What's wrong with the Arab mind?




This is my favorite quote:

"That man went to help rebuild Iraq. I am very sad that he was killed but his stupid government put him there...If his family are looking where to put the blame, they shouldn't look further than the White House," Cairo office worker Mansur Muhammad said.

Blame Bush for the 30 second sawing off of a mans head not those hooded cowards! Look boys and girls we aren't going to make nice with these people so forget it. I'm not talking about most Iraqis which seem almost western in their attitudes. I'm talking about the Al-Quedia element. They saw off a mans head screaming God is great. I don't tend to look at most Iraqis this way because I remeber the man that risked his life to save Jessica Lynch. We seem to have in the Arab world two mind sets. One that is civilizied and religious. One that is uncivilizied and religious as long at in envolves world domination and massacre. I knew Arabs and other muslims in college and although they were different they were good people. All the Middle East need democracy. The Saudi family lives in splender while most of the people there live in mud huts. We must win the peace in Iraq and establish a true democracy. The rest will go away with prosperity.
Originally posted by rcajun90

This is my favorite quote:

"That man went to help rebuild Iraq. I am very sad that he was killed but his stupid government put him there...If his family are looking where to put the blame, they shouldn't look further than the White House," Cairo office worker Mansur Muhammad said.

Blame Bush for the 30 second sawing off of a mans head not those hooded cowards! Look boys and girls we aren't going to make nice with these people so forget it. I'm not talking about most Iraqis which seem almost western in their attitudes. I'm talking about the Al-Quedia element. They saw off a mans head screaming God is great. I don't tend to look at most Iraqis this way because I remeber the man that risked his life to save Jessica Lynch. We seem to have in the Arab world two mind sets. One that is civilizied and religious. One that is uncivilizied and religious as long at in envolves world domination and massacre. I knew Arabs and other muslims in college and although they were different they were good people. All the Middle East need democracy. The Saudi family lives in splender while most of the people there live in mud huts. We must win the peace in Iraq and establish a true democracy. The rest will go away with prosperity.

We have the same dichotomy in the United States, the civilized and the uncivilized. The difference is that on a whole we are a civilized society, whereas the Iraqis suffered greatly under S.Hussein.

Saudi Arabia is a fucked country. I agree. What do you think of Bush's "handling" of the Saudis?
That man was not affiliated with any branch or aspect of the US government - he was there to make a buck...plain and simple.

Originally posted by Patriot
I guess you presume to be in Mr Bergs heart and mind to know that?

He was there for one of two options:

Part of a government agency

As a private businessman

Since we know the first option isn't true:

"In Baghdad, U.S. spokesmen Dan Senor said, "...Berg was not affiliated with any U.S. or coalition organization, nor was he ever in U.S. custody."

Therefor, by default, he falls into the 2nd category. Businessman. I'm not insinuating his intentions were less than noble. I'm saying it's retarded for the guy who was speaking the quote to blame the US government' for Berg's death. Berg was there by choice...He was there independantly.
Originally posted by rcajun90

This is my favorite quote:

"That man went to help rebuild Iraq. I am very sad that he was killed but his stupid government put him there...If his family are looking where to put the blame, they shouldn't look further than the White House," Cairo office worker Mansur Muhammad said.

Blame Bush for the 30 second sawing off of a mans head not those hooded cowards! Look boys and girls we aren't going to make nice with these people so forget it. I'm not talking about most Iraqis which seem almost western in their attitudes. I'm talking about the Al-Quedia element. They saw off a mans head screaming God is great. I don't tend to look at most Iraqis this way because I remeber the man that risked his life to save Jessica Lynch. We seem to have in the Arab world two mind sets. One that is civilizied and religious. One that is uncivilizied and religious as long at in envolves world domination and massacre. I knew Arabs and other muslims in college and although they were different they were good people. All the Middle East need democracy. The Saudi family lives in splender while most of the people there live in mud huts. We must win the peace in Iraq and establish a true democracy. The rest will go away with prosperity.

This is the sickest twist I've seen put on this yet. I can't even go into it right now I'm so fucking pissed. I'm going to have to address this tomorrow.

I will say this..... you better pray that that man's soul doesn'd come back and haunt you, advocating by some sich bull shit way he had it coming.

You're no better than the animals that sayed his head off. You are a devil.

I'll apologize now if you posted this as a piece, and it wasn't your views.
It's not the Arab mind that is the problem. It is the mind of anyone willing to use religion to justify their personal, ego-driven, sick agenda. It is the same mentality found in members of the Christian identity movement...of those who bomb abortion clinics...Of Hindu extremists murdering Sikhs...Sikh extremists murdering Hindus...Shi'ites murdering Sunnis and vice-versa.

It's about turning what good religion can do to evil...the evil that men do.
According to Fareed Zakaria, in his book, "The Future of Freedom", the problem is that

"the Arab world is a political desert with no real political parties, no free press, and few pathways for dissent. As a result, the mosque became the place to discuss politics. As the only place that cannot be banned in Muslim societies, it where all the hate and opposition toward regimes collected and grew. The language of opposition became, in these lands, the language of religion. This combination of religion and politics has proven to be combustible. Religion, at least the religion of the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), stresses moral absolutes. But politcs is all about compromise. The result has been a ruthless, winner-take-all attitude toward political life."

That pretty much sums it up as far as I am concerned.

You should read the book. It has a lot of great insight and is an excellent read!

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