What will it be, Nationalism or Globalism?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2018
San Diego
Many of the topics here in Politics have an underlying theme in that they're related to where you come down on these issues.

Do you want the world to stay the way it is, sovereign governments and independent nations, some successful countries, some not so successful?

Or the John Lennon dream, One World Government, all humans equal, trees hugged, refugees taken in, freeloaders everywhere?

Cause that's what this shit is coming down to.
Many of the topics here in Politics have an underlying theme in that they're related to where you come down on these issues.

Do you want the world to stay the way it is, sovereign governments and independent nations, some successful countries, some not so successful?

Or the John Lennon dream, One World Government, all humans equal, trees hugged, refugees taken in, freeloaders everywhere?

Cause that's what this shit is coming down to.

This fails as a false dilemma fallacy.

There is no such thing as ‘globalism,’ no one advocates for ‘globalism.’

And nationalism as practiced by frightened reactionaries hostile to change, diversity, a inclusion should be rejected as the hateful, jingoistic bigotry and racism that it is.
Many of the topics here in Politics have an underlying theme in that they're related to where you come down on these issues.

Do you want the world to stay the way it is, sovereign governments and independent nations, some successful countries, some not so successful?

Or the John Lennon dream, One World Government, all humans equal, trees hugged, refugees taken in, freeloaders everywhere?

Cause that's what this shit is coming down to.

This fails as a false dilemma fallacy.

There is no such thing as ‘globalism,’ no one advocates for ‘globalism.’

And nationalism as practiced by frightened reactionaries hostile to change, diversity, a inclusion should be rejected as the hateful, jingoistic bigotry and racism that it is.

You're such an idiot. Of course globalization is real

Bill Clinton on Globalization - The Globalist
Transformed UN proposed to create 'new world order'
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
Many of the topics here in Politics have an underlying theme in that they're related to where you come down on these issues.

Do you want the world to stay the way it is, sovereign governments and independent nations, some successful countries, some not so successful?

Or the John Lennon dream, One World Government, all humans equal, trees hugged, refugees taken in, freeloaders everywhere?

Cause that's what this shit is coming down to.

This fails as a false dilemma fallacy.

There is no such thing as ‘globalism,’ no one advocates for ‘globalism.’

And nationalism as practiced by frightened reactionaries hostile to change, diversity, a inclusion should be rejected as the hateful, jingoistic bigotry and racism that it is.
Globalism generally is understood as free trade and free immigration policies among other things, like centralized authority and world corporations.
Nationalism is fair trade and merit based immigration policies, with corporate policies that consider the workers along with the profit and loss statement.
Popular distaste for globalism is the reason England voted for Brexit and the reason Macron was forced to cave on the diesel tax.
In other words, we the people want to keep England England, France France and the USA the USA. It's happening in other countries, too.

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