What will probably happen with the North and South Korean peace treaty


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
After watching the video and reading the article, the conclusion it all comes to is nothing will happen.

A surprise?

Not actually. The real players in all of this are clearly the USA and China. It indicates that China isn't all that interested in seeing a complete thaw between the north and south and especially NOT reunification.

So, what does it think WILL happen. A loosening of visitation rules for families on both sides and perhaps more economic cooperation. But little else.

At least not right away. IMHO, I can see what happened at the end of the Cold War when The Wall finally came down.

Read more @ What will probably happen with the North and South Korean peace treaty
Conventional wisdom has always been that the two Korea's will never be one again...that the status quo must remain unchanged....
Thank God Donald Trump doesn't believe that nonsense...
North Korea has real problems...big problems...bigger than Kim can handle...call it whatever you want but he needs us and he needs the south and he can see that he can be a hero abroad by moving to end the stand off...
I think the Trump administration has convinced him we do not seek regime change...and never will as long as he ends his nuclear program...
Its as simple as that...
Too bad the last four presidents couldn't move that needle...
Conventional wisdom has always been that the two Korea's will never be one again...that the status quo must remain unchanged....
Thank God Donald Trump doesn't believe that nonsense...
North Korea has real problems...big problems...bigger than Kim can handle...call it whatever you want but he needs us and he needs the south and he can see that he can be a hero abroad by moving to end the stand off...
I think the Trump administration has convinced him we do not seek regime change...and never will as long as he ends his nuclear program...
Its as simple as that...
Too bad the last four presidents couldn't move that needle...
Nobody but Kim could move the needle.
Not gonna happen. This has gone on before. In the 1970s the80s and a couple of times in the 90s they even talked about denuclearization (sp?).

Nothing will come of this. NK will be all about it until they get some concessions and then they will back away from the table.
Not gonna happen. This has gone on before. In the 1970s the80s and a couple of times in the 90s they even talked about denuclearization (sp?).

Nothing will come of this. NK will be all about it until they get some concessions and then they will back away from the table.
I notice a lot of times that people that think nothing will happen, think the deal with iran, the so called biggesr state sponsor of terrorism in the world, was genius.
Not gonna happen. This has gone on before. In the 1970s the80s and a couple of times in the 90s they even talked about denuclearization (sp?).

Nothing will come of this. NK will be all about it until they get some concessions and then they will back away from the table.
I notice a lot of times that people that think nothing will happen, think the deal with iran, the so called biggesr state sponsor of terrorism in the world, was genius.
Because it happened. This won't. But if it does it will be a good thing.

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