What we learned yesterday....


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
1. "Its the Economy Stupid" still rules

2. The party in power can push its agenda, but America does not like rapid change

3. You can't buy an election. Whitman, McMahon and Fiorina spent their massive fortunes to try to buy an election. It didn't work

4. America still does not like its politicians to come from corporate America (see above)

5. He who lives by the Tea Party....dies by the Tea Party. The Tea Party helped the GOP take the House, but cost them the Senate. The Tea Party is a powerhouse in conservative states but is a liability in moderate and liberal regions.
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agree with all but the last. If the entire senate was up for vote instead of 1/3 it would be solidly republican. And you bet your ass the dems shooting rifles through Obama's bills know it.
Americans are tired of the corruption, the greed, the making up rules as you go, the one party totalitarian state, and the race, class, and economic war that the DUmbAsses have been waging.
There is something seriously wrong with many of the residents in this state of Massachusetts.

Wait, I already knew that so that is not something new learned.
agree with all but the last. If the entire senate was up for vote instead of 1/3 it would be solidly republican. And you bet your ass the dems shooting rifles through Obama's bills know it.
Yep, the anger won't decline. The longer Obama remains President and the Democrats push the 'change' campaign, raise taxes and push for America's inclusion in the EU cesspool they will lose power the brutal way. :eusa_whistle:

*Psst! This is a subtle hint for Democrats to realize their campaign is a major fail, and they should shut up and stop pushing the bullshit that they speak for the average American.
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agree with all but the last. If the entire senate was up for vote instead of 1/3 it would be solidly republican. And you bet your ass the dems shooting rifles through Obama's bills know it.

I agree that if all Senate seats were up for grabs the GOP would have taken a majority. But they had a chance to take the Senate majority with easy wins in Nevada and Delaware. Reid was dead in the water, Coons was to be a sacrificial lamb to popular Mike Castle. The Tea Party turned both sure victories into defeats.
I dunno that any GOPer is going to carry California statewide these days, whether they be from the Ron Paul faction, the Neocons, or the squishy middle, so I don't think that it is an effective example to use by any side when making their case.

Connecticut might have been winnable if there had been a candidate rather than a talking checkbook.
Oh how quickly the tide can turn. Just a year ago the Republican party was dead and people were writing their obituary, today the are back in the game. Beware: it can go as quickly as it came.

If the economy continues to stagnate and things get worse, which I foresee happening, the voters can kick the newbies out in 2 years and put someone else in. There is time, a small window, here for a third party (Real third party) to arise. Maybe a centrist party or a leftist party (oh sorry thats the Dems) or a rightist party (Tea Anyone). A real third party is what this country needs. Really all political parties should be abolished but that will never happen. Political parties are the biggest threat to the United States, bigger than terrorism.
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the economy is going to boom and republicans will take too much of the credit.
agree with all but the last. If the entire senate was up for vote instead of 1/3 it would be solidly republican. And you bet your ass the dems shooting rifles through Obama's bills know it.

You can't run on the same platform in all 50 states. The Tea Party tried that and a few seats that would have been easy pickups vanished in the night.

The GOP and Tea Party are on the verge of making the same mistake that the DNC made in 2006 and 2008, namely thinking that winning is an endorsement. In fact, winning is sometimes just a rejection of the loser.

The GOP got a second chance here because the DNC screwed the pooch, much like the DNC got a chance in 2006 when the GOP blew it. Let's see what they do with it.
What we learned:
California is a lost cause.
Massachusetts is close.
Voting for big new spending during a recession is a ticket out of Congress.
Leftist Democrats will sacrifice temporary control of government to get their agenda through, making them even more dangerous than we thought.
agree with all but the last. If the entire senate was up for vote instead of 1/3 it would be solidly republican. And you bet your ass the dems shooting rifles through Obama's bills know it.

I agree that if all Senate seats were up for grabs the GOP would have taken a majority. But they had a chance to take the Senate majority with easy wins in Nevada and Delaware. Reid was dead in the water, Coons was to be a sacrificial lamb to popular Mike Castle. The Tea Party turned both sure victories into defeats.

Maybe O'Donnell would have had a better chance in Delaware if she hadn't insulted the huge Wiccan community residing there.:eusa_whistle:
Many republicans said it was a second chance and a rejection of Obama not an endorsement of republicans.
I believe that as well.
1. "Its the Economy Stupid" still rules

yes it does and?

2. The party in power can push its agenda, but America does not like rapid change

:lol:no, they don't like THIS change, timeliness has zip to do with it.

3. You can't buy an election. Whitman, McMahon and Fiorina spent their massive fortunes to try to buy an election. It didn't work

right, personal fortunes don't work, union dues does. :rolleyes:

4. America still does not like its politicians to come from corporate America (see above)

why yes, the example of 2 from the bluest sate we have proves this....:lol:

5. He who lives by the Tea Party....dies by the Tea Party. The Tea Party helped the GOP take the House, but cost them the Senate. The Tea Party is a powerhouse in conservative states but is a liability in moderate and liberal regions.

when you learn to count and be at least a tiny bit of objective, call me.
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The second chance remarks dont bode well for teh R party.

There is going to be some big infighting in the republican ranks.
The longer Obama remains President and the Democrats push the 'change' campaign, raise taxes and push for America's inclusion in the EU cesspool they will lose power the brutal way. :eusa_whistle:

Raise taxes? When did taxes go up?

Over 300 billion of the stimulus were tax cuts.
Americans are tired of the corruption, the greed, the making up rules as you go, the one party totalitarian state, and the race, class, and economic war that the DUmbAsses have been waging.

President Bush is no longer in power..so that can't be it.:eusa_whistle:
The longer Obama remains President and the Democrats push the 'change' campaign, raise taxes and push for America's inclusion in the EU cesspool they will lose power the brutal way. :eusa_whistle:

Raise taxes? When did taxes go up?

Over 300 billion of the stimulus were tax cuts.

Republicans always do better when the people dont know the truth.

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