to make them out to be.

And King can think about this as he rocks in the rocking chair on the back porch and wonders why President Cruz is not calling and asking his advice on matters of government or foreign affairs or anything.

Send Peter King home.

For good!

Which GOP Pol would you send home, permanently?
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Need to send McCain to the deserts of Arizona on a fact finding mission. Send him that way....

The rank and file of the Pub party compromised to much but they will do nothing just for the same reasons Obama was elected...

Because he's black

The teabaggers gaining control of the GOP would be a bad thing for anyone more interested in making a living than fulfilling some dogmatic vision of libertarian utopia.
The teabaggers gaining control of the GOP would be a bad thing for anyone more interested in making a living than fulfilling some dogmatic vision of libertarian utopia.

Which GOP Politician Needs to be Sent Home, Permanently? And Why?

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