When will OWS/left wing movments become violent like Europe?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO. So...the OWS is only the first phase of the global left wing movement, like Greece, France, England, etc, where violent riots have all resulted. Violence from the left has already been sprinkled about the past 4-5 years. But OWS has the potential to become a violent Greece-like movement and probably will.

Question is...when will this next step occur, and how will we react to it? "We" meaning America and law enforcement, not "we" right wingers.
History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO. So...the OWS is only the first phase of the global left wing movement, like Greece, France, England, etc, where violent riots have all resulted. Violence from the left has already been sprinkled about the past 4-5 years. But OWS has the potential to become a violent Greece-like movement and probably will.

Question is...when will this next step occur, and how will we react to it? "We" meaning America and law enforcement, not "we" right wingers.

When the government checks stop.....................

The individual groups within that party dont have the stones to take it to the streets unless there are 2nd amendment restrictions. In other cases where firearms are allowed they hide in ship yards.
History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO. So...the OWS is only the first phase of the global left wing movement, like Greece, France, England, etc, where violent riots have all resulted. Violence from the left has already been sprinkled about the past 4-5 years. But OWS has the potential to become a violent Greece-like movement and probably will.

Question is...when will this next step occur, and how will we react to it? "We" meaning America and law enforcement, not "we" right wingers.

As soon as they run out of herb and borrowed money.




History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO. So...the OWS is only the first phase of the global left wing movement, like Greece, France, England, etc, where violent riots have all resulted. Violence from the left has already been sprinkled about the past 4-5 years. But OWS has the potential to become a violent Greece-like movement and probably will.

Question is...when will this next step occur, and how will we react to it? "We" meaning America and law enforcement, not "we" right wingers.
you seem to be afraid of a real grass root movement.

there will be 2 million marching on washington soon.

or on downtown manhattan.

the number will be 2 million, at least.
When will OWS/left wing movments become violent like Europe?

What makes you think the OWS movement is ‘left wing’? They have more in common with the TPM.

They have ZERO in common with the Tea Party. Zero. and this anarchy will not bode well for obie wan know nuttin.. he's on record now as backing anarchy.. well, he's always sought out anarchists and by golly here they are..

you seem to be afraid of a real grass root movement.

there will be 2 million marching on washington soon.

or on downtown manhattan.

the number will be 2 million, at least.

Soros got in the landscaping business?....
It will start like most riots, a black criminal gets beat/killed by cops.
History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO.

Let's take a look at one the most violent uprisings in modern history, the rise of the 3rd Reich.

The liberal Weimar Republic preceded the 3rd Reich. The Nazi Party's central claim was that Weimar's liberalism had over-assimilated "foreign" elements into culture and politics, especially Jews, who were rotting Germany's institutions and traditions from the inside.

This was part of a larger struggle against the French Revolution, which was asking nations across Europe to weaken their unique language, culture, and traditions for a cosmopolitan, abstract universalism whereby the dignity of man was more important than, say, the the dignity of Germans. Hitler saw the inclusiveness and moral relativism of European Liberalism as a grave threat to the sacred traditions, language, religion, and history of Germany.

Guess what he did? He told average Germans to "take their country back" from the Jewish plague that was, like American liberals during the McCarthy era, slowly wrapping itself around the country's institutional organs. Hitler emphatically did not draw upon Liberal tolerance and multiculturalism for his revolution; he asked German nativists to vanquish the evil outsiders that were threatening German "Borders, Language, & Culture".

Typically, Rightwing movements are the bloodiest because they do not see the "outsider" or enemy as morally equal (like Liberals), but - rather - evil. Ask a Michael Savage lovin' right-winger what he thinks about Liberals, or homosexuals, or Islamic Muslims. You won't hear flowery Liberal jargon about inclusiveness; to the contrary, you will hear about evil-doers and baby killers and "the gay agenda" and the need to "take our country back" from the evil which abounds, by force if necessary ("Second Amendment remedies"). FYI: the minute you designate something as evil, as Hitler and other rightwing movements do, you open the door to bloodshed.

Listen to Michael Savage and some of the more extreme personalities on rightwing talk radio. They are always whispering "rise up and take your country back from the evil anti-Americans who have stolen it".

In short, people better prepare themselves for some very extreme, very bloody scapegoating. The right-wing feels backed into a corner by what their leaders describe as the Liberal take over of America. Lord knows what they will do if things get as bad as I think they will. America is like Weimar of the 30s, i.e., it is Liberal and falling off an economic cliff. The environment is ripe for a charismatic rightwing leader promising moral renewal based on a program of purging the country of evil liberals, gays, illegals, socialists, terrorists, and whatever other evil-doers the GOP invents to distract the serfs from seeing who really runs the country.

God help us because as Michael Savage says "the silent white majority is about to wake up and take their country back"

God help us.
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History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO. So...the OWS is only the first phase of the global left wing movement, like Greece, France, England, etc, where violent riots have all resulted. Violence from the left has already been sprinkled about the past 4-5 years. But OWS has the potential to become a violent Greece-like movement and probably will.

Question is...when will this next step occur, and how will we react to it? "We" meaning America and law enforcement, not "we" right wingers.

Early Nov is when they start getting nastier, and get to the real violence.

It's going to be very cold and people will want to have achieved something in time to go home for the holidays.

B/c nothing says "sticking it to the man" like moms home cooking. :lol:
History shows left wing movements always end up becoming violent when they don't work.....or especially when they DO. So...the OWS is only the first phase of the global left wing movement, like Greece, France, England, etc, where violent riots have all resulted. Violence from the left has already been sprinkled about the past 4-5 years. But OWS has the potential to become a violent Greece-like movement and probably will.

Question is...when will this next step occur, and how will we react to it? "We" meaning America and law enforcement, not "we" right wingers.

I think if they were going to get violent they would have done so already. I think they're just a bunch of very confused college kids. They certainly don't know that TARP one bailouts--(banking have already been paid back with interest to the treasury.) IOW they're 3 years too late!

Obviously they don't understand that Wall Street is not their enemy--but it is the direct responsibility of the Federal Government that has crashed this economy.

IOW--they need a lot more political education as to what has happened to bring this economy to it's knees. They haven't been paying attention to anything over the last 3-4 years.
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