Statements sent to 7 Senators (feel free to copy/paste and email)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
After reading that 7 Senators were opposed to the current GOP tax bill
that includes ending the ACA individual mandate,
I looked up the websites for each of these Senators (plus Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell)
and sent the following statement (or variations of them for Rand Paul, John McCain and Mitch McConnell).

If you agree that the individual mandate is unconstitutional,
please feel free to copy, paste or cite this for emails, posts or petitions online.


Dear Senator Collins:

Please vote to REMOVE the unconstitutional ACA Mandate. As a Democrat who puts the Constitution first before party, I oppose the mandate on grounds it is unconstitutional in penalizing citizens like me, deprived of liberty without due process, who cannot comply with such a mandate that violates our Constitutional beliefs and principles.

Please either vote to remove this individual mandate and/or create an option on tax forms where citizens may CHOOSE which policy to fund and agree to be under. I do not agree to be under the ACA tax penalties and religious regulations that I argue are unconstitutional and should not have been passed, signed, or enforced because they violate the beliefs of Constitutionalists like me, regulate tax exemptions on the basis of religion, and discriminate against citizens on the basis of Creed.

Thank you for your consideration and service to the public. Yours truly, Emily Nghiem


Dear Senator Rand Paul:

I hope you are recovering well, and thank you for your representation in defense of Constitutional laws, duties, and ethics in Government.

Please vote to REMOVE the unconstitutional ACA Mandate. As a Democrat who puts the Constitution first before party, I oppose the mandate on grounds it is unconstitutional in penalizing citizens like me, deprived of liberty without due process, who cannot comply with such a mandate that violates our Constitutional beliefs and principles.

Please either vote to remove this individual mandate and/or create an option on tax forms where citizens may CHOOSE which policy to fund and agree to be under. I do not agree to be under the ACA tax penalties and religious regulations that I argue are unconstitutional and should not have been passed, signed, or enforced because they violate the beliefs of Constitutionalists like me, regulate tax exemptions on the basis of religion, and discriminate against citizens on the basis of Creed.

Thank you for your consideration and service to the public. My prayers to you for a full and expedited recovery. May you lead the nation in creating fair tax policies that separate the choices and beliefs of taxpayers so that all are guaranteed equal protection under law.

Yours truly, Emily Nghiem, Constitutionalist, Houston, TX,

This bill should be rejected because of the so-called tax cuts. That is why Ron Johnson opposes it. A tax cut bill that sees some people's taxes go up is hardly a tax cut bill.
ADDED MSG to both Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins:

Please repeal the ACA mandate. It should be OPTIONAL.
Health care should be prochoice since these are individual decisions unique to each person's situation.
No citizens should be penalized with tax fines for defending free choice in how
we pay and provide for health care. That freedom to choose is not a crime.
The right to believe and fund govt health care
should not be imposed on citizens against their free will and right to choose.
What is a health insurance mandate repeal doing in a one percenter tax bailout bill?
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Hi Lakhota and glad you see some humor here!

It is a SERIOUS matter that the govt mandated health care provisions are unconstitutional,
in penalizing citizens in a discriminatory manner and violating beliefs of Republicans Conservatives and fellow Constitutionalists,
to the same degree that Democrats and Liberals I know opposed the death penalty as against THEIR beliefs.

By the time Democrats and Republicans agree to a truce
giving taxpayers the choice of defunding either Planned Parenthood/birth control/abortions
and a failed health care exchange system,
or defunding Executions and retributive justice in a failed prison system,
maybe this will be taken seriously and not laughed at.

Both sides have been violating the First Amendment rights of citizens
by forcing us to endorse and pay for policies we don't believe in through govt.

Lakhota are you able to laugh at Death Penalty abolitionists
who have lost friends, allies and beloved advocates of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
to a permanent punishment that can never be reversed?

Do you think it is "funny" that veterans have been dying while waiting
in line for medical services through the VA? Both the prison system
and the VA could be REFORMED by respective parties WILLING TO TAKE THIS ON
in order to fund "sustainable health care" through MEANS THEY AGREE TO!

What a concept! Are you laughing Lakhota?
Do you see where this can lead, are you smiling, is a light going off in your mind??

The negotiations over "how to pay for universal care"
has SERIOUS implications that can change the
prison and VA system, as well as how we use political parties.
To represent and manage resources according to political beliefs
instead of competing to violate and silence each other!

Good day Lakhota
and may this conflict be resolved with innovative
solutions that give you even more positive things to post about!
Trump was hired to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Why aren't you gullible tards holding him to that promise?

Shit. Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around. You didn't need Trump the Huckster for that!

Since you are letting Trump off the hook, you will never convince me this election was about nothing other than Mexicans and Muslims.
Trump was hired to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Why aren't you gullible tards holding him to that promise?

Shit. Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around. You didn't need Trump the Huckster for that!

Since you are letting Trump off the hook, you will never convince me this election was about nothing other than Mexicans and Muslims.
Trump was hired to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Why aren't you gullible tards holding him to that promise?

Shit. Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around. You didn't need Trump the Huckster for that!

Because g5000 most people are too selfishly engrained in defending their own political beliefs against the other party,
to even imagine, much less support
the position of separating tax funding and allowing both camps to fund the health care approaches they believe in.

the fear of conflict, of imbalance in budget and funding,
instead of agreeing to RESPECT both sides' beliefs,
and to set up means of BORROWING AND LENDING funds
from one group to another VOLUNTARILY
is just TOO MUCH for people to imagine working!

They don't respect each other. They fear and attack each other to get their way by bullying.
To ask for a solution where whole parties respect each other's beliefs
is like asking for the Kingdom of God to be established on earth from heaven
through Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

That is what I am asking, I believe in Restorative Justice
which includes all people and makes us all equal in the eyes of God.
I believe that is the meaning of all receiving and uniting in
the spirit of Christ Jesus, of Peace and Justice, and Equal Justice Under Law.

But who else has that faith? To even ask?
Much less to expect a positive answer?

That's why we are where we are today.
People are too afraid to ask.
It's too much responsibility to fulfill that answer and make it work.
It scares people who aren't ready to protect and include
the beliefs of all people as in Constitutional laws and standards.
This has become empty and meaningless, where
people understand justice for themselves
but not for their neighbors. Our legal system is adversarial and our
party politics are worse in encouraging this and rewarding bigger bullies to dominate.
People who don't believe we can all have justice
will settle for less. When both sides fight each other, nobody gets what they want
but end up with garbage compromises. We will get the same result
until we learn to quit doing it this way!
Dear Senator Dr. Rand Paul:
Please don't make the same mistake ACA did in costing taxpayers money without giving better options.

Please change the State deductions to REWARD States for funding and saving their own Health Care Exchanges.

To remove the mandate, please support Democrats in allowing States to defund the Death Penalty and convert prison funding [resources and facilities into medical programs for cost effective treatment to cut costs of crime and disease] in order to support Universal Care.

Thank you and please pass an effective bill that solves these problems in question.
Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem


Dear Congresswoman Lee:

Please work with Democrats in the Senate to change the State deductions to REWARD States for funding and saving their own Health Care Exchanges.

To remove the unconstitutional mandate that penalizes poor citizens like me, please support Democrats in allowing States to defund the Death Penalty and convert prison resources and facilities into medical programs, for cost effective preventative treatment to cut costs of crime and disease, in order to support Universal Care.

Thank you and please lobby for an effective bill that solves these problems in question.
Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
RE: Please replace mandate and state deductions with rewards to State for funding their own health care

Dear Senator Steve Daines:

Please work with Democrats in the Senate to change the State deductions to REWARD States for funding and saving their own Health Care Exchanges, such as through VA or prison reforms to renovate existing facilities and expand medical schools and services.

To remove the unconstitutional mandate that penalizes poor citizens like me, please support Democrats in allowing States to defund the Death Penalty and convert prison resources and facilities into medical programs, for cost effective preventative treatment to cut costs of crime and disease, in order to support Universal Care.

Thank you and please revise the tax bill to unite parties on effective solutions to these problems in question.
Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
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