What This British Soldier Did When Ambushed And Outnumbered Was Truly Amazing


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Geoffrey Ingersoll

Ambushed, outnumbered, and under fire, the first thing British soldier Cpl. Sean Jones did was fire a rocket at the enemy.

Then he gave the order: "Fix bayonets."

The British Ministry of Defence just released an award citation which describes how Jones led a bayonet charge across 80 meters of open ground in the face of withering enemy fire.
"I asked [the men] if they were happy. They were all quite young lads and the adrenalin was racing. I shouted 'follow me!' and we went for it," said Jones.

Jones said the ambush was "well-planned," and came from three separate points of contact. He fired a rocket at one, and then they charged the two others.

The Taliban did not expect the "aggression and audacity" of the move, and they scattered, fleeing the fight.

From the citation:

“Fighting a determined enemy force, on ground of their own choosing, he epitomized the best qualities of the British infantry – gritty determination, controlled aggression, tactical cunning and complete disregard for his own safety.”

The award is the third highest award for valor.

It takes some balls to rush an armed defensive position with a bayonet. 3rd highest decoration is the Military cross , that comes with a tidy bonus and also a 3rd level gallentry award makes his military pension tax free for life , the bonus is also tax free.

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