What's The Difference Between Jon Stewart And Brian Williams?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Highly respected news anchor who specializes in fake news and making fun of politicians.
Announced his retirement this week and is considered to be the most beloved news personality
on television.
His broadcasts are essentially half-truths and sarcasm of politics in general.


Formally highly respected and award winning NBC journalists who reportedly made up stories about being shot at while flying in a helicopter in Iraq and being attacked by thugs in New Orleans after Katrina. Now he's on indefinite suspension and is rumored to be possibly fired for dishonest reporting. He suffers from the same habit of creating news similar to Dan Rather. Jon Stewart makes up news too, and many believe he's being honest. Reporting from both Stewart and Williams served as talking-points for the left for years.

John Stewart isn't a news anchor, he's a satirist, actor, director, and comedian.

The Daily Show is satire, which may use sarcasm as a mode in it's satire.

No one thinks it's actually journalism.

Get a grip.
Not interested in playing into your lie but I dare you to watch this.

I DARE you.

February 10 2015 - David Axelrod - The Daily Show - Full Episode Comedy Central
So you use fake news to base your talking-points from?

You're such a hateful individual that you can't even discuss the OP. You call me a liar when you can't even tell me what I'm supposedly lying about.



I dare you to watch the link and then tell me its "fake".

Highly respected news anchor who specializes in fake news and making fun of politicians.
Announced his retirement this week and is considered to be the most beloved news personality
on television.
His broadcasts are essentially half-truths and sarcasm of politics in general.


Formally highly respected and award winning NBC journalists who reportedly made up stories about being shot at while flying in a helicopter in Iraq and being attacked by thugs in New Orleans after Katrina. Now he's on indefinite suspension and is rumored to be possibly fired for dishonest reporting. He suffers from the same habit of creating news similar to Dan Rather. Jon Stewart makes up news too, and many believe he's being honest. Reporting from both Stewart and Williams served as talking-points for the left for years.

I was gonna say hair color....

Highly respected news anchor who specializes in fake news and making fun of politicians.
Announced his retirement this week and is considered to be the most beloved news personality
on television.
His broadcasts are essentially half-truths and sarcasm of politics in general.


Formally highly respected and award winning NBC journalists who reportedly made up stories about being shot at while flying in a helicopter in Iraq and being attacked by thugs in New Orleans after Katrina. Now he's on indefinite suspension and is rumored to be possibly fired for dishonest reporting. He suffers from the same habit of creating news similar to Dan Rather. Jon Stewart makes up news too, and many believe he's being honest. Reporting from both Stewart and Williams served as talking-points for the left for years.

I was gonna say hair color....

They both wear neckties.


Highly respected news anchor who specializes in fake news and making fun of politicians.
Announced his retirement this week and is considered to be the most beloved news personality
on television.
His broadcasts are essentially half-truths and sarcasm of politics in general.


Formally highly respected and award winning NBC journalists who reportedly made up stories about being shot at while flying in a helicopter in Iraq and being attacked by thugs in New Orleans after Katrina. Now he's on indefinite suspension and is rumored to be possibly fired for dishonest reporting. He suffers from the same habit of creating news similar to Dan Rather. Jon Stewart makes up news too, and many believe he's being honest. Reporting from both Stewart and Williams served as talking-points for the left for years.

I was gonna say hair color....

They both wear neckties.


What's the difference, not what is the same about them?
Not interested in playing into your lie but I dare you to watch this.

I DARE you.

February 10 2015 - David Axelrod - The Daily Show - Full Episode Comedy Central
So you use fake news to base your talking-points from?

You're such a hateful individual that you can't even discuss the OP. You call me a liar when you can't even tell me what I'm supposedly lying about.



I dare you to watch the link and then tell me its "fake".
Listen clown, it's considered satire, or comedy, or not to be taken seriously.
John Stewart isn't a news anchor, he's a satirist, actor, director, and comedian.

The Daily Show is satire, which may use sarcasm as a mode in it's satire.

No one thinks it's actually journalism.

Get a grip.
Best way to win over the misinformed is thru satire. If you're clever enough they won't even know they're being lied to.
John Stewart isn't a news anchor, he's a satirist, actor, director, and comedian.

The Daily Show is satire, which may use sarcasm as a mode in it's satire.

No one thinks it's actually journalism.

Get a grip.
Best way to win over the misinformed is thru satire. If you're clever enough they won't even know they're being lied to.

Actually, considering satire isn't meant to be serious, I wouldn't think that is so.

Attempting to be serious about reporting and misinforming the audience i.e. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, seems to be more successful.
Satire is not meant to be serious? Now that is about as nutty as one can get, political satire is used to illustrate a point or opinion of the writers, the producers or whoever creates such stuff.
John Stewart isn't a news anchor, he's a satirist, actor, director, and comedian.

The Daily Show is satire, which may use sarcasm as a mode in it's satire.

No one thinks it's actually journalism.

Get a grip.
Best way to win over the misinformed is thru satire. If you're clever enough they won't even know they're being lied to.

Actually, considering satire isn't meant to be serious, I wouldn't think that is so.

Attempting to be serious about reporting and misinforming the audience i.e. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, seems to be more successful.
Actually misinforming the audience is done in sitcoms and drama series on television, movies, and at cocktail parties. Best way to pull the wool over everyone's eyes is to tell a joke that has a micron of truth to it but is total BS.


The usual BS is that Republicans are all Bible-banging, closed-minded, angry, homophobic racists. The truth is Democrats are close-minded, angry communist, progressive, assholes that can't stand it when anyone has a different opinion. The truth is Republicans give more to charity than Democrats by far. Democrats are hateful and spiteful and hold grudges. Republicans for the most part just want to be left alone. Both have their bigotry to deal with but Democrats feel that anyone who loves the country they live in is an idiot, which is suicidal. The only thing holding back progress in this country is the hateful Democrats.

Listening to Air-America or MSNBC and you get the true mind of the left. Neither is successful in capturing an audience because both are so hateful. Yet on average Rush Limbaugh has as many as 25 million people listening to him on an AM station that nobody listens to otherwise. Why is that?
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John Stewart isn't a news anchor, he's a satirist, actor, director, and comedian.

The Daily Show is satire, which may use sarcasm as a mode in it's satire.

No one thinks it's actually journalism.

Get a grip.
Best way to win over the misinformed is thru satire. If you're clever enough they won't even know they're being lied to.
An example of political satire from the Onion:

John Stewart isn't a news anchor, he's a satirist, actor, director, and comedian.

The Daily Show is satire, which may use sarcasm as a mode in it's satire.

No one thinks it's actually journalism.

Get a grip.
There are many lefties that think Stewart is telling the truth in all his stories. I know of lefties that take him at his word! It is very funny because when you question them the resort back to what they heard him say, no facts. :lmao: it is very funny!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Highly respected news anchor who specializes in fake news and making fun of politicians.
Announced his retirement this week and is considered to be the most beloved news personality
on television.
His broadcasts are essentially half-truths and sarcasm of politics in general.


Formally highly respected and award winning NBC journalists who reportedly made up stories about being shot at while flying in a helicopter in Iraq and being attacked by thugs in New Orleans after Katrina. Now he's on indefinite suspension and is rumored to be possibly fired for dishonest reporting. He suffers from the same habit of creating news similar to Dan Rather. Jon Stewart makes up news too, and many believe he's being honest. Reporting from both Stewart and Williams served as talking-points for the left for years.

Where do you get this idea that Jon Stewart is a "news anchor"? He's never even claimed to be that.

Might wanna check your sources.

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