Where's the Reid?

It didn't work for Hillary and doubt it'll work for Rory.

It worked for hillary. But I wonder why she didn't run for a seat in her former state of Arkansas?

Because she couldn't get elected in Arkansas?

But seriously, if you were looking to be the first female President of the United States and needed prestigious credentials, and had a party machine ready to annoint you, would you choose to be a Senator from Arkansas? Or New York?
Look around....they are sitting in the 59 other seats
HUM... A Republican sitting in a sit that hasn't had a Republican sitting in it for over 30 years should give you a hint the DNC is gone untikl the American people become complacent. or obama gets his new voter base from south of the border.

One seat out of 100

The key factor is the the American public has selected Democrats for 59 of the 100 seats. To hold 41 seats in the Senate is not something to brag about

HA, that was 2 years ago that the republicans were rightfully being punished for their actions. THAT is why the abysmal numbers today. Now the public is pissed at the democrats and your time is coming. These next elections will not be pleasant for your side of the aisle. The public has a short memory, maybe you can come back in 2012 and that is likely the case if the GOP does not get back on its game with new ideas but do not kid yourself. The democrats are making the same mistake that the GOP did when it ignored the will of the people and that does not bode well for elections.
It was looking pretty rough for old Harry Reid there....no chance for re-election

Until the Tea Baggers got involved

And now the Tea Baggers have put former Democrat Sharron Angle on the ballot and Reid is having a blast helping put the campaign ads together!
HUM... A Republican sitting in a sit that hasn't had a Republican sitting in it for over 30 years should give you a hint the DNC is gone untikl the American people become complacent. or obama gets his new voter base from south of the border.

One seat out of 100

The key factor is the the American public has selected Democrats for 59 of the 100 seats. To hold 41 seats in the Senate is not something to brag about

HA, that was 2 years ago that the republicans were rightfully being punished for their actions. THAT is why the abysmal numbers today. Now the public is pissed at the democrats and your time is coming. These next elections will not be pleasant for your side of the aisle. The public has a short memory, maybe you can come back in 2012 and that is likely the case if the GOP does not get back on its game with new ideas but do not kid yourself. The democrats are making the same mistake that the GOP did when it ignored the will of the people and that does not bode well for elections.

HA, that was the last full congressional election. Now, you do not know the results of the next election.

Methinks thou does presume too much
Don't be too sure. I think all Sharron has to do is not commit a major faux pas and reassure the Nevada voters that they couldn't possibly be worse off with her than they were with Reid.

The fact that prior to the primary she was the weakest of Republican contenders against Reid and still holds a 7 pt lead suggests she really has a shot.

Why in the world, given the mess that we are in though, would you guys WANT to re-elect Reid?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sharron Angle’s modest bounce after her Republican Primary win appears to be over, but she still holds a slight lead over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Nevada shows Angle earning 48% support, while Reid, the state’s longtime Democratic senator, picks up 41% of the vote. Eight percent (8%) like some other candidate in the race, while just two percent (2%) are undecided.

Two weeks ago, coming off her primary victory, Angle posted a 50% to 39% lead over Reid, who many consider one of the most vulnerable congressional incumbents in the country.

This returns the contest to where it’s been in surveys for months where Angle, a Christian conservative, ran weakest of the three Republicans seeking their party’s Senate nomination in match-ups with Reid.

Prior to the findings two weeks ago, Angle’s support in surveys stretching back to December has ranged from 44% to 48%, while Reid has earned 38% to 43% of the vote. In April, Angle held a 48% to 40% lead over the Democrat.

Reid‘s campaign and national Democrats are already pounding away at Angle’s views as unacceptable to the state. But at this early stage, the race continues to be about Reid, who earned 61% of the vote when he was reelected in 2004 but whose support in this election cycle against any Republican candidate has never risen above the low 40s. Any incumbent at this point in a campaign who is earning less than 50% support is considered vulnerable.
Election 2010: Nevada Senate - Rasmussen Reports
Don't be too sure. I think all Sharron has to do is not commit a major faux pas and reassure the Nevada voters that they couldn't possibly be worse off with her than they were with Reid.

The fact that prior to the primary she was the weakest of Republican contenders against Reid and still holds a 7 pt lead suggests she really has a shot.

Why in the world, given the mess that we are in though, would you guys WANT to re-elect Reid?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sharron Angle’s modest bounce after her Republican Primary win appears to be over, but she still holds a slight lead over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Nevada shows Angle earning 48% support, while Reid, the state’s longtime Democratic senator, picks up 41% of the vote. Eight percent (8%) like some other candidate in the race, while just two percent (2%) are undecided.

Two weeks ago, coming off her primary victory, Angle posted a 50% to 39% lead over Reid, who many consider one of the most vulnerable congressional incumbents in the country.

This returns the contest to where it’s been in surveys for months where Angle, a Christian conservative, ran weakest of the three Republicans seeking their party’s Senate nomination in match-ups with Reid.

Prior to the findings two weeks ago, Angle’s support in surveys stretching back to December has ranged from 44% to 48%, while Reid has earned 38% to 43% of the vote. In April, Angle held a 48% to 40% lead over the Democrat.

Reid‘s campaign and national Democrats are already pounding away at Angle’s views as unacceptable to the state. But at this early stage, the race continues to be about Reid, who earned 61% of the vote when he was reelected in 2004 but whose support in this election cycle against any Republican candidate has never risen above the low 40s. Any incumbent at this point in a campaign who is earning less than 50% support is considered vulnerable.
Election 2010: Nevada Senate - Rasmussen Reports

What's going to be funny is that Harry Reid will lose his seat in 2010. And the liberals and media will continue to ask how this happened.
Don't be too sure. I think all Sharron has to do is not commit a major faux pas and reassure the Nevada voters that they couldn't possibly be worse off with her than they were with Reid.

The fact that prior to the primary she was the weakest of Republican contenders against Reid and still holds a 7 pt lead suggests she really has a shot.

Why in the world, given the mess that we are in though, would you guys WANT to re-elect Reid?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sharron Angle’s modest bounce after her Republican Primary win appears to be over, but she still holds a slight lead over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Nevada shows Angle earning 48% support, while Reid, the state’s longtime Democratic senator, picks up 41% of the vote. Eight percent (8%) like some other candidate in the race, while just two percent (2%) are undecided.

Two weeks ago, coming off her primary victory, Angle posted a 50% to 39% lead over Reid, who many consider one of the most vulnerable congressional incumbents in the country.

This returns the contest to where it’s been in surveys for months where Angle, a Christian conservative, ran weakest of the three Republicans seeking their party’s Senate nomination in match-ups with Reid.

Prior to the findings two weeks ago, Angle’s support in surveys stretching back to December has ranged from 44% to 48%, while Reid has earned 38% to 43% of the vote. In April, Angle held a 48% to 40% lead over the Democrat.

Reid‘s campaign and national Democrats are already pounding away at Angle’s views as unacceptable to the state. But at this early stage, the race continues to be about Reid, who earned 61% of the vote when he was reelected in 2004 but whose support in this election cycle against any Republican candidate has never risen above the low 40s. Any incumbent at this point in a campaign who is earning less than 50% support is considered vulnerable.
Election 2010: Nevada Senate - Rasmussen Reports

What's going to be funny is that Harry Reid will lose his seat in 2010. And the liberals and media will continue to ask how this happened.

CBS Poll: 11% favorability for Nancy Pelosi, 8% favorability for Harry Reid
But what I don't understand is that 50% who are the idiots they are asking? Most should already know enough about Harry. Oh wait I forgot it's a CBS poll.


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It didn't work for Hillary and doubt it'll work for Rory.

It worked for hillary. But I wonder why she didn't run for a seat in her former state of Arkansas?

Because she couldn't get elected in Arkansas?

But seriously, if you were looking to be the first female President of the United States and needed prestigious credentials, and had a party machine ready to annoint you, would you choose to be a Senator from Arkansas? Or New York?

Bingo, She certainly would have been elected here in Arkansas. She chose NY for the electoral votes.
Don't be too sure. I think all Sharron has to do is not commit a major faux pas and reassure the Nevada voters that they couldn't possibly be worse off with her than they were with Reid.

The fact that prior to the primary she was the weakest of Republican contenders against Reid and still holds a 7 pt lead suggests she really has a shot.

Why in the world, given the mess that we are in though, would you guys WANT to re-elect Reid?

What's going to be funny is that Harry Reid will lose his seat in 2010. And the liberals and media will continue to ask how this happened.

CBS Poll: 11% favorability for Nancy Pelosi, 8% favorability for Harry Reid
But what I don't understand is that 50% who are the idiots they are asking? Most should already know enough about Harry. Oh wait I forgot it's a CBS poll.

What a totally worthless poll you posted. Interesting spin though. In the CBS poll 69% either didn't know who he was, were undecided or didn't care.

The only poll that matters with Reid is a poll taken in Nevada not nationwide. The GOP had him on the ropes in Nevada until the Tea Baggers rescued him with their chosen nominee Sharon Angle
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It was looking pretty rough for old Harry Reid there....no chance for re-election

Until the Tea Baggers got involved

And now the Tea Baggers have put former Democrat Sharron Angle on the ballot and Reid is having a blast helping put the campaign ads together!

All poor Harry has to do now is keep his mouth shut

An astute analysis.
Sharron Angle is avoiding talking to the mainstream media. She doesn't want to defend extreme views shes' made over the years. Some of which are:
-phase out social security because it is a form of welfare
-make alcohol illegal because its just as destructive as drugs
-"2nd amendment remedies" might be necessary to get the country back on track

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