When you can't run on your record, what do you do?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Jobs saved/created?

Reduced future oil production?

Solyndra investments?

High gas prices?

Protecting the Constitution?

Better relations with our allies?

Responsible spending?

Affordable healthcare for all Americans?

Hope for a future and change the subject?
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You attack your opponent with lies. Tell the same one over and over and loud enough, it becomes truth. Obama and his handlers including Bill Ayers are well schooled in Alinsky tactics. This is a fact.
When you can't run on your record, what do you do?

Why, you run on guns, gays and abortion. Oh and how the ultra rich are "job creators" and being "picked on".

How do you not know that?

I guess if you want to risk keeping more people unemployed you can ignore the obvious. Try running against the NRA, religion and the economy. I dare you.
When you can't run on your record, what do you do?
Carry-on like a madman???




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Three and a half years of golf, vactions, fancy parties and collecting unearned prizes. If he played the violin this would be perfect.

Sorry, I forgot basketball.
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The Obama campaign will try to make the election about anything but the economy. Abortion and contraception are the lightning rods for the next few weeks. It is mildly effective, at least until the GOP chooses a nominee. Then all sights will be turned to the task at hand, defeating Obama.

The problem for Obama is the economy, stupid.

Nobody believes that unemployment has gotten any better, or that the economy has recovered. The media spin doctors dutifully report that the U-3 number is going down, but we all know that there are millions more unemployed today that there were when Obama took office.

Nobody believes that the President is serious about cutting spending. We all know that his last budget was laughed out of the Senate in a 97-0 slap down. His party has not passed a budget since he was elected, and the national debt has increased by 50% since Obama was elected. That is a massive failure of leadership.

Nobody believes that the President is serious about anything except getting reelected. Unfortunately for him, his false promises and empty rhetoric will be a much harder sell this time around. Nobody is buying "Hope and Change" again. He has a record now. It will be a yoke around his neck.....
Obama never had the experience or advisors to lead. If he wanted to show some hope and change, he'd boot Geithner now.
Now I get it, you can't run on a record that bad, so you just lash out mindlessly at the Republicans.
I don't like Obama either, but sorry reps he's gonna win easily in 2012.

He didn't run on accomplishments in 2008, now he's the incumbent, why the hell would he have to run on them in 2012?
I don't like Obama either, but sorry reps he's gonna win easily in 2012.

He didn't run on accomplishments in 2008, now he's the incumbent, why the hell would he have to run on them in 2012?

in 2007 he ran on words...not actions....for he had no actions to speak of.
Now he has actions for peopel to evaluate him on.
I don't like Obama either, but sorry reps he's gonna win easily in 2012.

He didn't run on accomplishments in 2008, now he's the incumbent, why the hell would he have to run on them in 2012?

Because lack of performance or a poor one, typically gets you fired from the job of president.
I don't like Obama either, but sorry reps he's gonna win easily in 2012.

He didn't run on accomplishments in 2008, now he's the incumbent, why the hell would he have to run on them in 2012?

in 2007 he ran on words...not actions....for he had no actions to speak of.
Now he has actions for peopel to evaluate him on.

His terrible voting record was pointed out on the campaign trail, everyone knows he just voted present throughout his entire political career. None of his supporters gave a shit, i don't think they'll give a shit about his voting record now.

His voice sounds inspiring, he seems hip and cool, he appears to be the opposite of the typical old white male government cronie, that'll win him another 4 years.

Not that I really give a damn if its ObamaCare, RomneyCare, or singlepayer Gingrich running things. Just make and flip a 3 sided coin for all i care.

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