What to do about Africa??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.

So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?
We need to compose reliable government chartering systems for developing societies.

Contrary to popular belief the American three-part system cannot be replicated - it is a product of its own adjustments - it is a jalopy system.

The endeavor to write a reliable government charter would also help relieve the immigration problem the United States endures by way of providing the Southern Triangle nations with a good government model.
Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.

So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?
I think we have too many other problems to deal with here in the US to be getting involved in other countries.
I figure 2,000,000 new poor immigrants will be sucking the life and wealth out of this country and sending it back to those countries anyway. Sort of a forced, indirect welfare system for the world. Democrats need their votes....and we're paying for it.
Then we need to deal with the race-riots our corperate media is intentionally causing in Democrat controlled cities, which is causing instability and unrest in the rest of the country. Are we in any kind of shape to be worrying about Africa? Not hardly.
Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.

So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?

China has had some success with soft power investments in Africa. (We used to do that) Other countries like KSA have drilled hundreds of water wells and dozens of clinics in Darfur. They have also invested in agriculture in Sudan..

Several women's group have this buy a goat or teach them to use a sewing machine programs that have been inexpensive to implement, but very successful.
Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.

So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?
Colonize it....oh wait that didn't work. NVM
Africa is a shithole overall. And will be for the next 100 years.

What countries in Africa have you visited?
I took my kids to Animal Kingdom in Disney. Does that count?

Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.

So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?

There is nothing that the West can "do" for Africa.

But Africa cannot be ignored.


Because I have read that in the coming decades, the greatest growth in the world's population will be in Africa.

According to a (liberal) magazine many young African men will be headed for Europe, which -- according to some demographers-- may eventually have an population that is up to 25% sub-Saharan African.
It's a entire continent. Leave it where it is. You go there and fix it if need be. Otherwise, fix your toilet. You know it hasn't been flushing right in ages!
Africa is a shithole overall. And will be for the next 100 years.

What countries in Africa have you visited?
I dont have to visit them to know they are shitholes.

The only places I have ever been in Africa were Tripoli, Cairo and Asmara. I didn't think they were shitholes.
Were you on a guided tour?...I've been to real African shitholes where tour packages don't offer....and guns are in everyone's hand all the time...and barefoot babies play in sewage....put some of those hot spots on your bucket list....
Decades ago, my middle school went on a fund drive for a small struggling African nation. We went door to door for donations, sent blankets, food packs, and money. Since then that country has gone through 2 name changes, and countless regime swaps, as one petty warlord after another took power. The same can be said of many African countries over the last half century. Few of our donations made it to the people they were intended for. Charitable foundations and church groups in the west have donated massive amounts of money and resources, in the last half century with the hopes the countries of Africa can become, productive states, who can govern themselves better than in the past, with poor results. Most of the governments are so corrupt, they barely function, and though the people seem to be hard working, the majority still live below the poverty line.

So, what to do about Africa? Should the west continue to pour resources into this continent year after year, or leave them to deal with their own problems?
Like the old sayings "You can lead a horse to water but yo cannot make him drink, We have tried and there is no change so let them waste away. Not our Circus not our monkeys,

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