What some establishment GOP erroneously believe...because they believe the MSM!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Speaking on a panel of other GOP lawmakers leaving Congress, Ros-Lehtinen noted that “few women” are running for office as Republicans.
“Far greater numbers of women are identifying themselves as being in the Democratic party,” she said
The panel also included Reps. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.) and Ed Royce (R-Calif.), in addition to Sen. Jeff Flake(R-Ariz.). All four lawmakers will retire at the end of their current term.

All four expressed concerns with partisanship in the current Congress.

Ros-Lehtinen said she does not see the GOP adopting policies that attract minorities, millennials, or women.

Flake, who has been vocal in criticizing President Trump the last year, said he believes the GOP has changed as a party since he took office.
Outgoing GOP rep: Republican Party 'heading into trouble' in election

Well guess what swamp GOP members.... millions of us know what President Trump know and that is the biased MSM continually skews polls, articles, headlines favoring communists/liberals/progressive and yes Democrats!
Millions of us know that President Trump is NOT "ANTI-IMMIGRANT" as the MSM and evidently some of you grossly uninformed swamp GOP members don't realize!
This is a such a perfect example.
I just did a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
A) Do you ignorant GOP swamp members KNOW that:
Trump is married to an immigrant?
Do you ignorant GOP swamp dwellers know that 40+ million like me are either
"Legal immigrants" or have a "legal immigrant relative"... so why would we be

But 38,400 results like the NYT.."Trump's anti-immigrant racism!"
just are beyond belief that anyone especially you dumb ass ignorant SWAMP dwelling GOP believe that!

Folks the truth is these GOP members HAVE to go! And there are millions of people like me, Trump et.al. that KNOW the biased MSM has attempted to sway voters.
Well you dumb ass ignorant Swamp dwelling GOPers and many of you on this board like Jeff Flake
are so uninformed! That's why anything the NYT's et.al. i.e. MSM puts out ... biased FAKE news!
The below headlines are perfect examples of "FAKE NEWS"!

Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 6.47.21 PM.png
I don't think it's very difficult to see why women would shy away from the republican party.
So, because Trump married an immigrant he cannot be anti-immigrant? that is the logic the OP wants to go with?

Does the fact he cheats on the immigrant he married on regular basis make him anti-immigrant?
Trump supports immigrants as long as they are former prostitutes
Are we to believe that trump is pro-immigrant because he got a woody over an eastern european woman?

Did he also chain migration over the whole family too?
Trump supports immigrants as long as they are former prostitutes
I support immigrants/Refugees as long as they live in the shadows for 12 to 15 years or more.
Paying their dues conditionally
A lot of women are republicans. But they don’t run for office because that’s not a woman’s place.
I see you only like women who run for public office that agree with you, typical of a socialist
I like immigrants that come here legally, through the proper channels.
I like immigrants that come here legally, through the proper channels.

And so does President Trump, me and 40 million like me that are either legal immigrants or have legal immigrants as relatives.
But the MSM and many idiots don't seem to understand that simple adjective "illegal"!
Why should my legal immigrant relative like the other 40 million legal immigrants and relatives be called "anti-immigrant" or "racist" simply because we respect what
legal immigrants have to go through! It's not an easy process. Yet all you idiots calling us "anti-immigrant" want to reward people who came illegally. That is so wrong.
Talk about being "fair"! The MSM once again doesn't care. It promotes violence..(encouraging more youths to violence), it promotes groups that promote violence "Antifa" Black lives matter...and all the while legal immigrants, law abiding people are called "deplorable". We deplorable, law abiding, legal citizens are truly amazed at how dumb the MSM think most people are by continually pushing these really destructive agenda items! Is there no wonder the confidence in the MSM is at less then 27% of Americans believing the MSM!

Gallup Blog ...JANUARY 29, 2018
A recent Knight Foundation/Gallup report on Americans' perceptions of the media and its role in democracy contains many alarming findings for those who work in the media, and for Americans concerned about the relationship between a free press and the public.
For example, Americans are much more likely to say the media supports our democracy "very poorly" or "poorly" (43%) as to say it supports democracy "very well" or "well" (28%).
Less than half of Americans (44%) say they can name an objective news source. And only 27% feel very confident in their ability to distinguish factual news from opinion.
Both Sides of the Aisle Agree: The Media Is a Problem g_source=link_NEWSV9&g_medium=TOPIC&g_campaign=item_&g_content=Both%2520Sides%2520of%2520the%2520Aisle%2520Agree%3a%2520The%2520Media%2520Is%2520a%2520Problem

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