What Series Are You Watching?

Kind of got hooked on "The Boys" on Amazon, it alternates between hilarity and stupidity, with many unexpected twists and turns in between every episode. The only superhero series I've ever watched in my life, solely because of the extreme cynicism and depravity of the superheroes.
Believe it or not, we are watching the 1960s series "The Six Wives of Henry VIII" and it's wonderful. Not perhaps very cheery, since all but the last were divorced or killed by this serial killer Henry VIII, but quite profound.

We got it free from Amazon Prime. Six longish segments, one per wife.
Believe it or not, we are watching the 1960s series "The Six Wives of Henry VIII" and it's wonderful. Not perhaps very cheery, since all but the last were divorced or killed by this serial killer Henry VIII, but quite profound.

We got it free from Amazon Prime. Six longish segments, one per wife.

Followed The Walking Dead from the beginning.

Caught up on Netflix.

Now it seems the show has succumbed to wokeness and identity politics.

It got really bad. I left off maybe half way through season nine. I will have to just push through if I watch it to the end.

I especially should've saw it coming when they made past middle-aged Carol into a Mary Sue.
It got really bad. I left off maybe half way through season nine. I will have to just push through if I watch it to the end.

I especially should've saw it coming when they made past middle-aged Carol into a Mary Sue.
By the older standards of TV with the drop in ratings that has been great, the series would have been cancelled. In that kind of a world it would be brutality. Many woke type of individuals thriving in this western world would be dead in that one. The show was affected by viewers also. When Negan bashed the skulls in with the bat there was an up swell of negativity by some viewers. Well what would you expect? The series declined from there and was struggling a bit for awhile before it.
By the older standards of TV with the drop in ratings that has been great, the series would have been cancelled. In that kind of a world it would be brutality. Many woke type of individuals thriving in this western world would be dead in that one. The show was affected by viewers also. When Negan bashed the skulls in with the bat there was an up swell of negativity by some viewers. Well what would you expect? The series declined from there and was struggling a bit for awhile before it.

That series deeply explored human behaviour during a pandemic.

How low could we go? For instance, the cannibal factory at the Terminus.

It put me in mind of European nihilistic cinema. The Austrian director Michael Haneke, for example.
It was very well done.

I’m just getting into Blacklist.
I liked it an watched multiple seasons. I stopped during an episode when Reddington decided to murder the CEO of a gun mfg company. The reason is because some thug who robbed a gas station and murdered the cashier used one of those guns. The entire show has people running around and killing people using guns and all of a sudden a CEO is evil lol. Pathetic.
That series deeply explored human behaviour during a pandemic.

How low could we go? For instance, the cannibal factory at the Terminus.

It put me in mind of European nihilistic cinema. The Austrian director Michael Haneke, for example.
That show drags out arcs at times. Character development of people who may not be around the next week. Episodes can be boring. The episode where the group fought back and destroyed Terminus was one of the best as it was action packed. And the segment where the Terminus woman who was on ST TNG told Carol they were good people but got screwed over and then they were jaded, actually got a little sympathy, but damn. Eating humans with no problem about doing it. Even if there may be food to be found or to grow and create.
That show drags out arcs at times. Character development of people who may not be around the next week. Episodes can be boring. The episode where the group fought back and destroyed Terminus was one of the best as it was action packed. And the segment where the Terminus woman who was on ST TNG told Carol they were good people but got screwed over and then they were jaded, actually got a little sympathy, but damn. Eating humans with no problem about doing it. Even if there may be food to be found or to grow and create.

I get what you mean. I thought Alpha was dragged out. Even when her head was impaled on a spike.

But I thought the show raised some thoughtful and challenging moral dilemmas.

For example, how would we behave after six days, if the power went out?

No phones, laptops, heating, AC, TV, and all the rest of it.
I started "The Glitch" on Netflix a few nights ago. It features a plot-line that is springing up all over the place "recently" (dead people coming back). A small group of dead people in a cemetery in a very small town in Australia claw their way out of the ground, perfectly healthy. Some died recently, and some more than a hundred years ago. They gradually remember who they are, and eventually how they died. There is some "magic" in the town itself; if they try to leave, they disintegrate and re-die. You watch the series in the hope that eventually you will figure out why these particular people were chosen to be brought back.

I truly hope it is a limited-run mini-series. I find it very irritating when the writers just keep stretching it out with more and more improbable events and acts.

So far, I'm enjoying it (after three episodes). A bit of eye candy.
By the older standards of TV with the drop in ratings that has been great, the series would have been cancelled. In that kind of a world it would be brutality. Many woke type of individuals thriving in this western world would be dead in that one. The show was affected by viewers also. When Negan bashed the skulls in with the bat there was an up swell of negativity by some viewers. Well what would you expect? The series declined from there and was struggling a bit for awhile before it.

I doubt there was viewer pushback on brutality. That's why people tuned in in the first place.

Remember that Hollywood lies all the time about anything and everything. The producers were given their marching orders by execs to get woke. If they didn't comply, they know it's a cancellation.
Haven't had time to latch onto a new series of late. Been rewatching some Scrubs when I'm calming down at night. Always great if you haven't watched it long enough.

Been catching Season 5 of Rick And Morty On Demand too. Nothing much added to the series arc this season, and a couple episodes they're phoning it in or screwing around it seems like too. But some have been worth a second watch and others like the Thanksgiving episode not so much. Honestly, I think an episode like that gets made for holiday syndication rather than because it's a good idea (which it wasn't).

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