When will Pres Trump actually do something?


Dim Bulb

Thus far he has been content to preen and extoll his own virtues. Slapping the media around, deserved or undeserved, doesn't help my financial situation or solve the immigration problem. Talking doesn't solve anything, but he does a lot of talk talk talk.

I hear today he will stop TPP, which will mean that the US manufactures who export to Asia will still face artificially high tariffs. China will be free to dominate the Asian markets. He will begin renegotiation of NAFTA, I hear, even though Mexico is already threatening to increase tariffs if he does, putting at risk the 6 million jobs in the US dependent on exports to Mexico. I hear he's having meetings with people too. Awesome.

When will he do something that actually helps us?l
You missed the PP International defunding, withdrawing from TPP, change to Obunglescare? It's only his third day in office....this is GREAT!
You missed reading my post where I pointed that out! That's GREAT too!
Thus far he has been content to preen and extoll his own virtues. Slapping the media around, deserved or undeserved, doesn't help my financial situation or solve the immigration problem. Talking doesn't solve anything, but he does a lot of talk talk talk.

I hear today he will stop TPP, which will mean that the US manufactures who export to Asia will still face artificially high tariffs. China will be free to dominate the Asian markets. He will begin renegotiation of NAFTA, I hear, even though Mexico is already threatening to increase tariffs if he does, putting at risk the 6 million jobs in the US dependent on exports to Mexico. I hear he's having meetings with people too. Awesome.

When will he do something that actually helps us?l

He doesn't have to do anything, that's what "alternate facts" are for.
When will he do something that actually helps us?l
what makes you think he wants too help you? Are you rich? If so he probably will lower your taxes thats about it
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was.
You missed reading my post where I pointed that out! That's GREAT too!

It's been three days troll and you start a stupid thread whining when will Trump do something....you're going to struggle on this forum
Indeed life is a constant struggle for me. This message board is sadly only a small part of it.

But it wasn't me who promised action on his first day. It was President Trump. I think most reasonable people would agree that he has done nothing but talk so far. The executive action against the ACA is window dressing and I was totally opposed to ACA from the start.

We need to hold him accountable for what he's promised us. Again what has he done ? Doing away with TPP is similarly symbolic. Until you replace TPP and ACA with something you are just blowing wind.
Thus far he has been content to preen and extoll his own virtues. Slapping the media around, deserved or undeserved, doesn't help my financial situation or solve the immigration problem. Talking doesn't solve anything, but he does a lot of talk talk talk.

I hear today he will stop TPP, which will mean that the US manufactures who export to Asia will still face artificially high tariffs. China will be free to dominate the Asian markets. He will begin renegotiation of NAFTA, I hear, even though Mexico is already threatening to increase tariffs if he does, putting at risk the 6 million jobs in the US dependent on exports to Mexico. I hear he's having meetings with people too. Awesome.

When will he do something that actually helps us?l
Your screen name is perfect! He is bringing jobs back. What do ewe have against Americans having jobs?
You missed reading my post where I pointed that out! That's GREAT too!

It's been three days troll and you start a stupid thread whining when will Trump do something....you're going to struggle on this forum
Indeed life is a constant struggle for me. This message board is sadly only a small part of it.

But it wasn't me who promised action on his first day. It was President Trump. I think most reasonable people would agree that he has done nothing but talk so far. The executive action against the ACA is window dressing and I was totally opposed to ACA from the start.

We need to hold him accountable for what he's promised us. Again what has he done ? Doing away with TPP is similarly symbolic. Until you replace TPP and ACA with something you are just blowing wind.

Do you realize how stupid you look...
Just like a liberal to demand help with his financial situation.

That's funny I am simply asking the President to live up to his promises. I was against the ACA from the start. I am no liberal but if you are keen on simply name calling, do it somewhere else where it fits.

And shouldn't we ask President Trump to live up to his day one promises? He wouldn't give me a break if I was a substandard subcontractor working on one of his buildings so why should I give him a break for being all talk no action? Nothing but symbolic paperwork so far. I want some of the changes he promises!
Thus far he has been content to preen and extoll his own virtues. Slapping the media around, deserved or undeserved, doesn't help my financial situation or solve the immigration problem. Talking doesn't solve anything, but he does a lot of talk talk talk.

I hear today he will stop TPP, which will mean that the US manufactures who export to Asia will still face artificially high tariffs. China will be free to dominate the Asian markets. He will begin renegotiation of NAFTA, I hear, even though Mexico is already threatening to increase tariffs if he does, putting at risk the 6 million jobs in the US dependent on exports to Mexico. I hear he's having meetings with people too. Awesome.

When will he do something that actually helps us?l
Your screen name is perfect! He is bringing jobs back. What do ewe have against Americans having jobs?

How many jobs has he brought back already? Until TPP is replaced with something we will lose trade with 13 Asian countries which will lose jobs. It needs to be replaced not just deleted.
You missed reading my post where I pointed that out! That's GREAT too!

It's been three days troll and you start a stupid thread whining when will Trump do something....you're going to struggle on this forum
Indeed life is a constant struggle for me. This message board is sadly only a small part of it.

But it wasn't me who promised action on his first day. It was President Trump. I think most reasonable people would agree that he has done nothing but talk so far. The executive action against the ACA is window dressing and I was totally opposed to ACA from the start.

We need to hold him accountable for what he's promised us. Again what has he done ? Doing away with TPP is similarly symbolic. Until you replace TPP and ACA with something you are just blowing wind.

Do you realize how stupid you look...

Indeed I do. I hate myself for it.
Just like a liberal to demand help with his financial situation.

That's funny I am simply asking the President to live up to his promises. I was against the ACA from the start. I am no liberal but if you are keen on simply name calling, do it somewhere else where it fits.

And shouldn't we ask President Trump to live up to his day one promises? He wouldn't give me a break if I was a substandard subcontractor working on one of his buildings so why should I give him a break for being all talk no action? Nothing but symbolic paperwork so far. I want some of the changes he promises!
He made four-year promises, not three-day promises.

Just like a liberal: now, now, now.
The guy has done more before he took office than Hussein has in eight years. Remember "cash for clunkers"? It was the laughable intro to the Hussein administration and it didn't get much better.

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