When did pork barrel spending get renamed "earmarks"


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i have noticed that the term "pork barrel spending" is no longer used. Why have they change it to "earmark" spending?

a pig with lipstick is still a pig...
Control the language and you control the debate, eh?

Crap like this is why we on this board are often at loggerheads, ya' know.

We can't even agree what fundamental words like "socialism" really mean.

And that means, that we cannot therefore actually discuss issues rationally.

Why I can remember when liberal and conservative actually meant basic philosophical approaches to governance.

Now they are just words to describe political cabals which do NOT have any philosophical underpinnings whatever.

Hence when someone calls another a liberal or conservative, nobody really know what that means.

No real conservative would DREAM of telling a person what they can and cannot do with their own body for example

No real LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE, either, would DREAM of passing a law to paying off bankers with tax dollars who are threatening to destroy the economy by cutting off credit.

there are STILL REAL conservatives and liberals in America, of course.

They just aren't in control of EITHER party.
you are so correct about controlling the semanitcs. i have often wondered why waco was a compound of a cult yet the graham's have a retreat. (that is not to start an issue over those two in comparsions but simply point out the difference in semanitcs.)
who do you blame for letting this happen? the people slowly morphing the words....the press the politicians etc or the american people for falling for it?

It was the debates. They are nothing like what is done in debate clubs where you come out..hit hard, hit fast and hit with facts. they are no more than pagent answers given by plastic people....spending the taxpayers plastic money.
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who do you blame for letting this happen? the people slowly morphing the words....the press the politicians etc or the american people for falling for it?

You can blame the people who control the parties.

You can blame madison avenue which works for them.

You can blame the people who have access to millions of us who implant these distortions of our language.

None of this is accidental, folks.

This is a well thought out system for power and control, and believe me, the people behind it a forking genuses who think in terms of very very long range plans.

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