" Where even Richard Nixon has got

I'll explain by justifying.Dennis Prager thinks it's wrong to ban
use of words.Like the " N " word and also the " K " word.
Due to cultural pressure that has determined { even before the 60's }
that One word {slur} is unacceptable and not the other.
Prager also asserts that calling one the " N " word is despicable.
But not necessarily using the word.
Brando explained it differently decades ago.That since Hollywood
is virtually run by the Jews it saw fit to find one slur { the " N " }
word acceptable while the " K " word would not be tolerated.
Plus a variety of Slurs for Native Americans and Mexicans.
Saw both used in movies and on All in the Family
I have the entire TV Series [ All in the Family }.
If the " K " word was used it wasn't in vain.But as a
lesson.The Creator of that TV series is till around.
Norman Lear.
Enough on slurs.In the Movie - Nixon - it ends with a very
beautiful and compelling admission from Nixon and obviously
he says ... " My Mother was a saint.Nobody will write a book,probably,
about my mother. "

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