When atheists invoke Christ's teachings to promote policy...

Every now and then I hear the phrase, "I swear to God I'm an atheist." It just cracks me up when I hear it!:lol:
There's probably sufficient circumstantial evidence to believe that Jesus existed. And even though the reports of his philosophy are not contemporary I think there's enough circumstantial evidence that he proposed them. Now, given that some cultures, especially in the West. are underpinned by the Judeo-Christian principles that Jesus knew (the Jewish ones) and espoused (the Christian ones) it's no surprise when any one of us - atheist, agnostic, believer - also proposes them as "good." A goldfish can't be agnostic about water.

But whether or not Jesus was the son of God, well that one's still with the jury.
There's probably sufficient circumstantial evidence to believe that Jesus existed. And even though the reports of his philosophy are not contemporary I think there's enough circumstantial evidence that he proposed them. Now, given that some cultures, especially in the West. are underpinned by the Judeo-Christian principles that Jesus knew (the Jewish ones) and espoused (the Christian ones) it's no surprise when any one of us - atheist, agnostic, believer - also proposes them as "good." A goldfish can't be agnostic about water.

But whether or not Jesus was the son of God, well that one's still with the jury.

Oh now I uderget it..the mud puddle is a map of azzytrailia. Do you evry see juzuz in potatoe chips?
A lot of assumptions comes from all ends concerning, "What would Jesus do?" Or "would Jesus do that?" Simple solution read the book for those who do not believe and ask these type questions or those who claim to believe but are not sure. It's most likely that the answer is in there to whatever question there may be concerning what Jesus taught and what He stood for.

When He comes, He comes as a thief in the night. Meaning most will not know it or recognize who He is. Even so as most did not know Him or recognize Him when he was in Jerusalem two thousand years ago.

Someone recognized him or he wouldn't have ended up a pinup.

Actually, that little story about people not recognizing Him in Jerusalem is kinda twisted up and will mislead you..........

Yeshua (Jesus) heard about a Gentile (non Jew) who was being plagued by demons, so, He decided to go see if He could help. On the way out of the city, a fellow Jew looked at Him and recognized Him. Yeshua then told the man "shh......don't tell them it's Me", and left the city to go see the man afflicted with demons.

Upon arrival, Yeshua cast the demons out of the man and cast them into a herd of swine, which then ran off a cliff and died. When Yeshua left the man, He told him "tell everyone what God has done for you through Me".

Now, the point of this story is that Yeshua DID NOT COME FOR THE JEWS, HE CAME FOR THE GENTILES, which is why when the Jew saw Him, He told him to be quiet and tell no body, but, when He left the Gentile, He told him to tell everyone (all the non Jews) what God had done for the man via Yeshua.

Plagued by demons?

So where did they go? It they are so powerful, why hide? Who could stop one?

Just kidding, I have no occult beliefs. It's just too tragically comical.
There's probably sufficient circumstantial evidence to believe that Jesus existed. And even though the reports of his philosophy are not contemporary I think there's enough circumstantial evidence that he proposed them. Now, given that some cultures, especially in the West. are underpinned by the Judeo-Christian principles that Jesus knew (the Jewish ones) and espoused (the Christian ones) it's no surprise when any one of us - atheist, agnostic, believer - also proposes them as "good." A goldfish can't be agnostic about water.

But whether or not Jesus was the son of God, well that one's still with the jury.

Oh now I uderget it..the mud puddle is a map of azzytrailia. Do you evry see juzuz in potatoe chips?

Nope, I do remember though, years ago, seeing in the paper a photo someone had taken of snow on the ground somewhere in Europe and it looked like a representation of the face of Jesus on the Cross. It was quite interesting. I didn't know about Gestalt theory then.
...I just have to laugh. :lol:

When atheists invoke Christ's teachings to promote policy...

When christians invoke christ for the havok they wreck on this planet..I have to laugh.:lol:

Tell me..if christ showed up today..a brown skinned bare foot socialist unemployed non english speaking jew with no proof of birth would you have him arrested or thrown out of the country?

fantasize much?
I believe you are wrong on Ravi being an Atheist...she may not subscribe to the religious stance of others, but i have not ever seen her say that she was an atheist Mani, have you?
No, I'm a lapsed Catholic and a current agnostic. Unlike Mani, I don't believe that pretending to believe is the path to salvation. :lol:

And I seriously doubt Jesus has any complaints about my questions.

Nope, no complaints. Ask all you want but there is but one way to the loving merciful God and that is through His son Jesus Christ.
When atheists invoke Christ's teachings to promote policy...

When christians invoke christ for the havok they wreck on this planet..I have to laugh.:lol:

Tell me..if christ showed up today..a brown skinned bare foot socialist unemployed non english speaking jew with no proof of birth would you have him arrested or thrown out of the country?

Or better yet, what about all these evangelical leaders? Can you imagine any of them bowing down to someone who didn't look like a "Nordic God"?

If he doesn't have straight, light brown hair, blue eyes, and a western profile, it obviously CAN'T be Jesus.
Jesus is a Jew...he wouldn't fit the "Anglo" profile.

What on earth makes you ppl think the only Christians are WHITE? We aren't even the majority of Christians.

And why would you think we don't realize Jesus was a Jew?
...I just have to laugh. :lol:

yep, in one breath they hate jesus in the next they try to use his name. fact is, their use of his name is only further evidence of their hatred for him since they do whatever they can to misrepresent him and malign him with their kooky concocted lables and never once do they rever him for who he is.
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...I just have to laugh. :lol:

yep, in one breath they hate jesus in the next they try to use his name. fact is, their use of his name is only further evidence of their hatred for him since they do whatever they can to misrepresent him and malign him with their kooky concocted lables and never once do they rever him for who he is.

Ravi's thread did NOT misrepresent Jesus?

It is YOU who is misrepresenting Ravi's thread (and Jesus imo)? Why?

Why is it necessary for you to misrepresent or lie, if you are the ONE, the Christian we are suppose to model ourselves after...you know, as you said in other threads to other people, repent or go to hell...which implies that you think your crap doesn't stink but everyone elses does?

You certainly are NOTHING like Christ....why should any of us even pay attention to what you say about it? You have too much hatred to be anything near Christ like...if anything YOU push people AWAY from Christ by your representation of him as a Christian?

Am I being harsh...? YES.... I am....but mainly because you are hurting Christianity by acting as though you are holier than thou, sinless, throwing around your snide insults towards others you don't even know like Toro ...i think it was earlier and Ravi now, and act as though you are the right and just one just because you believeeeeeeeeee in jesussssssss...

well hogwash, that is NOT what Jesus taught, and you have upset me a few times tonight with this kind of air or attitude, and since we live in America...ya got the brunt end of my "free speech" for it! ;) And yes, a neg rep too...which i tried to pull back from you and take the neg rep back, but it was too late to edit by the time my remorse on that set in.:redface:

Please, just please....when you are going to act like a nimrod, don't go plastering Jesus's poster all over yourself...HE DOES NOT DESERVE such.

...I just have to laugh. :lol:

yep, in one breath they hate jesus in the next they try to use his name. fact is, their use of his name is only further evidence of their hatred for him since they do whatever they can to misrepresent him and malign him with their kooky concocted lables and never once do they rever him for who he is.

Ravi's thread did NOT misrepresent Jesus?

It is YOU who is misrepresenting Ravi's thread (and Jesus imo)? Why?

Why is it necessary for you to misrepresent or lie, if you are the ONE, the Christian we are suppose to model ourselves after...you know, as you said in other threads to other people, repent or go to hell...which implies that you think your crap doesn't stink but everyone elses does?

You certainly are NOTHING like Christ....why should any of us even pay attention to what you say about it? You have too much hatred to be anything near Christ like...if anything YOU push people AWAY from Christ by your representation of him as a Christian?

Am I being harsh...? YES.... I am....but mainly because you are hurting Christianity by acting as though you are holier than thou, sinless, throwing around your snide insults towards others you don't even know like Toro ...i think it was earlier and Ravi now, and act as though you are the right and just one just because you believeeeeeeeeee in jesussssssss...

well hogwash, that is NOT what Jesus taught, and you have upset me a few times tonight with this kind of air or attitude, and since we live in America...ya got the brunt end of my "free speech" for it! ;) And yes, a neg rep too...which i tried to pull back from you and take the neg rep back, but it was too late to edit by the time my remorse on that set in.:redface:

Please, just please....when you are going to act like a nimrod, don't go plastering Jesus's poster all over yourself...HE DOES NOT DESERVE such.


why do you hate jesus?
yep, in one breath they hate jesus in the next they try to use his name. fact is, their use of his name is only further evidence of their hatred for him since they do whatever they can to misrepresent him and malign him with their kooky concocted lables and never once do they rever him for who he is.

Ravi's thread did NOT misrepresent Jesus?

It is YOU who is misrepresenting Ravi's thread (and Jesus imo)? Why?

Why is it necessary for you to misrepresent or lie, if you are the ONE, the Christian we are suppose to model ourselves after...you know, as you said in other threads to other people, repent or go to hell...which implies that you think your crap doesn't stink but everyone elses does?

You certainly are NOTHING like Christ....why should any of us even pay attention to what you say about it? You have too much hatred to be anything near Christ like...if anything YOU push people AWAY from Christ by your representation of him as a Christian?

Am I being harsh...? YES.... I am....but mainly because you are hurting Christianity by acting as though you are holier than thou, sinless, throwing around your snide insults towards others you don't even know like Toro ...i think it was earlier and Ravi now, and act as though you are the right and just one just because you believeeeeeeeeee in jesussssssss...

well hogwash, that is NOT what Jesus taught, and you have upset me a few times tonight with this kind of air or attitude, and since we live in America...ya got the brunt end of my "free speech" for it! ;) And yes, a neg rep too...which i tried to pull back from you and take the neg rep back, but it was too late to edit by the time my remorse on that set in.:redface:

Please, just please....when you are going to act like a nimrod, don't go plastering Jesus's poster all over yourself...HE DOES NOT DESERVE such.


why do you hate jesus?

ty for the neg rep in return, you've eased my guilty feeling a bit! :redface:
...I just have to laugh. :lol:

what about those political pundit/Satan worshipers...they crack me up

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHFoUZEjuNM]YouTube - Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals[/ame]

that's just so weird... i saw this video before when it was linked in another thread, didn't know what to make of it then, either.

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