When The Country Was Still Free


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
A scant four decades ago. Released in 1973.

So free you had the right to shut up and go to your room...I was 12 in 1973...

When my parents sent me to my room I would say: “I am going to my room b/c I want to. Not b/c you’re telling me to.” My household was filled with people always wanting the last word. One of the nasty habits I thankfully grew out of.
So free you had the right to shut up and go to your room...I was 12 in 1973...

When my parents sent me to my room I would say: “I am going to my room b/c I want to. Not b/c you’re telling me to.” My household was filled with people always wanting the last word. One of the nasty habits I thankfully grew out of.
I didn't mind, all my toys and games were in there....
When my parents sent me to my room I would say: “I am going to my room b/c I want to. Not b/c you’re telling me to.” My household was filled with people always wanting the last word. One of the nasty habits I thankfully grew out of.

When I got sent to my room it was much the same.
Except I usually said something like, "Thanks, y'all were starting to bore me anyways".

I recall Fred "the Hammer" Williamson. Former football player that turned actor that I probably would have never heard of if he hadn't replaced Dandy Don Meredith on Monday Night Football. I don't believe he lasted too long in that role. From what I recall he bombed.
So free you had the right to shut up and go to your room...I was 12 in 1973...

When my parents sent me to my room I would say: “I am going to my room b/c I want to. Not b/c you’re telling me to.” My household was filled with people always wanting the last word. One of the nasty habits I thankfully grew out of.

And then your parents said "very good, and I see the future, you will choose to go to your room tomorrow night as well, bon voyage."

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