What will be obama's re-election slogan?

"Yes We CAN play Golf"

"Liberté......and those other two french things."
"Don't change pricks in the middle of a screw - Barack again 2 - 0 - 1 - 2."
With the first credit lowering in US history, an unmoveable unemployment rate, $6 trillion in new debt, etc etc, people now understand the previously ambiguous "Change" mantra.

How can he defend his disastrous performance? What will it be - running against Bush?

Let me see:

I told you that I would reduce earmarks and then signed in my first three days an omnibus bill with 9,000 earmarks.

I told you that unemployment would not go above 8% and that we would have a summer of job recovery in 2010 if only you supported my 787 billion dollar stimulus plan.

I told you that my health care plan would fix healthcare, it's costs are in the trillions and it costs seniors 500 billion a year in cuts so that I can move that to medicaid.

I am the first President in U.S history to get a credit rating downgrade due to the fact that I spend 4.1 billion dollars a day of your money on God knows what and I want more from you so I can spend more.

Election -------- The blame Bush is old and tired and no one's listening to that song and dance anymore except a few moron's. So it's got to be , " I'm trying, give me a second chance to double down on my previous failures." No Thank you. 547 days left of this debaucle before we fire him, send him home to Chicago to stand in an unemployment line.
Obama's slogan- How much did you make last year, write a check out for the full amount, send it in, then I can really fix all of your problems. Trust me??? If you don't you will be called a racist.:lol::lol: If that doesn't work it's Bush's fault. :lol::lol::lol:

How's that for a re-election slogan.:clap2:
Fooled the SHIT otta ya last time, didn't I?

Could you possibly be stupid enough to believe the same crap twice?


So I said the republicans "drove the car in the ditch," well if that's true, I DROVE THE FREIGHT TRAIN OFF THE CLIFF!!
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With the first credit lowering in US history, an unmoveable unemployment rate, $6 trillion in new debt, etc etc, people now understand the previously ambiguous "Change" mantra.

How can he defend his disastrous performance? What will it be - running against Bush?

Let me see:

I told you that I would reduce earmarks and then signed in my first three days an omnibus bill with 9,000 earmarks.

I told you that unemployment would not go above 8% and that we would have a summer of job recovery in 2010 if only you supported my 787 billion dollar stimulus plan.

I told you that my health care plan would fix healthcare, it's costs are in the trillions and it costs seniors 500 billion a year in cuts so that I can move that to medicaid.

I am the first President in U.S history to get a credit rating downgrade due to the fact that I spend 4.1 billion dollars a day of your money on God knows what and I want more from you so I can spend more.

Election -------- The blame Bush is old and tired and no one's listening to that song and dance anymore except a few moron's. So it's got to be , " I'm trying, give me a second chance to double down on my previous failures." No Thank you. 547 days left of this debaucle before we fire him, send him home to Chicago to stand in an unemployment line.


Yes--one week after he shoved 787 billion in stimulus money down our throats--and while he was stating we were in the worst economic crisis since the great depression he managed to spend another 450 billion dollars---on 9000 earmarks--goodies and political pay-backs--referring to it as "last years business"
How bout "The Adult in the Room"?... but thanks for the Depression, the stupidest wars EVER, the 24/7 fear mongering propaganda machine, and the no compromise obstruction since 11/2009, dittohead morons...
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"Some of you STILL have money I didn't get? Okayyyyy - re-elect me."
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"I'll close Gitmo

I'll bring all the troops home from Iraq

I'll end the practice of Rendition

I'll reform the wiretapping portion of the Patriot Act

I'll renegotiate NAFTA

Lobbyist won't work in my White House

I will put new legislation on the internet for all to see before votes occur

I will use Federal Campaign funds

I will eliminate the Bush Tax Cuts

I am opposed to a Healthcare man...d-a-t-e...

Dammit...I think this speech is from the last election...:eusa_doh:

Obama 2012....I'll do all that stuff I said I'd do last time this time...I swear."
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