When it comes to comparing immigration policy to Obama’s, repubs love false equivalency


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!
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My fix for this mess is that ANY illegals found sneaking in shall be deported immediately with NO discussion of "amnesty". Amnesty shall ONLY apply at ports of entry. So moms, dads, and kids get bused back to where they came from, PERIOD.
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Without any papers of any sort, how do you even know the folks coming with these kids are even their parents?

We don't know where they came from, their real names, motivations, how they came here, who brought them, point of origin, etc. This is no way to enforce the law, or even protect them.

How do you know that some of them aren't child sex traffickers, or indebted to them?

Because the partisan media is telling you such things or creating a narrative for you?

How do you suggest we stop human trafficking if we don't continue such a policies until the laws are reformed?

Are you saying you support slavery? What do you suggest we do? Create more problems?

'Modern-day slavery': State Dept. says millions of human trafficking victims go unidentified

"The nine defendants arrested by investigators allegedly employed more than 50 illegal immigrants at ten 7-Eleven franchises in New York and four more in Virginia, using stolen identities to cover up their illicit activities, authorities said on Monday.

But while these alleged victims were discovered, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that millions of victims of human trafficking slip past law enforcement every year as he released the State Department's 2013 Trafficking in Persons report.

"When we think of the scale of modern-day slavery, literally tens of millions who live in exploitation, this whole effort can seem daunting, but it's the right effort," Kerry said. "There are countless voiceless people, countless nameless people except to their families or perhaps a phony name by which they are being exploited, who look to us for their freedom."

Federal agents and police raid more than a dozen convenience stores in New York and Virginia, and arrest owners and managers for allegedly forcing foreign workers to work very long hours, for very little pay in their stores. Jay Gray reports.

Only about 40,000 victims of human trafficking have been identified in the past year, the report said, based on information obtained from governments around the world. The estimated number of men, women, and children who are trafficked at any one time worldwide may reach as high as 27 million, according to the report.

“Because reporting is uneven, we can’t say for certain how many victims of trafficking are identified each year,” said Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, in an introduction to the report.

“That means we’re bringing to light only a mere fraction of those who are exploited in modern slavery,” deBaca said. “That number, and the millions who remain unidentified, are the numbers that deserve our focus.”
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Without any papers of any sort, how do you even know the folks coming with these kids are even their parents?

We don't know where they came from, their real names, motivations, how they came here, who brought them, point of origin, etc. This is no way to enforce the law, or even protect them.

How do you know that some of them aren't child sex traffickers, or indebted to them?

Because the partisan media is telling you such things or creating a narrative for you?

How do you suggest we stop human trafficking if we don't continue such a policies until the laws are reformed?

Are you saying you support slavery? What do you suggest we do? Create more problems?

'Modern-day slavery': State Dept. says millions of human trafficking victims go unidentified

"The nine defendants arrested by investigators allegedly employed more than 50 illegal immigrants at ten 7-Eleven franchises in New York and four more in Virginia, using stolen identities to cover up their illicit activities, authorities said on Monday.

But while these alleged victims were discovered, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that millions of victims of human trafficking slip past law enforcement every year as he released the State Department's 2013 Trafficking in Persons report.

"When we think of the scale of modern-day slavery, literally tens of millions who live in exploitation, this whole effort can seem daunting, but it's the right effort," Kerry said. "There are countless voiceless people, countless nameless people except to their families or perhaps a phony name by which they are being exploited, who look to us for their freedom."

Federal agents and police raid more than a dozen convenience stores in New York and Virginia, and arrest owners and managers for allegedly forcing foreign workers to work very long hours, for very little pay in their stores. Jay Gray reports.

Only about 40,000 victims of human trafficking have been identified in the past year, the report said, based on information obtained from governments around the world. The estimated number of men, women, and children who are trafficked at any one time worldwide may reach as high as 27 million, according to the report.

“Because reporting is uneven, we can’t say for certain how many victims of trafficking are identified each year,” said Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, in an introduction to the report.

“That means we’re bringing to light only a mere fraction of those who are exploited in modern slavery,” deBaca said. “That number, and the millions who remain unidentified, are the numbers that deserve our focus.”
Lol you doofus. The people who run these sex trafficking operations get the victims across the board legally. They easily have the capital to afford that. They aren’t going risk their entire operations going up in smoke because a victim could be detained and spill all. Even if they snuck across the border, these sex slaves could easily not go to their intended buyer. The sex trade uses legal transportation over the border. That’s the only way they can secure and track their slaves.
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Trump treats it as criminal because treating it as civil just means more and more illegals are given a pass and allowed to enter. Illegally.

Don't like the kids and parents being separated? They can go back to wherever they came from fully intact as a family. Their bodies, their choice.

Chuckie Schumer just rejected a GOP measure to end these separations. Tell me again how the left are in this for the kids.
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Without any papers of any sort, how do you even know the folks coming with these kids are even their parents?

We don't know where they came from, their real names, motivations, how they came here, who brought them, point of origin, etc. This is no way to enforce the law, or even protect them.

How do you know that some of them aren't child sex traffickers, or indebted to them?

Because the partisan media is telling you such things or creating a narrative for you?

How do you suggest we stop human trafficking if we don't continue such a policies until the laws are reformed?

Are you saying you support slavery? What do you suggest we do? Create more problems?

'Modern-day slavery': State Dept. says millions of human trafficking victims go unidentified

"The nine defendants arrested by investigators allegedly employed more than 50 illegal immigrants at ten 7-Eleven franchises in New York and four more in Virginia, using stolen identities to cover up their illicit activities, authorities said on Monday.

But while these alleged victims were discovered, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that millions of victims of human trafficking slip past law enforcement every year as he released the State Department's 2013 Trafficking in Persons report.

"When we think of the scale of modern-day slavery, literally tens of millions who live in exploitation, this whole effort can seem daunting, but it's the right effort," Kerry said. "There are countless voiceless people, countless nameless people except to their families or perhaps a phony name by which they are being exploited, who look to us for their freedom."

Federal agents and police raid more than a dozen convenience stores in New York and Virginia, and arrest owners and managers for allegedly forcing foreign workers to work very long hours, for very little pay in their stores. Jay Gray reports.

Only about 40,000 victims of human trafficking have been identified in the past year, the report said, based on information obtained from governments around the world. The estimated number of men, women, and children who are trafficked at any one time worldwide may reach as high as 27 million, according to the report.

“Because reporting is uneven, we can’t say for certain how many victims of trafficking are identified each year,” said Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, in an introduction to the report.

“That means we’re bringing to light only a mere fraction of those who are exploited in modern slavery,” deBaca said. “That number, and the millions who remain unidentified, are the numbers that deserve our focus.”
Lol you doofus. The people who run these sex trafficking operations get the victims across the board legally. They easily have the capital to afford that. They aren’t going risk their entire operations going up in smoke because a victim could be detained and spill all. Even if they snuck across the border, these sex slaves could easily not go to their intended buyer. The sex trade uses legal transportation over the border. That’s the only way they can secure and track their slaves.

Sure they do.

Do you have a link that says they do?
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Trump treats it as criminal because treating it as civil just means more and more illegals are given a pass and allowed to enter. Illegally.

Don't like the kids and parents being separated? They can go back to wherever they came from fully intact as a family. Their bodies, their choice.

Chuckie Schumer just rejected a GOP measure to end these separations. Tell me again how the left are in this for the kids.
You’re basing that on absolutely no evidence. You do know that right? Just because something sounds like it could be true to you, it doesn’t actually mean it actually is true. Fuck

Oh right and in the mean time we can fuck over these kids who only listen to their parents’ decisions.
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Exactly, Obama was playing dictator and didn't want to inforce the laws in this country, same as he did with marijuana
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Without any papers of any sort, how do you even know the folks coming with these kids are even their parents?

We don't know where they came from, their real names, motivations, how they came here, who brought them, point of origin, etc. This is no way to enforce the law, or even protect them.

How do you know that some of them aren't child sex traffickers, or indebted to them?

Because the partisan media is telling you such things or creating a narrative for you?

How do you suggest we stop human trafficking if we don't continue such a policies until the laws are reformed?

Are you saying you support slavery? What do you suggest we do? Create more problems?

'Modern-day slavery': State Dept. says millions of human trafficking victims go unidentified

"The nine defendants arrested by investigators allegedly employed more than 50 illegal immigrants at ten 7-Eleven franchises in New York and four more in Virginia, using stolen identities to cover up their illicit activities, authorities said on Monday.

But while these alleged victims were discovered, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that millions of victims of human trafficking slip past law enforcement every year as he released the State Department's 2013 Trafficking in Persons report.

"When we think of the scale of modern-day slavery, literally tens of millions who live in exploitation, this whole effort can seem daunting, but it's the right effort," Kerry said. "There are countless voiceless people, countless nameless people except to their families or perhaps a phony name by which they are being exploited, who look to us for their freedom."

Federal agents and police raid more than a dozen convenience stores in New York and Virginia, and arrest owners and managers for allegedly forcing foreign workers to work very long hours, for very little pay in their stores. Jay Gray reports.

Only about 40,000 victims of human trafficking have been identified in the past year, the report said, based on information obtained from governments around the world. The estimated number of men, women, and children who are trafficked at any one time worldwide may reach as high as 27 million, according to the report.

“Because reporting is uneven, we can’t say for certain how many victims of trafficking are identified each year,” said Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, in an introduction to the report.

“That means we’re bringing to light only a mere fraction of those who are exploited in modern slavery,” deBaca said. “That number, and the millions who remain unidentified, are the numbers that deserve our focus.”
Lol you doofus. The people who run these sex trafficking operations get the victims across the board legally. They easily have the capital to afford that. They aren’t going risk their entire operations going up in smoke because a victim could be detained and spill all. Even if they snuck across the border, these sex slaves could easily not go to their intended buyer. The sex trade uses legal transportation over the border. That’s the only way they can secure and track their slaves.

Sure they do.

Do you have a link that says they do?

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border
"Protecting children at the border is complicated because there have, indeed, been instances of fraud. Tens of thousands of migrants arrive there every year, and those with children in tow are often released into the United States more quickly than adults who come alone, because of restrictions on the amount of time that minors can be held in custody. Some migrants have admitted they brought their children not only to remove them from danger in such places as Central America and Africa, but because they believed it would cause the authorities to release them from custody sooner.

Others have admitted to posing falsely with children who are not their own, and Border Patrol officials say that such instances of fraud are increasing."
  1. 1.
    contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
    "illegal alien"
    synonyms: unlawful, illicit, illegitimate, criminal, felonious,

Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Trump treats it as criminal because treating it as civil just means more and more illegals are given a pass and allowed to enter. Illegally.

Don't like the kids and parents being separated? They can go back to wherever they came from fully intact as a family. Their bodies, their choice.

Chuckie Schumer just rejected a GOP measure to end these separations. Tell me again how the left are in this for the kids.
You’re basing that on absolutely no evidence. You do know that right? Just because something sounds like it could be true to you, it doesn’t actually mean it actually is true. Fuck

Oh right and in the mean time we can fuck over these kids who only listen to their parents’ decisions.

That's right.

We'll fuck them over.

Suck on it.
Republicans like many on this board can’t seem to grasp what a false equivalency fallacy is.

The only circumstance in which children were separated at the border under Obama is when their parents commit other crimes. It’s criminal court that separates people. Obama treated illegals as a civil matter and Trump does criminal for no goddamn reason. It was RARE for this separation to happen under Obama.

Oh and let’s also not forget the “whataboutism” fallacy of making this comparison:

“Wahhh Obama did it too so it’s not a big deal Trump did it derp derp derp!

Without any papers of any sort, how do you even know the folks coming with these kids are even their parents?

We don't know where they came from, their real names, motivations, how they came here, who brought them, point of origin, etc. This is no way to enforce the law, or even protect them.

How do you know that some of them aren't child sex traffickers, or indebted to them?

Because the partisan media is telling you such things or creating a narrative for you?

How do you suggest we stop human trafficking if we don't continue such a policies until the laws are reformed?

Are you saying you support slavery? What do you suggest we do? Create more problems?

'Modern-day slavery': State Dept. says millions of human trafficking victims go unidentified

"The nine defendants arrested by investigators allegedly employed more than 50 illegal immigrants at ten 7-Eleven franchises in New York and four more in Virginia, using stolen identities to cover up their illicit activities, authorities said on Monday.

But while these alleged victims were discovered, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that millions of victims of human trafficking slip past law enforcement every year as he released the State Department's 2013 Trafficking in Persons report.

"When we think of the scale of modern-day slavery, literally tens of millions who live in exploitation, this whole effort can seem daunting, but it's the right effort," Kerry said. "There are countless voiceless people, countless nameless people except to their families or perhaps a phony name by which they are being exploited, who look to us for their freedom."

Federal agents and police raid more than a dozen convenience stores in New York and Virginia, and arrest owners and managers for allegedly forcing foreign workers to work very long hours, for very little pay in their stores. Jay Gray reports.

Only about 40,000 victims of human trafficking have been identified in the past year, the report said, based on information obtained from governments around the world. The estimated number of men, women, and children who are trafficked at any one time worldwide may reach as high as 27 million, according to the report.

“Because reporting is uneven, we can’t say for certain how many victims of trafficking are identified each year,” said Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, in an introduction to the report.

“That means we’re bringing to light only a mere fraction of those who are exploited in modern slavery,” deBaca said. “That number, and the millions who remain unidentified, are the numbers that deserve our focus.”
Lol you doofus. The people who run these sex trafficking operations get the victims across the board legally. They easily have the capital to afford that. They aren’t going risk their entire operations going up in smoke because a victim could be detained and spill all. Even if they snuck across the border, these sex slaves could easily not go to their intended buyer. The sex trade uses legal transportation over the border. That’s the only way they can secure and track their slaves.

Sure they do.

Do you have a link that says they do?

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border
"Protecting children at the border is complicated because there have, indeed, been instances of fraud. Tens of thousands of migrants arrive there every year, and those with children in tow are often released into the United States more quickly than adults who come alone, because of restrictions on the amount of time that minors can be held in custody. Some migrants have admitted they brought their children not only to remove them from danger in such places as Central America and Africa, but because they believed it would cause the authorities to release them from custody sooner.

Others have admitted to posing falsely with children who are not their own, and Border Patrol officials say that such instances of fraud are increasing."
Lol so these cases of fraud automatically mean they are actually sex slaves? Maybe these people are still acting as guardians. Did that ever occur to you? How statistically significant is this fraud? You’re conflating these two issues based on nothing at all.

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