Where does the DACA situation stand?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is the Trump admin standing firm?
I haven't heard much about it...I've been counting down the days...Looking forward to seeing the busses full of anchor babies headed to the filthy south...I have the math all worked out....800k silver tooth anchors, 72 anchors to a bus = 11,111 total buses
Is the Trump admin standing firm?
I haven't heard much about it...I've been counting down the days...Looking forward to seeing the busses full of anchor babies headed to the filthy south...I have the math all worked out....800k silver tooth anchors, 72 anchors to a bus = 11,111 total buses

"Anchor babies" are citizens regardless of the status of DACA. Blame the 14th amendment.
Is the Trump admin standing firm?
I haven't heard much about it...I've been counting down the days...Looking forward to seeing the busses full of anchor babies headed to the filthy south...I have the math all worked out....800k silver tooth anchors, 72 anchors to a bus = 11,111 total buses

"Anchor babies" are citizens regardless of the status of DACA. Blame the 14th amendment.

Just a figure of speech...wasn't trying to mislead anyone.
Anchor babies are citizens, brokeloser, and are going nowhere.

The DACA adults will probably be allowed to stay in the US on a pathway to citizenship.
I believe Trump is using it as a bargaining chip as a way to force Democrats to either abandon Dreamers or save Dreamers by funding the wall and more border security.

I think you're right...this is going to get real interesting...March is just around the corner.

Democrats will have to cave on the wall or its adios dreamers...Trump did his homework on this issue
Is the Trump admin standing firm?
I haven't heard much about it...I've been counting down the days...Looking forward to seeing the busses full of anchor babies headed to the filthy south...I have the math all worked out....800k silver tooth anchors, 72 anchors to a bus = 11,111 total buses
The DACA " babies " are now working in medical fields, government, schools etc. Theyre more responsible then you are. Why you don't leave?
I believe Trump is using it as a bargaining chip as a way to force Democrats to either abandon Dreamers or save Dreamers by funding the wall and more border security.

I think you're right...this is going to get real interesting...March is just around the corner.

Democrats will have to cave on the wall or its adios dreamers...Trump did his homework on this issue
Trump can't even find the note pad his homework is on. I see you don't follow politics.
There is no wall... will never be a wall and Mexico isn't paying for your imaginary wall. You were lied to again. You should be used to it by now.
There is no wall.

There will be no wall.

Mexico will not pay for a wall.
Is the Trump admin standing firm?
I haven't heard much about it...I've been counting down the days...Looking forward to seeing the busses full of anchor babies headed to the filthy south...I have the math all worked out....800k silver tooth anchors, 72 anchors to a bus = 11,111 total buses
The DACA " babies " are now working in medical fields, government, schools etc. Theyre more responsible then you are. Why you don't leave?

They're all kickin ass...LOL, Real "pillars in their communities" hahaha
They doing so well with so much worth protecting that 1/4 of them didn't file their extensions....the "dream" is over....SEE YA WETBACKS you're outta here!
The DACA is far preferable to the whites of the lower class in southern Cali that simply won't understand they have to compete for a good living. They need to stop whining and get to working.
Is the Trump admin standing firm?
I haven't heard much about it...I've been counting down the days...Looking forward to seeing the busses full of anchor babies headed to the filthy south...I have the math all worked out....800k silver tooth anchors, 72 anchors to a bus = 11,111 total buses
The DACA " babies " are now working in medical fields, government, schools etc. Theyre more responsible then you are. Why you don't leave?
Haha...you sure about that?
Feds: 30% surge in illegals losing DACA freedom for crimes, gang violence
Feds: 30% surge in illegals losing DACA freedom for crimes, gang violence

“On June 15, 2012, then President Barak Obama rolled out a program called Deferred Action for Children of Aliens (DACA). The Obama administration marketed DACA as a way to keep high school valedictorians, gifted students, and other high achieving young people in the United States. However, the demographic data on DACA applicants belies those claims. Most applicants were adults at the time they enrolled in the DACA program.

DACA accepts applications from qualifying illegal aliens who were 31 years old or younger on June 15, 2012. That means 36-year-olds will be able to apply in 2017, provided they were 16 or under when they arrived in the United States. Clearly, this was not a program aimed at protecting children from deportation.


In 2013, the Brookings Institution submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requesting statistics on the age of DACA applicants. The results are detailed below, based on 557,412 DACA applications filed from August 15, 2012, to June 30, 2013.

Of all DACA applications submitted during that period, 74.5 percent were approved and 1 percent were denied. The remaining 24.5 percent were still being processed when the FOIA data was obtained. In terms of demographics, 75 percent of applicants were from Mexico, with an additional 17 percent coming from other places in Central and South America.”

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