When they call Trump "Orange Jesus" and claim that he is a stooge of Putin...


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...it's pretty evident that you're talking to a FOOL. There's a lot of them on this forum and most of them I have on "ignore" because they add nothing of value to any discussion. I'm curious, however. Why do some of you bother to engage them? You can't rationalize with those people. So why try?
Who do you think put Trump up to search for an imaginary DNC server in the Ukraine?

The guy who hacked the DNC server, that's who. Because he knows Trump is a fucking stupid birther.
Who do you think put Trump up to search for an imaginary DNC server in the Ukraine?

The guy who hacked the DNC server, that's who. Because he knows Trump is a fucking stupid birther.
Lol got to love crazy. Just think of our great standing if we had gotten into a shooting war with Turkey a NATO ally.
As far as the birther crap, can you guess who made that whole thing popular? A hint it was an unhinged Clinton that lost to 44.
Who do you think put Trump up to search for an imaginary DNC server in the Ukraine?

The guy who hacked the DNC server, that's who. Because he knows Trump is a fucking stupid birther.
Lol got to love crazy. Just think of our great standing if we had gotten into a shooting war with Turkey a NATO ally.
As far as the birther crap, can you guess who made that whole thing popular? A hint it was an unhinged Clinton that lost to 44.
So you're telling me Trump knelt down and licked up Clinton's piss and ran with it.

That's supposed to make Trump look better...how?
Preaching to the choir is boring. What good is an idea that is never tested in debate?
Who do you think put Trump up to search for an imaginary DNC server in the Ukraine?

The guy who hacked the DNC server, that's who. Because he knows Trump is a fucking stupid birther.
Lol got to love crazy. Just think of our great standing if we had gotten into a shooting war with Turkey a NATO ally.
As far as the birther crap, can you guess who made that whole thing popular? A hint it was an unhinged Clinton that lost to 44.
There would be no shooting war with Turkey if Trump had a spine.


Get out of my way, bitch. I'm coming through!


Yes, sir! Right away, sir!
Why isn't Russia doing better? Apparently our government is loaded with Russian "assets". Golly and with those Russian Facebook ads they might be trying to take over Murica! :ack-1:

Or maybe Democrats are just full of shit. Yeah, that seems more plausible.
K9 Twat posted this OP. Enough said...

A "twat" is one who lies and/or runs from simple questions because they don't like the answer. I've done none of those things. In fact, on occasion, I have admitted that I was wrong. That's called integrity.
K9 Twat posted this OP. Enough said...

A "twat" is one who lies and/or runs from simple questions because they don't like the answer. I've done none of those things. In fact, on occasion, I have admitted that I was wrong. That's called integrity.

you can guess which definition I was referring when referencing you..

Learn to pronounce
vulgar slang
noun: twat; plural noun: twats
  1. 1.
    a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.

  2. 2.
    a woman's genitals.
Why isn't Russia doing better? Apparently our government is loaded with Russian "assets". Golly and with those Russian Facebook ads they might be trying to take over Murica! :ack-1:

Or maybe Democrats are just full of shit. Yeah, that seems more plausible.

Russia got their candidate elected.
With the exception of Trump's followers who support his cooperation with Vladimir Putin, Trump has accomplished the impossible. He has made Americans feel ashamed of being an American.

He betrayed an ally. He has proven, that under his stewardship, America cannot be trusted. He has ceded power broker status in the Middle East to Russia.

"Russia Assumes Mantle of Supreme Power Broker in the Middle East," proclaimed Britain's Telegraph. "Russia's status as the undisputed power-broker in the Middle East was cemented as Vladimir Putin continued a triumphant tour of capitals traditionally allied to the US."

"Donald Trump Has Handed Putin the Middle East on a Plate," according to the Telegraph. "Putin Seizes on Trump's Syria Retreat to Cement Middle East Role," said the Financial Times.

The conservative leaning Washington Examiner writes, "The awful and obviously predictable outcome of President Trump’s surrender in Syria has now come to pass.

"Turkey and Russia have announced an agreement to remove Kurdish fighters from northern Syria, a horrible development for the forces of freedom and Middle Eastern stability. This agreement supersedes the Kurds' earlier attempt at an agreement with Russia and the government of Bashar Assad. Now, Turkey will move against YPG Kurdish units in northern Syria from one side, while Russia and its Syrian government clients will move in from the other. Crucially, all Kurdish fighting “elements and their weapons” will “be removed from Manbij and Tal Rifat.

"Those towns, especially the large town of Manbij, are strategic linchpins. Without them, the Kurds can be essentially starved out. There could be an immense humanitarian crisis."

If Russia ends up effectively dominating Turkey, the damage it can do in the eastern Mediterranean region is immense.

The conservative Examiner concludes, There is not a single strategic or tactical gain for U.S. interests that has been gained from Trump’s order of withdrawal. In fact, more U.S. troops will be in the Middle East than before, but nations traditionally hostile to the U.S. are now ascendant.

This is disastrous, pure and simple.

Of course, none of this bothers Trump's fans.
With the exception of Trump's followers who support his cooperation with Vladimir Putin, Trump has accomplished the impossible. He has made Americans feel ashamed of being an American.

He betrayed an ally. He has proven, that under his stewardship, America cannot be trusted. He has ceded power broker status in the Middle East to Russia.

"Russia Assumes Mantle of Supreme Power Broker in the Middle East," proclaimed Britain's Telegraph. "Russia's status as the undisputed power-broker in the Middle East was cemented as Vladimir Putin continued a triumphant tour of capitals traditionally allied to the US."

"Donald Trump Has Handed Putin the Middle East on a Plate," according to the Telegraph. "Putin Seizes on Trump's Syria Retreat to Cement Middle East Role," said the Financial Times.

The conservative leaning Washington Examiner writes, "The awful and obviously predictable outcome of President Trump’s surrender in Syria has now come to pass.

"Turkey and Russia have announced an agreement to remove Kurdish fighters from northern Syria, a horrible development for the forces of freedom and Middle Eastern stability. This agreement supersedes the Kurds' earlier attempt at an agreement with Russia and the government of Bashar Assad. Now, Turkey will move against YPG Kurdish units in northern Syria from one side, while Russia and its Syrian government clients will move in from the other. Crucially, all Kurdish fighting “elements and their weapons” will “be removed from Manbij and Tal Rifat.

"Those towns, especially the large town of Manbij, are strategic linchpins. Without them, the Kurds can be essentially starved out. There could be an immense humanitarian crisis."

If Russia ends up effectively dominating Turkey, the damage it can do in the eastern Mediterranean region is immense.

The conservative Examiner concludes, There is not a single strategic or tactical gain for U.S. interests that has been gained from Trump’s order of withdrawal. In fact, more U.S. troops will be in the Middle East than before, but nations traditionally hostile to the U.S. are now ascendant.

This is disastrous, pure and simple.

Of course, none of this bothers Trump's fans.

I disagree with the assessments that you posted. You're parroting anti-Trump talking points. I could make the same arguments about Obama based on the "rationale" that you provided.

The Kurds worked with us because it was to their advantage to do so. We worked with them for the same reason. We never entered into a treaty wherein we're obligated to provide for their defense. Now, if you want a military alliance with the Kurds, you can contact your representatives and ask them to pursue such a formal treaty. I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of Americans don't want to send their sons and daughters to Syria and Iraq to die for the Kurds. Does that make them Russian "agents" too?
Lol got to love crazy. Just think of our great standing if we had gotten into a shooting war with Turkey a NATO ally.
As far as the birther crap, can you guess who made that whole thing popular? A hint it was an unhinged Clinton that lost to 44.

More fake news by a Deplorable twat..
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Learn to read I said "made it popular" what part of that was hard to read? Was popular a word you are not familiar with?

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