What we have learned from the secret Mitt video

The thinkers knew this already.

If the dems can play this up to the lower classes, the election is over now.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTxXUufI3jA]Barack Obama's small town guns and religion comments - YouTube[/ame]
leweman, your video has been trumped by Romney's. Over and done with.
Three Things We Learned From The Secret Romney Video | The New Republic

Very telling.

At least, to those who are still able to think.

for the rw's, the dumb as a hammer, anybody buut Obama crowd, they're beyond learning anything at all.

He is pretty much right. A large percentage of those not paying taxes and dependent on the Government will not vote for Romney. Further what he said is he can not win them to his side so he is not trying to. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just reality.

That you dumb asses think it is somehow bad for him is hilarious.

Obama said a lot of things that should have lost him votes and it did not. The guns and religion thing, the destruction of coal and natural gas and raising the price of gas. But the press, in the bag for him simply did not run with those stories.

By the way? I receive SS disability and VA disability and I sure as hell am voting for him. As will others.

But you all pat yourselves on the back and pretend that mid September has determined the next President.
Three Things We Learned From The Secret Romney Video | The New Republic

Very telling.

At least, to those who are still able to think.

for the rw's, the dumb as a hammer, anybody buut Obama crowd, they're beyond learning anything at all.

He is pretty much right. A large percentage of those not paying taxes and dependent on the Government will not vote for Romney. Further what he said is he can not win them to his side so he is not trying to. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just reality.

That you dumb asses think it is somehow bad for him is hilarious.

Obama said a lot of things that should have lost him votes and it did not. The guns and religion thing, the destruction of coal and natural gas and raising the price of gas. But the press, in the bag for him simply did not run with those stories.

By the way? I receive SS disability and VA disability and I sure as hell am voting for him. As will others.

But you all pat yourselves on the back and pretend that mid September has determined the next President.

No sales, fuel, user, taxes and assessments; or local, state, or federal fees either? Where are the 47% located, the state of Insanity?

Yo! Dingbat, what part of that statement is untrue?

And, what part of that statement has the r NOT used to get you dingy rw's to buy more guns and bibles?

And, EXACTLY what has Obama done to take your guns and bibles away from you?

Get it now?

Do you GET IT that you fell for this crap, hook, line and sinker?

No, of course you don't GET IT.

HINT: Tomorrow, you dumb twit, YOU need to go out and buy another gun and another bible. LOLOLOL

Yo! Dingbat, what part of that statement is untrue?

And, what part of that statement has the r NOT used to get you dingy rw's to buy more guns and bibles?

And, EXACTLY what has Obama done to take your guns and bibles away from you?

Get it now?

Do you GET IT that you fell for this crap, hook, line and sinker?

No, of course you don't GET IT.

HINT: Tomorrow, you dumb twit, YOU need to go out and buy another gun and another bible. LOLOLOL

Haha you are just ranting now. Must realize what a dumb comment that was for Obama. Romney's statement is fact. Obama is stereotyping people in the mid west.
Obama is running a smear campaign.

Seriously, with all the dirt on Obama that obamabots brushed off as only distractions, this faux outrage is hilarious.

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