When America was American...were there cries for socialism like there is today?

Do you really think anyone but the most radical, empty-headed, emo-leftists will take you seriously when you post this kind of nonsense?

Unless you made the money yourself, you're simply standing on the shoulders of giants. The members of the Walton Family have done little productive with their lives, and aren't even running their father's company. I don't see why the lazy children of industrial giants get a free pass in life.

This kind of bitter, envious wannabe marxist whining makes you look like a real loser.

I'm neither bitter, nor envious. I've done well enough for myself and have nothing to complain about. But I see a lot of my working class friends and family who are being utterly screwed in the "new economy". Many haven't had a meaningful raise since the 1990's. They're approaching retirement with little to show for a lifetime of hard work.

The elite of the world have convinced fools like you to turn over the world's income to the elites and leave crumbs for themselves. What fools you worshippers of the wealthy and the elites truly are. I have respect for those who make the money themselves, but their children, should not be handed the world on a platter.
Like Trump and his children?[/QUOTE

I was thinking more along the lines of the Waltons. Trump and his children don't have that much money.

I'm of the firm belief that the reason Trump doesn't reveal his taxes is that he really isn't worth very much money at all. I also think that Trump truly hates the USA because he's been such a huge business failure, and he blames the bankers for his failures. US banks stopped lending to him in the 1990's after his Atlantic City bankruptcies, and still won't lend him money. I can see Trump wanting revenge and thinking he's justified because they've treatly him so unfairly.
AND he's real big on revenge Cross him and he'll go after you with all his lawyers
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.

The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?

Sure I am against the bailouts and all that. It's nowhere near as much money as welfare, don't pretend so.
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.

The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?

Sure I am against the bailouts and all that. It's nowhere near as much money as welfare, don't pretend so.
Show me the data that shows "welfare to poor people" caused any financial crisis in US history...

I'll wait....

And no....the financial crisis of 2008 wasn't caused by poor people getting home loans, so save me that dumb shit
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.

The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?

Sure I am against the bailouts and all that. It's nowhere near as much money as welfare, don't pretend so.
Show me the data that shows "welfare to poor people" caused any financial crisis in US history...

I'll wait....

And no....the financial crisis of 2008 wasn't caused by poor people getting home loans, so save me that dumb shit
How did the 2008 recession happen?
It began in 2007 with a crisis in the subprime mortgage market in the United States, and developed into a full-blown international banking crisis with the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008. ... The crisis was nonetheless followed by a global economic downturn, the Great Recession.
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.

The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
You can't give something to people that already own it. I have no wealth envy.What a person legally earns or owns is none of my business. Your problem is thinking because someone has more than you it keeps you from having more. It doesn't work that way.
The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
You keep on believing that. I guess all them evil rich people have this huge vault in their basement where they hide all that cash from you. Wealth envy is a waste of time.
The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
You got diddly squat. You simply don't have a clue what you are talking about.
That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
You got diddly squat. You simply don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Still waiting for you to tell me what those corporations did with their massive tax cuts??

Instead of flapping yo dic suckers like a bitch, refute one single thing I said with facts

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks

Stock buybacks exploded after the tax cuts. Now they're slowing down - CNN

Companies prefer buybacks in wake of Trump tax cuts
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
You got diddly squat. You simply don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Still waiting for you to tell me what those corporations did with their massive tax cuts??

Instead of flapping yo dic suckers like a bitch, refute one single thing I said with facts

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks

Stock buybacks exploded after the tax cuts. Now they're slowing down - CNN

Companies prefer buybacks in wake of Trump tax cuts
Who owns those stocks they are buying back?
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
How do you give something to someone who already owns it? I never got a job from a poor person.
please show me what all of those rich people did with their huge tax cut in 2018??

Did they hire more people?? No....did they dramatically increase wages?? Nope....

They bought back stocks to artificially inflate value and increase their bonuses....I understand folks like you worship wealth and will always go along with whatever the wealth class wants because you think they will sprinkle crumbs on you..

But I go by facts -- and facts are -- tax dollars given to the middle class has a greater multiplier effect for the economy than tax dollars given to billionaires -- and I have decades of data to support it....
Trump’s Tax Cut One Year Later: What Happened?
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.

The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.

That is total... Federal are not the ones increasing that:

View attachment 289264
Yep, the federal government gets more and more every year in revenues… That is why redistribution is a fucked up concept because the federal government keeps what it takes it does not ever go to the people… Fact
A bunch of it goes to the top 1% in massive tax cuts and tax credits ….shouldn't you be on board with that?? Especially if you are really lucky, it may trinkle down to you....just a lil tinkle on your shoe, but better than nothing right?
First of all I don’t want what other people have, I’m not cowardly like that.
Second why would anyone trust the federal government to redistribute anything? Not only is the federal government incredibly inefficient, it’s absolutely corrupt… The whole concept a redistribution is fucked up anyways only cowards embrace it. Fact
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
US military is a socialist organization, and still is today.
You see america was american back when america was american. Now the america of back then is american today. america was american even wHen america was america.

You see america was american back when america was american. Now the america of back then is american today. america was american even wHen america was america.

I pretend to be confused when I don’t like the narrative as well.
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
US military is a socialist organization, and still is today.
Na, not really
Socialism and freedom cannot coexist… Socialism is just a prelude to fascism. Fact

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