Where women do not belong


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Mike Pence's self imposed, much ridiculed rule of never being alone with a woman except for his wife is looking ever smarter. But for feminists it is just an attempt to keep women from power. He got nothing but criticism for what is now, in a time of media executions, looking like a wise policy. You cant win for losing with these lunatics.
Destroyed institutions, marriages and lives are a small price to pay for The Cause to them.

Mike Pence’s Marriage and the Beliefs That Keep Women from Power

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"But I wonder if he realizes the discriminatory consequences of his rule. Over his career, he has had many colleagues and employees. With the men, he can have complex relationships that traverse work and social contexts, build trust, and eventually help their careers. A woman who hoped Pence would be a mentor to her, on the other hand, wouldn’t be able to avail herself of those opportunities, since he can’t even have lunch with her." Opinion | Pence’s unwillingness to be alone with a woman is a symptom of a bigger problem

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Mike Pence's self imposed, much ridiculed rule of never being alone with a woman except for his wife is looking ever smarter. But for feminists it is just an attempt to keep women from power. He got nothing but criticism for what is now, in a time of media executions, looking like a wise policy. You cant win for losing with these lunatics.
Destroyed institutions, marriages and lives are a small price to pay for The Cause to them.

Mike Pence’s Marriage and the Beliefs That Keep Women from Power

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"But I wonder if he realizes the discriminatory consequences of his rule. Over his career, he has had many colleagues and employees. With the men, he can have complex relationships that traverse work and social contexts, build trust, and eventually help their careers. A woman who hoped Pence would be a mentor to her, on the other hand, wouldn’t be able to avail herself of those opportunities, since he can’t even have lunch with her." Opinion | Pence’s unwillingness to be alone with a woman is a symptom of a bigger problem

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There was a thread earlier on this. I have always realized that perception becomes realitly. If you give your neighbors reasons to think ill of you they will. I am not sayinbg you can never be alone with a women but you must be very carefull about how it appears to the outside world. To me this is just comon sense, but many thought I was crazy for such policy. If you want to avoid being accused of impropriety do not even look like it.
Many have criticized Pence for being weak. However, when it comes to sexual things, almost all men have weak moments. It's good to recognize that and avoid situations that could turn a weak moment into a life changing error of major proportions.

Many have criticized Pence for being weak. However, when it comes to sexual things, almost all men have weak moments. It's good to recognize that and avoid situations that could turn a weak moment into a life changing error of major proportions.

Or offer an opportunity for a political enemy to make up a damaging story.
Many have criticized Pence for being weak. However, when it comes to sexual things, almost all men have weak moments. It's good to recognize that and avoid situations that could turn a weak moment into a life changing error of major proportions.

Or offer an opportunity for a political enemy to make up a damaging story.

You do not have to be in politics to suffer from this.Consensual sex can get you into trouble. If it appears as though you are doing another mans wife or girlfriend you can end up eating a fist or worse yet a bullet. It is best to be cautious in these situations.
Women are furious that they can't lie about Pence.

He is invulnerable to their usual charges and smear campaigns so long as he follows that rule.
But for the feminists who attack him I'll just say there is one woman very pleased with his stance...his lucky wife.
Many have criticized Pence for being weak. However, when it comes to sexual things, almost all men have weak moments. It's good to recognize that and avoid situations that could turn a weak moment into a life changing error of major proportions.

When did manners and prudence start to appear weak to people, I just do not understand.
Mike Pence's self imposed, much ridiculed rule of never being alone with a woman except for his wife is looking ever smarter. But for feminists it is just an attempt to keep women from power. He got nothing but criticism for what is now, in a time of media executions, looking like a wise policy. You cant win for losing with these lunatics.
Destroyed institutions, marriages and lives are a small price to pay for The Cause to them.

Mike Pence’s Marriage and the Beliefs That Keep Women from Power

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"But I wonder if he realizes the discriminatory consequences of his rule. Over his career, he has had many colleagues and employees. With the men, he can have complex relationships that traverse work and social contexts, build trust, and eventually help their careers. A woman who hoped Pence would be a mentor to her, on the other hand, wouldn’t be able to avail herself of those opportunities, since he can’t even have lunch with her." Opinion | Pence’s unwillingness to be alone with a woman is a symptom of a bigger problem

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There was a thread earlier on this. I have always realized that perception becomes realitly. If you give your neighbors reasons to think ill of you they will. I am not sayinbg you can never be alone with a women but you must be very carefull about how it appears to the outside world. To me this is just comon sense, but many thought I was crazy for such policy. If you want to avoid being accused of impropriety do not even look like it.

Agreed. "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion". You know, of just the few articles I cited, two of them compared Mike Pence to a Muslim. Those slimeballs will sink lower than you could ever imagine.
And as in all politics they reserve particular vitriol for women who try to sustain standards of decency. When the Democrats finally succeeded in assigning women officers to submarines they were opposed by the Navy Wives Club and CincHouse.com in particular. ""The Navy wives, I think, are the most vocal...They do not think it's a good idea" LINK is a good example of the feeling.
And they were pilloried for it. HERE is a Jezebel.com hit piece on these poor women trying to hold together their family of under already trying circumstances.
Your kind of common sense is dangerous and backwards apparently. Maybe even smacks of Muslim in their tolerant minds?
Many have criticized Pence for being weak. However, when it comes to sexual things, almost all men have weak moments. It's good to recognize that and avoid situations that could turn a weak moment into a life changing error of major proportions.

When did manners and prudence start to appear weak to people, I just do not understand.

When said manners and prudence were identified as part of a culture Marxists thought stood in their way.
Many have criticized Pence for being weak. However, when it comes to sexual things, almost all men have weak moments. It's good to recognize that and avoid situations that could turn a weak moment into a life changing error of major proportions.

From a group of people who think females do not exist until a doctor imposes it on them...you expect common sense from liberals?
If these fundie guys want to check themselves out society, so be it. Run away. Society is half male and half female. The right to assume public office belongs to both female and male citizens of our republic. Cope.

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