What The World's Armies Eat


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I retired before MREs came around although I did buy one once at the commissary. This picture doesn't exactly make them look yummy:


This from France seem a bit more appetizing:


See the rest @ Military Rations - Business Insider
(An update?)

Military Rations Around the World

I think there was a similar story on this some time ago. This seems more up to date.



(Missing the mandatory bottle of Tabasco)



(Seems to have a tiny one there)

All the rest are @ What the world's armies eat
C rations were no bargain either. The canned cookies had the word "mother" on each cookie but they didn't taste like mother's cookies. They tasted like canned cookies. The cocoa powder was impossible to dissolve unless you gradually added water to turn it into a paste. Don't get me started on "beef and peas with gravy". There was nothing more unappetizing than opening a can of mystery meat with a green slime on top. The can opener supplied with each meal was pure genius. I am left handed but quickly learned to operate the tiny thing with my right hand. It was that or starve.
I got to eat a few MRE's before getting out and it wasn't very tasteful, and neither was the C rations...So I didn't eat much.....Just like basic, horrendously nasty....
I liked the MREs.............some of them at least........the breakfast ones kind of sucked..............

Of course I didn't have to eat them as a matter of necessity...........We'd have some when we couldn't get through the long lines to eat and had to go on watch...........
When I was in, we had two types of meals for flights. One was a Boxed Lunch for shorter flights. We also had K-Rats. I once got a K-rat dated 1943 in the 70s.

Boxed lunches usually had two sandwiches, a juice box, candy bar, crackers and a few other tidbits.

Now, we get to the K-rats.


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