Which GOP candidate or donor started the Russian "dossier" investigation?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.
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I heard rumors it was McCain.

I've also heard it was Ted Cruz. However, the Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor". I've also heard it was a Republican presidential candidate who initiated the investigation. I'd just like to get my facts straight.
When you get involved in establishment politics, money and power is all that matters and political parties are no longer a factor. Republican senators like Flake and McCain may well have had ties to whatever donor initially financed the scam. Who knows, CBS tried to throw a presidential election to democrats with forged documents so the MSM might be involved. It's refreshing though that the left finally admits that the Trump/Russian connection was a black bag operation financed by outside interests.
my $ is on Bush .. maybe Jeb isn't such a weakling after all.

Trump stepped on 43 AND Jeb,

Fcuktard wanted some shit with the Republicans - well there ya go.
I'm guessing that the GOP candidate or donor really doesn't want their name made public - especially if it was a GOP candidate.
could have been Mama Bush.

High Rollin' Loud Mouth Don Cheeto pokin' at her cubs so she picks up the phone and says sickum.
If Republicans funded the beginning and Democrats funded the ending - does it really matter who funded the Russian "dossier"? Isn't the truth all that matters? It's my understanding that no one did anything illegal - or even unethical. It all falls under the category of "opposition research".
If Republicans funded the beginning and Democrats funded the ending - does it really matter who funded the Russian "dossier"? Isn't the truth all that matters?
And, the truth is???

We're still waiting on the full truth. As many experts have stated - some of the "dossier" has been corroborated and some of it not. However, apparently nothing in the "dossier" has been determined to be untrue. Some of the "dossier" can't be corroborated without more input from Christopher Steele - but Steele is communicating with Robert Mueller's investigation. Stay tuned...

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