What were they thinking ?


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

They were probably counting on it. Martyrs can be that way.
Everyone knows that Assad needs to go. Once again, he has murdered tens of thusands of his own people, and he continues to do so every day. He didn't get the name 'Butcher of Damascus' for nothing
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

They were probably counting on it. Martyrs can be that way.

That's what I was thinking too. And now even the Arab league wants the US to help them take Assad out? :bs1:
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

What were they thinking about? The hokey pokey of course.
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

What were they thinking about? The hokey pokey of course.

They need to quit fucking pokeying around and take Assad out by themselves if they wish.
and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered
and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered

The chemicals are there--they exist. I guess this so called Arab coalition was relying on us to be the bad ass and prevent Assad from using them somehow. I tell ya what---if someone attacks N Korea I bet they use theirs too.
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, I think you've got it backward, with respect.

Assad was WINNING. That's why I myself suspect it was a false flag operation, gassing rebel areas by rebels because they were desperate to provoke US intervention before they lost irrevocably and were all killed.

However, I could be wrong and Assad was simply cleaning up areas of resistance like Saddam did with the Kurds on his way to victory.

The point with chemical weapons is that they work best against villages, not troops.

They were invented to use against troops, but that worked very, very dubiously and only 4% of WWI battlefield casualties were caused by poison gas. The word "blowback" was of course invented in connection with poison gas.....you can see the potential problem.
and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered

The chemicals are there--they exist. I guess this so called Arab coalition was relying on us to be the bad ass and prevent Assad from using them somehow. I tell ya what---if someone attacks N Korea I bet they use theirs too.

i agree totally but how do you stop the procession of chemical warfare...it has existed since the first animal discovered it...and man just continue to perfect the ways of killing..

man is and always will be a murdering machine...

Chemical warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered


Can you hear the Black Helicopters yet?
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, I think you've got it backward, with respect.

Assad was WINNING. That's why I myself suspect it was a false flag operation, gassing rebel areas by rebels because they were desperate to provoke US intervention before they lost irrevocably and were all killed.

However, I could be wrong and Assad was simply cleaning up areas of resistance like Saddam did with the Kurds on his way to victory.

The point with chemical weapons is that they work best against villages, not troops.

They were invented to use against troops, but that worked very, very dubiously and only 4% of WWI battlefield casualties were caused by poison gas. The word "blowback" was of course invented in connection with poison gas.....you can see the potential problem.

Winning or losing----makes no difference. Did they expect to depose Assad without having to deal with the WMDs ?? :cuckoo:
Whatever little coalition or cabal came up with the idea of deposing the Assad regime needs to have their heads examined. They new full well that the man had chemical weapons. How in the hell did they expect to take Assad out and avoid the chemical weapons issue ? Did they think he would not use them in a last ditch effort to save his own life ? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Problem is that Obama made red lines in Syria, and now he has to follow his own words.

and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered

The question is, what are military weapons FOR?

1. For killing fighting troops and destroying military installations?

2. Or for killing out all the population that is identifiable by belief, religion, skin color, area they live in, way they dress, etc.?

Because No. 2 is very efficient. And since......the bombing of Dresden, let's say, or maybe the London Blitz, killing out source populations has been the way warfare is changing.

Nukes are the best for that.

Poison gas is pretty good, though --- can take out thousands at once, right where they live, and then your people can go in a few weeks later and clean up and resettle in the same houses.

I guess the idea is to try to retard use of ethnic cleansing in war and restrict weapons and warmaking to the warfighters.

As if. Too late.
and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered

The chemicals are there--they exist. I guess this so called Arab coalition was relying on us to be the bad ass and prevent Assad from using them somehow. I tell ya what---if someone attacks N Korea I bet they use theirs too.

The main thing is that the MSM has something to report.

Dead Babies make for great advertising sales for the MSM: War means more Dead Babies, thus the MSM is going to do everything possible to encourage a conflict.
and now the us has made a threat...and backed down? i realize the cost of the new war and how much of a burden it will put on the country and the military families...but damn...shouldnt we stop chemical warfare as fast as we can stop it...or can it ever be stopped?

it only takes 4 chemicals to make sarrin gas and they can all be mail ordered

The chemicals are there--they exist. I guess this so called Arab coalition was relying on us to be the bad ass and prevent Assad from using them somehow. I tell ya what---if someone attacks N Korea I bet they use theirs too.

i agree totally but how do you stop the procession of chemical warfare...it has existed since the first animal discovered it...and man just continue to perfect the ways of killing..

man is and always will be a murdering machine...

Chemical warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

bottom line ? you make it very hard and expensive. Regulate precursors etc but we can never stop it. Sociopaths don't follow rules by definition.
and being the total hypocrite i am....i would still send my son to canada if they have a draft here....i am sorry .....look about ...do you see the men/women who are wounded....legs gone...etc....and for what? the egos of men? fuck that..i will not see my son put on the alter of rah rah god country and the american flag....*which is made in china*
Everyone knows that Assad needs to go. Once again, he has murdered tens of thusands of his own people, and he continues to do so every day. He didn't get the name 'Butcher of Damascus' for nothing

True, but with all due respect, who will be the ones dealing with the outcome of his defeat?

If not him, then it's Al-Quaeda. and USA helping Al-Quaeda is one of the things that sound like a very bad joke, one that became reality.

There is no easy solution concerning Syria, and the ones suffering now are the children.:(
Did they expect to depose Assad without having to deal with the WMDs ?? :cuckoo:

Well, obviously they did! Or at least they hoped and expected that would bring in the USA on their side. We see that: they are saying it on all the news sites.

That doesn't seem crazy to me. This whole war is hardly a done deal on either side yet, and may well escalate, so who knows what will happen.

This is so not over.
Everyone knows that Assad needs to go. Once again, he has murdered tens of thusands of his own people, and he continues to do so every day. He didn't get the name 'Butcher of Damascus' for nothing

True, but with all due respect, who will be the ones dealing with the outcome of his defeat?

If not him, then it's Al-Quaeda. and USA helping Al-Quaeda is one of the things that sound like a very bad joke, one that became reality.

There is no easy solution concerning Syria, and the ones suffering now are the children.:(

Now they are in the process of shipping Syrian refugees all over the world. WTF---thanks a lot Arabs !

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