What the Press Still Doesn’t Get About Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
He’s not unprecedented. He’s not going to change. And 11 other lessons the media still haven’t learned about the president.

And Leftists/Progressives understand him even less. They are blinded by their anger at Shrillary losing, ignoring just what a bad campaign she ran. Trying to win over New York City, Philly, Chi Town, ‘Frisco, and Smogville was not enough.

1. We forget what has always driven Trump.

2. Trump. Won’t. Change.

3. We still trust the polls too much. (And clearly so does the president)

4. ‘Trump is crazy’ has become a cliché.

5. We’re not only stuck in bubbles—social media is making them worse.

6. We’re still ignoring the people who elected Trump.

7. We’re falling for the ‘Trump exceptionalism’ trap.

8. We should take Trump’s tweets more seriously.

9. The media’s priorities are all wrong.

10. We haven’t nailed the biggest story.

11. The press is still biased against Trump.

12. Trump’s success depends just as much on what happens outside Washington.

13. Most people don’t care about Trump’s lies. (At least what the left considers to be lies)

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