When is Trump going to apologies for the Taliban Agreement?

Unless the Trump agreement included pulling out the military before getting out Americans and the Afghans who worked with us this is not on him.
Well Biden has only been President for 7 months..

Biden was meant to leave in 12 weeks... He delayed it because it wasn't ready...

There was 20,000 US Citizens and many more US friendlies and Trump have the Troop number down to 2500 and would have left at Christmas leaving nothing except the Generals begged him to keep the 2500... 2500 was woefully short for the task at hand but agin Biden hands were tied by the Agreement.

Biden was getting cooperation from the Taliban... He couldn't renegotiate with out having to place enough troops to take on a 70,000 army.. An Army who would probably get in to Kabul by the time you have deployed... That would mean street fighting in a city of 4.5m people...

These are the conditions Trump left him... And I continually ask what could Biden have done differently... Please don't use wild hindsight, what could he have done which was reasonable?

Highly unlikely considering a 10 year old posses enough common sense to figure that out.
Those are Trumpybears own words, so I guess you're right. I believe him when he brags like that. It's a Freudian Confession. He might as well have said "I did it folks, It was all me. I did that. Thank you, thank you."

You mean like when World Wide Disaster *Joe said “ We’ve put together the largest voter fraud organization” ?
Trump broke his agreement with the Taliban, when he bombed the crap out of them.

He didn't release 500 prisoners.

trump released 5 THOUSAND prisoners.

He also removed sanctions on the taliban.

He also pressured Pakistan to release a high level taliban prisoner that Obama hunted down and had Pakistan put in prison. His name is abdul ghani baradar

baradar went on to meet with Pompeo in the White House last year. He is now back in Afghanistan after exile for 20 years and is expected to become the new taliban leader of Afghanistan.

That is on top of that horrible withdrawal agreement he signed.
I am pretty stupid there...
I missed a zero on the number of prisoners released
and added a 0 to the number of US citizens...

I agree, Biden messed this up by underestimating the Afghani army. Biden is like minded with the nation building with other pompous Americans. We need not to nation build, we need all of our troops home and let the rest of the world build nations.
Biden never supported Nation Building and voted against it from 2004 and was a vocal objector to the surge in 2009....

Biden has always been clear... We went there to get AQ and Bin Laden not nation building...
Biden never supported Nation Building and voted against it from 2004 and was a vocal objector to the surge in 2009....

Biden has always been clear... We went there to get AQ and Bin Laden not nation building...
Which doesn't change the fact that Biden screwed up in Afghanistan. Trump was not a nation builder and yet if this was Trump in charge and would have screwed up like Biden has, you would be all over Trump and want a full investigation, demand his resignation and then want him impeached. So spare me your partisan BS. That’s the difference between you and I. If Trump had screwed up this badly, I would have called him on it. You are just a partisan moron who can’t think past D or R.
Trump set up this agreement and signed it with Taliban.

He also released 500 prisoners some of which were ISIS and were responsible for the bombing attack

He also reduced the troop levels to 2500 while there was still 200,000 US citizens in the country...

When are we getting an apology?
Trump didn't fuck this up, Ted! Joe Biden did! He owns this crisis because of the decisions that HE made not because of anything Trump did!
President Trump’s deal didn’t include leaving Americans there.

If you want President Trump to take responsibility for what has happened in Afghanistan, you’ll need to have Biden step down and re-instate President Trump. He’ll gladly handle the situation and put the Muslim Terrorists on notice, just like did when he was in office.

President Trump’s deal didn’t include leaving Americans there.
Trump doesn't apologize for anything, including Islamic terrorists & guys like Putin that he's dealt with who were "nice" to him because he's a FUCKING SOCIOPATH.
Trump set up this agreement and signed it with Taliban.

He also released 500 prisoners some of which were ISIS and were responsible for the bombing attack

He also reduced the troop levels to 2500 while there was still 200,000 US citizens in the country...

When are we getting an apology?
Biden is President, Biden is 100% in command, Trump lost in 2020. You are beginning to sound as clueless Biden is on Afghanistan.
Trump doesn't apologize for anything, including Islamic terrorists & guys like Putin that he's dealt with who were "nice" to him because he's a FUCKING SOCIOPATH.
Once again, Clipper...Trump isn't the one who FUBARED this withdrawal! That's on Joe Biden. He's the President...he's the one who made the call to close down Bagram before they had people out. Huge mistake!
Trump set up this agreement and signed it with Taliban.

He also released 500 prisoners some of which were ISIS and were responsible for the bombing attack

He also reduced the troop levels to 2500 while there was still 200,000 US citizens in the country...

When are we getting an apology?
And Biden tore it up, end thread. Nice try at deflecting Biden's 100% ownership of the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco. Have you noticed the leaders of most NATO countries are also calling Biden on the carpet, they are livid.
Trump doesn't apologize for anything, including Islamic terrorists & guys like Putin that he's dealt with who were "nice" to him because he's a FUCKING SOCIOPATH.
What does he need to apologize for? That he brokered a withdrawal and that Biden has royally screwed up even after Biden extended the time because he admitted he wasn’t prepared?

Biden worshippers are just clueless.
when is Xiden going to say he is sorry for botching the Trump agreement? he was handed a pathway to a peaceful winding down and blew it…tossed it…and we are left with this cluster!

sad, dark day for America…our allies can’t stand us, don’t trust us, won’t work with us as long as xiden and the dems are in power…it’s sad
Trump set up this agreement and signed it with Taliban.

He also released 500 prisoners some of which were ISIS and were responsible for the bombing attack

He also reduced the troop levels to 2500 while there was still 200,000 US citizens in the country...

When are we getting an apology?
you fucking idiot biden made his own agreement when he changed the agreement President Trump had.
Trump set up this agreement and signed it with Taliban.

He also released 500 prisoners some of which were ISIS and were responsible for the bombing attack

He also reduced the troop levels to 2500 while there was still 200,000 US citizens in the country...

When are we getting an apology?

When will the filthy ass Democrats take responsibility for fucking up the withdrawal?

President Potatohead did away with every other agreement that Trump made so if thus was a bad agreement why didn't he cancel it?

If it was a bad agreement then Potatohead is just as guilty as Trump because he went along with it.
Oh how I love abject ignorance. I can't wait for our military to finally act and ram it all up the libtard's asses.
Biden's big mistake was dealing with terrorists.
Reagan knew it was a big mistake to negotiate with terrorists.
Trump set up this agreement and signed it with Taliban.

He also released 500 prisoners some of which were ISIS and were responsible for the bombing attack

He also reduced the troop levels to 2500 while there was still 200,000 US citizens in the country...

When are we getting an apology?
trump was the architect but biden was a lousy contractor
that's the way it works

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