What Obama SHOULD do to save Japan!!! He could, but he won't.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Here is the simple, consistently-left wing ideal that Obama should adhere to regarding Japan, but won't:

Just send over as many ships, planes as possible to Japan. Big ones. C-17's, massive naval ships. Heck, even contract out massive cruise ships if necessary.

Send them all to Japan. And take up 2-3 million Japanese who want to come to America.

Japan has turned into a nightmare of a country. Their economy will collapse. Disease. Crime. No jobs. Desperation.

And Japan can offer us millions of skilled, hard working people........just looking for a better life.

So why not bring them here? President Obama? Lefties? Shouldn't we just bring these desperate millions of people here if they would like to come?
This doesn't make any sense. You're saying the "left wing" thing to do would be such and such, then saying he won't do it. So what's your complaint?
You're all wrong. Because the left wing is fanatical about keeping the border wide open to allow millions of unskilled illegal aliens come here, becuase they say it's humane, and because those people are just fleeing a horrible country, where there are no jobs, crime, disease, despare, etc, etc, etc.

So, the only consistent thing for left wingers to declare for Japan's now homeless, hungry, desperate millions is "Bring 'em here!!! We have room for them and jobs for them!!"

But you all aren't. Why? Are you racist against Japs?
You're all wrong. Because the left wing is fanatical about keeping the border wide open to allow millions of unskilled illegal aliens come here, becuase they say it's humane, and because those people are just fleeing a horrible country, where there are no jobs, crime, disease, despare, etc, etc, etc.

So, the only consistent thing for left wingers to declare for Japan's now homeless, hungry, desperate millions is "Bring 'em here!!! We have room for them and jobs for them!!"

But you all aren't. Why? Are you racist against Japs?

Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..
I have to say, I thought his point was glaringly obvious.

In fact, I started to respond to say "I thought you were a real idiot until I saw where you were going."

Someone will come in any minute and say "yeah, we should." Can't wait to hear the logistics on that one.
My complaint is the left is so inconsistent. If one population of homeless, hungry desperate people are OK to come to America to seek jobs and safety, why can't we offer the millions of now desperate Japs the same opportunity? Does Obama hate Japanese people or something? We have ships and planes to bring them. Why not even offer?
You're all wrong. Because the left wing is fanatical about keeping the border wide open to allow millions of unskilled illegal aliens come here, becuase they say it's humane, and because those people are just fleeing a horrible country, where there are no jobs, crime, disease, despare, etc, etc, etc.

So, the only consistent thing for left wingers to declare for Japan's now homeless, hungry, desperate millions is "Bring 'em here!!! We have room for them and jobs for them!!"

But you all aren't. Why? Are you racist against Japs?

Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..

Yea, I know I did. "Japs" was an insult to Japanese people during WW2. I'm using it in honor of Obama's hatred of Japanese people, since he obviously isn't offering them the same refuge that he is for Mexicans.

I bet the majority of Japanese people "WERE" happy where they were. Now? Hmmm. Southern California is a lot nicer than Northern Japan right about now. Shouldn't we offer?

After all, the left says we have plenty of room for immigrants. And these are highly skilled, hard working Japs. Why not?
I have to say, I thought his point was glaringly obvious.

In fact, I started to respond to say "I thought you were a real idiot until I saw where you were going."

Someone will come in any minute and say "yeah, we should." Can't wait to hear the logistics on that one.

Well, a left wing open border freak MUST find a way to say "yeah we should" to be consistent. They preach that we have enough room and resources for all immigrants.

I bet we could find 1,000,000 Japanese right now that would be willing to board ships and planes and come to the USA "Just to find a better life".

Why won't Obama make the offer?
You're all wrong. Because the left wing is fanatical about keeping the border wide open to allow millions of unskilled illegal aliens come here, becuase they say it's humane, and because those people are just fleeing a horrible country, where there are no jobs, crime, disease, despare, etc, etc, etc.

So, the only consistent thing for left wingers to declare for Japan's now homeless, hungry, desperate millions is "Bring 'em here!!! We have room for them and jobs for them!!"

But you all aren't. Why? Are you racist against Japs?

Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..

Yea, I know I did. "Japs" was an insult to Japanese people during WW2. I'm using it in honor of Obama's hatred of Japanese people, since he obviously isn't offering them the same refuge that he is for Mexicans.

I bet the majority of Japanese people "WERE" happy where they were. Now? Hmmm. Southern California is a lot nicer than Northern Japan right about now. Shouldn't we offer?

After all, the left says we have plenty of room for immigrants. And these are highly skilled, hard working Japs. Why not?

President Obama is doing the right thing by giving them aid to help with their problems. The Japanese are a fierce and proud people..and fiercely patriotic. Once they get over the shock..they will be working double time to make things right.
You're all wrong. Because the left wing is fanatical about keeping the border wide open to allow millions of unskilled illegal aliens come here, becuase they say it's humane, and because those people are just fleeing a horrible country, where there are no jobs, crime, disease, despare, etc, etc, etc.

So, the only consistent thing for left wingers to declare for Japan's now homeless, hungry, desperate millions is "Bring 'em here!!! We have room for them and jobs for them!!"

But you all aren't. Why? Are you racist against Japs?

Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..

Yea, I know I did. "Japs" was an insult to Japanese people during WW2. I'm using it in honor of Obama's hatred of Japanese people, since he obviously isn't offering them the same refuge that he is for Mexicans.

I can't be the only one seeing this. Obama made him racism :lol:
Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..

Yea, I know I did. "Japs" was an insult to Japanese people during WW2. I'm using it in honor of Obama's hatred of Japanese people, since he obviously isn't offering them the same refuge that he is for Mexicans.

I bet the majority of Japanese people "WERE" happy where they were. Now? Hmmm. Southern California is a lot nicer than Northern Japan right about now. Shouldn't we offer?

After all, the left says we have plenty of room for immigrants. And these are highly skilled, hard working Japs. Why not?

President Obama is doing the right thing by giving them aid to help with their problems. The Japanese are a fierce and proud people..and fiercely patriotic. Once they get over the shock..they will be working double time to make things right.

Mexicans are patriotic. They wave their Mexican flags on our soil every day.

Are you saying Mexicans aren't fierce and/or proud?

Are you saying Japanese people are better or less deserving than Mexicans?

If Mexicans are also patriotic, fierce and proud, then why not seal our border, but park an aircraft carrier off the coast of Cancun to provide aid while the Mexicans "work double time to make things right"?

Bottom line is, if you believe in allowing illegal immigration here, then Obama should offer refuge to any Japanese citizens who want to come here amidst this catastrophe.

So which is it? Are Japs more capable than Mexicans? Or does Obama just hate Japs?
Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..

Yea, I know I did. "Japs" was an insult to Japanese people during WW2. I'm using it in honor of Obama's hatred of Japanese people, since he obviously isn't offering them the same refuge that he is for Mexicans.

I can't be the only one seeing this. Obama made him racism :lol:

You mean made me "racist" not "racism".

And I apologize. I suppose I'm just "a typical white person" right?
I have to say, I thought his point was glaringly obvious.

In fact, I started to respond to say "I thought you were a real idiot until I saw where you were going."

Someone will come in any minute and say "yeah, we should." Can't wait to hear the logistics on that one.

Well, a left wing open border freak MUST find a way to say "yeah we should" to be consistent. They preach that we have enough room and resources for all immigrants.

I bet we could find 1,000,000 Japanese right now that would be willing to board ships and planes and come to the USA "Just to find a better life".

Why won't Obama make the offer?

Obama's busy..


Keeping busy, Mr President? Obama heads out for his 60th game of golf since reaching the White House¿ as he also takes up brewing his own beer | Mail Online
Honestly, I can't see how no one picked up on this obvious parrallel between Japanese refugees and Mexican refugees right now.

So, left wingers, would you support bringing 3-5 million Japanese refugees who are hungry, homeless and only looking for a job to America now?
Yea, I know I did. "Japs" was an insult to Japanese people during WW2. I'm using it in honor of Obama's hatred of Japanese people, since he obviously isn't offering them the same refuge that he is for Mexicans.

I can't be the only one seeing this. Obama made him racism :lol:

You mean made me "racist" not "racism".

And I apologize. I suppose I'm just "a typical white person" right?

Wait, then in the very next post (post #10) you say
I bet we could find 1,000,000 Japanese right now that would be willing to board ships and planes and come to the USA "Just to find a better life".

So, were you really "doing it to honor Obama" or you just stopped after being called on your racism?
I can't be the only one seeing this. Obama made him racism :lol:

You mean made me "racist" not "racism".

And I apologize. I suppose I'm just "a typical white person" right?

Wait, then in the very next post (post #10) you say
I bet we could find 1,000,000 Japanese right now that would be willing to board ships and planes and come to the USA "Just to find a better life".

So, were you really "doing it to honor Obama" or you just stopped after being called on your racism?

I'm not sure which one I'm doing.

But what I am sure of........is that you are trying very hard to avoid answering this topic honestly.

If our country is good enough to open the gates to one mass of poor, homeless, hungry people "only looking for a better life" then why are we too good to allow another group?

Our military and civilian air and naval power have enough capability that we could easily bring the first million Japs over here that wanna flee the desperation and seek a better life. Northern Japan vs anywhere USA right now is an easy choice.

So why isn't Obama and Sec of State Clinton offering this chance? Why isn't the left in an outrage, calling for Obama to bring these poor people HERE where we have plenty of room and resources for countless immigrants????
You're all wrong. Because the left wing is fanatical about keeping the border wide open to allow millions of unskilled illegal aliens come here, becuase they say it's humane, and because those people are just fleeing a horrible country, where there are no jobs, crime, disease, despare, etc, etc, etc.

So, the only consistent thing for left wingers to declare for Japan's now homeless, hungry, desperate millions is "Bring 'em here!!! We have room for them and jobs for them!!"

But you all aren't. Why? Are you racist against Japs?

Hilarious. Using a racial epithet while asking someone if is racist against that group. That takes the cake.

And you'd probably find that a majority of Japanese are happy where they are..

Question? Why is the word "Japs" a racial slur? Jap is just short for Japanese. Hell, Im a Texan, I dont mind if people call me "Tex", nor would it be racist.
I swear, you liberals and your political correct nonsense is getting WAY OUT THERE.
Oh, and techincally, disliking or insulting a Japanese person by using "Jap" wouldn't be racist, as "Japanese" would be the term for a nation, not a skin color. If a white person was borned and raised in Japan, I'd still call him a "Jap", thus, it's bias against a nationality, not a race. So get your accusations against me right please.

Now.....back to the topic...why aren't we offering all of them refuge here?

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